I swear the users of r/menslib must have a humiliation fetish

148  2019-09-03 by Ghdust2


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. I swear the users of r/menslib must... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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god i doubt i have healthy testosterone levels for a 23 year old but god damn i'm no where near these levels of pathetic

we need an extinction, lets the cockroaches evolve into something better maybe

i think you should exercise shutting up and listening to others' experiences a bit more. you're being rather toxic with your language use.


  • Cockroaches, do better ya'll*

Based and redditpilled.

That was some sad as fuck reading.

On many, many levels.

People recommend this sub to men btw i hope one day all of the users there either realize that sub is trash or transition and give their balls to a ftm


The only thing worse than those posts are the people who paid money to gild them

I have to remember that I am only speaking from my perspective and experiences. I don't get to tell somebody else how the world is, because their experiences are just as valid as mine.

It's very brave for a male feminist to admit that a neo-nazi's views are just as true as his own.

How can you write up all of that shit while knowing you'll be right back to policing other people's experiences and perspectives as soon as you end this essay?

because that's how they've been told that they'll get their mythical crumb of pussy

Holy fuck that is depressing. I pray the west falls to sharia, because if this is what the secular west does to men it is over.


We are just 160 years removed from these types not being able to cut it and starving to death or not surviving allergy season.


I was under the impression that the menslib movement was like mgtow/redpill stuff

This looks like self mutilation

Get over it boys, you ain't need to get all self hating to show you care about other folks.

This is the other side of the men's rights coin the side of male feminist who hate themselves for being male

r/Menslib is basically bizzaro world r/MensRights

That's a lot of words to say "I'm so socially retarded that I have to pretend to be a feminist in order to get close enough to respect a woman"

but they will never get the respect that they crave

They don’t deserve it. Even hardcore feminists still like men that are real mean, they just feel a little guilty for it.


feeling guilt


Big if true

Hitler said that the West would benefit more from Islam's warrior ethic than from Christianity's martyr mentality. The same martyr mentality which has been carried over into modern liberalism.

All I'm saying is that Allah is the one true God, and Hitler is His prophet.

The fetishization of victimhood and and the continual desire of elitists to pump their own ego no matter the cost is what has lead to elistist mayos doing this.

The /r/menslib cucks aren’t even that though. They’re unconfident, desperate males who will say and do anything to get into a woman’s pants, which is is why so many turn out to be creepy rapists.

this sound like satire

Thank god those guys are never getting laid. Imagine how fucked up their kids would be.

Remember they are male feminists so they will probably still insert themselves into someone at some point.

Most male feminists are nice guys™ in disguise. I think lots of women are in on this now.

Well they might still raise someone’s kids but they won’t be biologically theirs

However, most times I've seen the phrase come up is when someone is taking their own life experiences and situation, and (usually not consciously) applying that to everyone.

taking their own life experiences

taking their own life

Menslib users would have the right idea if they'd just read between the lines.

God I hope there's not going to be another war, cause our side's gonna get eviscerated.

What a disgusting subreddit. If this doesn't make you cringe or sick, you just might be a male feminist.

Menslib: “Hey guys lets have a sub where we can discuss men’s issues without the bitterness you see in r/mensrights”

Also menslib “seeing that it’s a day that ends in Y lets discuss how other groups have it harder than we do”

So from what I gather , incels who are white knights post on incel tears, and those dudes who get fucked in poly relationships post on menslib