176  2019-09-03 by Wraith_GraveSpell


You're 25. You're not old enough to make a god damn educated decision about Time Cube. If you're dumb, stupid and evil, you can learn from the lessons of Nature rather than accept deadly math:

1- Cubic Time is above 4e math.

2- Time Cube is the same everywhere. Same for

3- Time Cube is Omnificence (no God). Cubic math is proof.

Educated adults of Earth have no choice but to accept the truth of Time Cube.


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DAAMN Time Cube quotes on Bussybot.

True quality choice. We just need TempleOS and ChrisChan up in here.

The world is not yet woke enough for glow in the dark CIA niggers

I don't know wtf this is and I have chosen not to easily educate myself on it.


You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Best thing about this is that special was actually trash but not for the reasons these woke crowd thinks it was.

Now you gone and done triggered the anti woke crowd.


Cope for wut?

Shut the fuck up you contrarian manlet

You must feel so smart for disliking something everyone likes.

who hurt you

Unironically this

I got a few chuckles out of it, but the whole thing wasn't as good as his previous skits. A totally forgettable if it wasn't for the troids meltdown

I actually liked this far more than the Chappelle show. Probably because his old stuff was literally black face SNL. Terrible humor, but you have to chuckle because he's a minority.

Probably cause you are a zoomer that needs to get out.

Yeah this just wasn't very funny. At least not funny by Chappelle's standards.

I would agree it's better than most comedy but low bar

Imagine not liking the best comedian of all time you contrarian twat.

What the fuck are you talking about? I love Norm Macdonald

Dude, did you see the part where he ran around the stage or the part where he pronounced names wrong though?


Dude, if you could chart political divisiveness in this country it would probably correlate with two things; climate change and the rise of the tranny craze.

This is why China is poised to be the next actual global superpower. America’s time is over.

Trannies cause climate change, got it.

If you didn't laugh quite a few times watching this, sorry you live such a sad life.

funniest shit he's done since the show

That's a low bar. He hasn't done much since the show.

This special is definitely a lot of "old man ranting at societal changes", but it's still funny.

While it is that, I'm 31 years old and I felt like he was saying just about everything I've been thinking.

So, either I'm old, or I'm out of touch, OR he's on to something.

99% audience enjoyed it, I think he's on to something if it is down to those 3 options.

99% score

Ahhh, I can see RT’s next move: removing user ratings.

I don't think that website actually cares, y'know?

It's clearly the review people trying to say something, RT posted the accurate user score.

If anything they'd probably remove the critic score lol it's clearly not representative of common taste

I hppe not, because many critics are trying to be on the in crowd instead of giving their genuine critique.

Or at least that is the only way I can assume Black Panther scored so highly.

Wow, I've been giving you the benifit of the doubt thinking you are entering your 20s.

Never figured the 87 stood for something?

How many dicks you sucked 😏


That sounds too low

George Carlin's entire later schtick was that and he's still considered a legend.

I'm not complaining. It's just not groundbreaking like his show was.

George Carlin's quotes get incredibly annoying fast when unfunny people overuse them in unfunny situations. I have no doubts Dave's jokes will be too.

Yes, but it was "successful black family man comedian who told Hollywood to shove it and went to live in Ohio" saying it as opposed to "alt-right Twitter incel dork with anime avatar who posts shit under every interracial couple's picture" guy.

old man ranting at societal change

Which is funny to watch.

He hasn't done much since the show

True but this felt as close to the stuff on the show as he's been over the last few specials. Nothing really fell flat and his energy was good. I laughed at pretty much everything.

You are hella a faggot.

You're a faggot for saying hella.

You said hella too faggot

Jokes on you cause I am a huge faggot

Bussy or gtfo

I thought Equanimity and The Bird Revelation were solis.

His other Netflix ones were really fucking funny. Well except for the one in the nightclub.

17% vs 99% Who will win

Unsurprisingly /r/moviescirclejerk is upset that this movie exists.


Amy Schumers wreck of a special singlehandedly caused Netflix to replace their rating system with a thumbs up thumbs down system.

"How come I can say nigger but not faggot?"

"Because you're not gay."

"Well I'm not a nigger either."

If you didn't laugh at that you need to re-evaluate your life.


Shut up faggot

Shut up nigger


most faggots aren't gay, and most gays aren't faggots.

same with blacks and naggers

All gays are faggots but not all blacks are niggers

Gay is a mispronunciation of the spanish word for faggot?

The proper response to avoid that trap is "would you like it if I said the n-word?"


Got some bad news for him...

To be fair it was a bit of a rehash of his "there's two types of niggers" joke from way back but I laughed out loud anyway.

critics are out of touch???!??

Typically, yes.

The fact that the first Avengers was at one point the #1 movie on imdb proves that ratings are worthless

Like dropping in on a rascally uncle who doesn't know, or doesn't care, how much he's disappointing you.

day of the self righteous cunts get sent to the wall, when?

Bring back bullying. Straight up neeed to corner some of these critics and force them to eat one of my turds.


Eh it was ok. People acting like it’s either the best or worst thing ever. Very few radical centrists. I’m disappointed in you guys tbh.

He's no Norm Macdonald. That guy...


Fuck rotten tomato they just lost all credibility to me. (Kill all mayos before they kill us)


Reverse review bomb from rightist-animals
