Adult Swim angers Twitter

454  2019-09-03 by Nom_Chompy


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Adult Swim angers Twitter -,

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lmao at the trannies mad about those ""dresses""

How the fuck are these people so fragile that they can even leave their house without killing themselves? Oh right

Oh right.

40% correct, one might say.

The one thing that amazes me in those woke cunts is how they're ridiculously belligerent and always on the warpath while being sad as hell. You know, you could go and point to them that they'd be miles happier if they simply stopped freaking out whenever someone, somewhere makes a heavier joke, but they'd probably go full crazy on you for saying that.

Anyways, those people put their ridiculous activism above literally everything else, even friends and family (no joke, I have a woketard cousin and she literally said she'd call the police on her FAMILY because of some boomer jokes they posted on a group, not even offensive ones. I literally called her and told her that, if she betrayed our family like that for something that stupid, I'd cease to consider her as family - mind you, she's not even a distant cousin - and go out of my way to ensure that others in the family follow suit. That calmed her down.) for some brownie points with other random woke assholes who'd throw them under the bus the moment it'd be benefitial for them in exchange for some more brownie points, as seen in, well, a huge fucking exhibit.

Lmao what? What did she say to the police that they even showed up?

I don't think cops show up when you report a hate post

No, but it could've been that she said they threatened her physical safety

Yet, they're doing that now in Bongistan

Unless you're one of those heathen Britbongs.

The one thing that amazes me in those woke cunts is how they're ridiculously belligerent and always on the warpath while being sad as hell. You know, you could go and point to them that they'd be miles happier if they simply stopped freaking out whenever someone, somewhere makes a heavier joke, but they'd probably go full crazy on you for saying that.

Uncle Ted called exactly that phenomenon "oversocialization", and I'm coming to see it as one of those things he was partially, but hitting the nail on the head in that partial area, correct.

People making jokes is literally murder so they have to kill themselves.

Lmao they didn't even care about the comic besmirching journalism, they all showed up in the replies with transflag and furry avatars and complained that someone drew a man in a dress

Looked at the comic, thought "oh god now it's gonna be about FAKE NEWS and Russia".

Nope, just a lot of QQ about men in dresses (but pigtails somehow aren't being complained about?) which as first glance I didn't even notice they were dresses tbh.

Nope, just a lot of QQ about men in dresses

these people would hate New Orleans. The last time I was there, within the first 5 minutes I was on Bourbon St I saw four fat black women beating the shit out of a bearded man in a tutu with their belts and bags

If only the Romans had won, we'd all be wearing skirts and they'd have nothing to cry about.

based and patricianpilled

can you imagine being a Roman senator? shit would be dank.

The libertarians and male feminists sure would have loved it with all that pederastery going on.

good thing people with power don't do that these days 🙄

Sit Imperii Romani in æternum vive!

Now this is New Orleans culture


they aren't, they're those gay medieval peasant garb

Yeah the character, as some a little less angry twittertards noticed, is recurring in many of the artist's comics, sometimes fairly masculine, other times more feminine like here, so it probably isn't supposed to be mocking anyone. Of course retards on Twitter can't go through a day without getting mad and making everything about themselves.

With that said the comic is hilariously awful, I get that the artist had his own style but this is even a few tiers below Zyklon Ben.

Chapo check

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Chapo check

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1000 comments of pure master race

oh this is a good fucking bot

So good that it and Snappy should have offspring, SkyNet style.

I, for one, look forward to the rule of our AI overlords.

Bro this ain't the cumtown subreddit.

Every ask reddit thread about clothing is filled with men wishing they could wear dresses. Someone finally draws some dudes in dresses without an establishing post confirming they are beautiful and brave and therefore it's REEEEEE time. I thought the goal was to not have to talk about it.

The goal is to be told how brave and beautiful you are because your entire life you've been given alternating smirks and looks of pity because despite being a white man and having parents who love you, you are utterly incompetent in every way imaginable and will never find someone who loves you for who you are.

