lmao imagine being american

72  2019-09-03 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Someone is going to shoot the place up just because its a challenge. Shooters are competative, hard core, by nature. They love a challange.

This is basically a real life custom doom wad.

They're basically designing a school like an FPS level. Look at all that cover.

Spree killers will be traveling from all over the country to shoot this place up.

They targeted mass shooters. Mass shooters.

Superintendent looking for excuse to raise property taxes to give himself a 50% raise. News at 11.

He's only making 700k a year managing 1000 kids. He deserves that raise.

What stops the shooter from using the same bulletproof covers to fire at police from?

Yeah, this design is pretty useless

Depends, for example if class room doors are bullet proof, and can be locked via cell phone, and there's cover in the class rooms, it'd likely reduce an overall fatality rate depending on how fast the teachers responded.

The real qeustion is, how practical is it to spend millions of dollars to maybe reduce a death toll by 10?

That does sound more practical than giving bulletproof cover for the shorter in the halls

But then how would students be able to bring guns to protect themselves?


Just shoot all students as they try to enter.

Give the hall monitor a dead man switch that locks every door in the building. Sacrificial lamb.

When you're 64th in mass shootings per capita after counting basketball Americans which increases the flat numbers 6 fold and you don't understand how statistics work so you build an entire school around surviving something that doesn't typically happen to anyone outside the ghetto

"School shootings are such a regular occurrence"

"They happen to less than a percent of all schools"


I've legit had this conversation so many times before.

Burgercel cope


This is even more retarded than the parents who buy their kids a $500 bulletproof backpack. These people are either just looking for something to be afraid of or they're skimming off the top of the construction contracts.

Some kid with a bulletproof backpack is gonna die from it somehow I guarantee it.

They should just rename it a scoliosis backpack lmao

Yes, now they're going to keep track of kids backpacks, next they're going to strip search kids whenever they come to school, now they're going to arrest kids for saying wrongthink on social media. It will happen.


If the issue is really this bad for burgers, wouldn't it make more sense to just arm and train everyone?

No, the majority would end up shooting themselves.

I don't see a downside.

All of our doors district wide will have access control where we can lock all of the doors with the push of a button from a cellphone.

Oh that's going to trigger a lawsuit.

Locking everyone in with the gunman?

I hope he doesn't level up into a suicide bomber.

Libertarian's wet dream

Gonna send this migga to the shadow zone

Wtf is that logic just place a cabinet there and block more view and create storage space

It's just a new map layout for the epic gamers to master. 😎

This is every country btw.

no it's not!

it is, anti-terrorism measures are everywhere. This stuff is more designed to stop organized terrorism.

you're "erasing the third world" or whatever the wokepeople say, schools are not designed like that there

Implying they have schools

Imagine unironically being a foreigner lmao I'd rather be shot to death at a Chili's

I can't understand for the life of me why you are patriotic.

Unsurprising, since all foreigners have subhuman IQ levels.

That's some race realist shit right there.

It's country realism. If you're not american, you're not a person.

The spirit of America spreads like a plague through McDonalds and other corporations. We are all Americans on this cursed day.

We are all Americans on this cursed day.

You wish, foreigner



> Be American > Go to special anti school shooting school > Get shot anyway

The only practical impact of this is that they made a bunch of hiding spots where kids can make out without getting caught by teachers.
