29 year old incel-weeb spends $200,000 of his family's money on a Slavic Cyberthot. After brief stint in rehab, the degenerate kills his whole family after Poppa y'all can't behaves him out of the house. Goobergate claims three more victims.

58  2019-09-03 by hungarianmeatslammer


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. 29 year old incel-weeb spends $200,... - archive.org, archive.today

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Jim Can't Swim is unironically the best channel on Youtube. Well worth watching the whole thing. He has shorter episodes on their as well.

Good channel so far, but the red flags for this guy are never ending.



j a p a n e s e c a r t o o n s

Bigga looks like a junkie

I've been watching these videos for days now. Really enjoying the break down of interrogator techniques.

Jesus Christ.

Gamers and Weebs are unironically more of a threat to the average american than Islamic terrorists.

I'm not sure what WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with anime

Albert Einstein

Who ever made this video is a retard for trying to paint this incel as a victim and demonize the cam thot

That's a pretty smoothbrained take. Maybe you don't understand subtly that extends beyond that of a YA Novel, but contextualizing the morally ambiguous characters within a crime isn't an attempt at making a man who killed his own family-who loved him more than most-for no actual reason, into a victim in any sort of larger context. Acknowledging that this man is part of a degenerate societal trend and whose abhorrent behavior was partially fed into by a bad actor incredibly disconnected from the situation is not an attempt to "Paint this incel as a victim and demonize the cam thot," the cam thot, who is even mentioned to be under the impression that our killer was incredibly wealthy. Two people can be wrong, and one can be an evil stain that wiped out his loving family for no reason, and the other can be a cam thot who thought she was separating a rich idiot from his money.

Dude describes her like she was some master manipulator. He paints the weeb killer likr he had no chance once he was under her influence of this eastern european rent-a-bride when in reality she was just a titty streamer who would say what ever is necessary to get you to shell out more $. If you fall victim to that its not because she is some puppet master, its because you're a fucking retard. The funniest part was at the end when the soft skull narrating chastised the tiddy streamer for not donating any money to the gofundme for the dead family members. LOL

I'm not sure how you come away from that video with anything other than pure fucking disdain for that waste of space piece of shit. Did we watch a different segment?

No I feel like that, I also felt like the narrator was trying to place unnecessary blame on a cam thot

I see what you mean. I mean honestly if I was her, living in bulgaria, after all that shit happened, I would probably want to just disappear too.

We get it, you love whores.

You got it wrong playboy. I might trick on a ho but I'd never misconstrue and transactional affair with love. I can tell you're over there harboring some deep seeded feelings but trust me, it's not the ho's fault, it's yours

Defending giving ho's money

Found the retard

He isn't defending giving 💵 to hoes, he is defending taking 💵 from futureless incels.

giving a camwhore money

Yikes sweaty be better

Maybe you could pull your head out of the ass and realize the weeb is a retard and a monster, and the dumb ho is a dumb ho, that ultimately made $200K out of this situation, of which she was, albeit incidentally, a huge factor in.

I get it, you hate whores, no need to kill your family though

Okay retard

Seriously, don't kill them, you'll make them suffer more by existing.

If you waste 200,000 bucks on something and murder your family then it isn't just a single factor that sent you on that path.

That's my point.

the dumb ho is a dumb ho, that ultimately made $200K out of this situation

making 200k off an incel doesnt sound dumb to me

ive said it before and i'll say it again, foids are 99% worthless but i have huge respect for the way they trample on pathetic incels and manlets

This guy deserved what happened

But I kinda hate cam thots too idk lol

It's the thing - her action directly killed this guy and his family as well as wasting the romantic lives of many other neets

But is it worth letting thots keep going so those people are rid from society and so that we can observe and resist it? Idk

Bring back bullying

Sam biddle was right.

Well this was depressing.

I'm confused as to how exactly he was able to spend anywhere close to that amount of money without triggering huge, immediate alarm bells. The pattern of spending is highly unusual, and in those amounts would usually lead to some kind of call or freeze while the bank got in contact with the account owners.

Also taking out a loan on the house? That would require some lying to the bank about actually owning the house, which wouldn't be supported by any kind of official records. Its not exactly an easy scheme, and I wonder if the camgirl suggested any of it.

I think either the video misrepresents how much money the family had. The father was a pharmacist and the brothers were specialty nurses so I could see them having a bunch of money. That, or the whole family was a bunch of morons who failed personal finance 101 and deserved their fate.

Also taking out a loan on the house? That would require some lying to the bank about actually owning the house, which wouldn't be supported by any kind of official records. Its not exactly an easy scheme, and I wonder if the camgirl suggested any of it.

Could be just making use of an existing line of credit though.

I'm not watching a nearly 2 hour video. Can we get a tldw?

The whole "good stuff release dopamine which makes person do thing again but porn does it TOO" is neither true (as a neurotransmitter it does hundred of things) nor useful (the problem with porn wouldn't even be le dopeymean but that it imitates visual form of sex and that people intentionally misunderstand such as pleasure). Pop science is gay