Now you're just doing it in a dress.

I thought the goal was to not have to talk about it.

oh, sweetie. didn't you see what happened to Contra over the weekend? Not having to talk about it is privilege!

Furs Mad x24

AS has always tip toed along that line, why are twittartards surprised

Of course they only care that the men are wearing dresses.

I didn't even notice that until I started reading the comments. It had absolutely nothing to do with the joke.



Holy shit Twitterfags need to be cancelled. The biggest collection of brainlet cancer.

Why are there so many furries on twitter?

There really seems to be a surge recently.

The tumblr porn ban

Gotta get em to your Patreon somehow

Also DeviantArt changes probably pissed off the lazier furries.

Seconding this. It forced out the vile younger millenial/zoomer furries that were incubating inside tumblr out into the 'mainstream' fandom like some sort of horrific alien birthing. The drama has been pretty much nonstop since.

Lmao look at the ratio of anime characters, transflags and furry avatars compared to real pics. It’s insane.


Because twitter bans people who mock them I think.

Tfw I got banned for mocking furries. 😔

You fought for a good cause and will not be forgotten.

It's not like you're missing much, but you died a honorable death at least


Really? Why?


Bullying is like the only thing that happens on twitter. Well, that and people flogging their onlyfans accounts

Money is almost always the answer maybe furries advertise a lot on twitter IDK.

Remember the drama about the furry mod cabal on Twatter?

The [[[furries]]] run twitter.

We reproduce in the minds of haters.

Well see once upon a time degenerates with deviant sexual behavior kept quiet due to the fear of repercussions. But now with the increase of people trying to appeal to every demographic and considering that they call anyone who disagrees with them a bully , and bullying is bad, the roaches have come out of the cupboard and into the light. One of the weirdest things to me is the new "don't kinkshame" movement . Deviant sexual behavior is the number 1 thing profilers and psychologists use to diagnose motive and dangerous individuals. But now someone who jacks off with literal shit or fantasized about fucking animals is considered brave and strong for admitting it. Also it might be because of the Twitter logo being a bird and they want to fuck animals Idk..

Also it might be because of the Twitter logo being a bird

Fun fact, furries found out in that Twitter's T&S, one of the rules was "don't anthropomorphize the logo". So they did what they do best and proceeded to produce petabytes of Twitter logo bird porn.

It was a good day.

Best thing to come out of twitter tbh

People have a hard time excepting a middle ground on topics. Like just because you are against stoning degenerates doesn't mean you should promote degeneracy either. But people need to work themselves into a righteous fervor instead of dealing with a complex issue.

Why are there so many furries?

Because animal people are sexy :v

Yeah, if you're an idiot.

Get tae fuck.

Not all of us can be sheep, hun. uvu

Flamingos smell terrible.


I'd imagine it got a pretty big migration after tumblr banned porn

Although they were basically the last to be added to them, safe spaces and kink shaming talk has led to their resurgence. 30 year old boomers will remember hunting down and invading any furry boards with the sole intent of ruining it.


its not like theyre going to socialise irl except for those diaper conventions that keep getting banned

So many animal fuckers in the replies with pronouns in the bio.

they should all be its

Mmmmmm the perfect chance to plug my new sub. Join us at /r/TroidRage



they should bring back MDE for the twitter drama

Bring it back minus Sam Hyde

Everyone mad


From the people who wanted to have Nazi programming.


Jewa vs SS++

If you have a furry Twitter picture unironically neck yourself.

The comments are pure cringe. People lobbing transphobia accusations because it showed the mentally deficient journalists in dresses.


What's up with all the free Chelsea Manning shit? Why do they want to free him?

He refused to testify to a grand jury so he's in contempt. He gets to sit there indefinitely until he complies.

Why the fuck are there so many furries on Twitter? You mayos are really weird.

Tumblr porn ban caused them to spill out into other social media.

classic mayo degeneracy

this just brought the meme number up to 41%

These people are always like “there is a difference between edgy humor and making fun of trans people.”

I see no difference.

Have these people watched an Adult Swim show before?


I wonder what it's like to have literally no ability for extrapolation

Sees character with ape-like proportions in a dress, immediately believes character is trans.

well i mean...

It's a common way of making caricatures of trans people. It's the same way one could see a cartoon character with an abnormally large nose with a money bag and question if it's supposed to be some kind of anti-Semitic drawing.

leave that duck fellow out of this

Personally an adult dressing up as a dog to fuck strangers is pretty reactionary. I mean how much of a threat to the establishment can you be with your dick hanging out of a 6 foot teddy bear costume?

5 foot 4 inch teddy bear costume?


Honestly though, its a pretty meh boomer tier comic. I expect more from Adult Swim.


Wow, transphobic for putting man in skirt, I'm pretty sure man have been wearing skirt for ages, and in the future too, you can see one on the bridge of the Enterprise in the first episode of Star Trek TNG.

Legit question: how did twitter take Tumblr’s place as woke HQ?

this is not a world i want to live in


TBH I do see how a person with legitimately transphobic views could feel affirmed or emboldened by the comic regardless of whether that was the intention at all or not.

It would be a pretty negative thing if that happened so I don't blame anyone for taking some level of issue with the comic.

It wouldn't be pretty negative, it would be nothing of consequence.

Having transphobic people feel more affirmed in their bad beliefs would be a negative thing in the world because that can contribute to informing how they treat trans people or how they vote for policies that affect them.

Ok let's unpack this. I'll go word by word so we see the full context you're ignoring


This sentence you're about to start is a bit complex for the average dramatard who speaks AAVE but is still white. Stop with the ableism.


This propagates the false perception that bigots are afraid of trans people, the correct term is transmisic. Don't legitimize transphobia please.


Those who reject our goddess Trappy deserve nothing but cold steel and a quick end. They are no more people than niggers are.


Hang on a sec - bigots don't feel anything at all. Feelings must be affirmed and lived experiences validated to ensure mental health. As a result that can't apply to bigots, who are wrong and horrid. Don't confuse me please, say "reasoned" from now on, because they're like Ben "faktz euvah feewingz" shapirobergstein and therefore are always incorrect.


Yikes bro cool off a bit. There's no need to take out your bigotry on us - keep it inside and listen more. Using this word has obvious harm to minorities that you clearly intended. Cool it bigot. Geez I'm always the one doing the emotional labor, calling out bigotry, policing the whites, and making spaces for folx. Sometimes it's just too much to take. Go talk to a therapist and read some gender studies texts pleaSE

Pretty sure everyone in there is misinterpreting the comic considering the artist drew this too: Lmao at the mad flurries tho

Well there's a difference between pushing limits and not. "these people are vulnerable let's make jokes about them." Is the opposite of edge. It's actually extremely safe and common. It takes no risks because people do it all the time.

This absolute gem brought to you by a communist, furry-artist, tranny.

Once again, I contend that we need to put a LOT of public funding into studying the comorbidity of these mental illnesses.

Why are so many of those avatars furries

The real hate crime is that they wont bring back metalocalypse

Omg is just satire/humor and the keyboard warrior got so TRIGGERED is like when some do a polish joke and be

But when someone do a minority jobs is.......RACIST AHHHH EXPOSES THEM......THEY NEED TO BE FIRED omfg and if the keyboard warrior do force cartoons network to remove adult swim

Me :🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

And btw i am 1/8 polish

lmao wtf is making them so angry is it just that it has men in dresses

did they not click the artists name and see that all his shit is like this? thats pretty fucking funny

ive never seen so many cringey "yikes" image macros in my life

"The enemy likes this so it must be yikes"

Stings the butthole.

"This one's a big hit with the MAGA hats. That should concern you."

*Software developer


Every fucking time