ContraPoints: I'm Embarrassed For Dave Chappelle

108  2019-09-03 by WreckingYourHome


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. ContraPoints: I'm Embarrassed For D... -,

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Move out of the way black people, no one cares about you anymore. Trannies are the true marginalized people 😎😎😎


Tariq Nasheed predicted this

Tariq the modern Nostradamus confirmed?

Pretty much. But unironically he predicted his years ago. Lmao.

My god... T-dog right on something? I... think I'm having a stroke. Shit, hell, maybe even Yakub is real nowm

He was ranting about immigrants committing crime today also lmao. He sounded like Glumpf 😂😂😂

Well you probably didn't know that the name 'glormph' comes from Central Africa.

He was ranting about immigrants committing crime today also lmao. He sounded like Glumpf 😂😂😂

Imagine if basketball and fentanyl Americans joined hands to fight the Tacos ?

Tariq has always been correct on the necessity of ass washing.

He was also right about white people in black face committing all the murders in chiraq

It didn't happen, but it should have đŸ˜€

People have been saying this for at least a decade: trannies are the new kings of the oppression Olympics.

Who will be the next king after trannies become old news

Child trannies.

Being a child trannie gets you on Good Morning America just for stripping in a bar. The real victims are the pedos serving time in dangerous prisons with little protection from suicide.


I think they already had their moment.


Wash yo ass

Tariq Nasheed predicted this

I think he unironically did.

He’s been talking about it for years

Tranners came in and just outclassed every other perpetual victim group tbh.

This is why rad fems hate them so much too.

Despite being 0.5% of the population

Mayos in disguise.

Link to prediction?

I’m not going back through his twitter for eight years nigga. Look yourself. He never stops talking about it. He brings up the LGTB agenda like everyday

I'm sure the feeling is mutual

I finally watched the special today and I gotta say, it was pretty damn good. The Chinese part was especially on point, which is why I think it ruffled so many feathers. "What you mean why my face like dat, is how I feel on inside!" Perfectly describes cultrapoints.

Its unironically one of the most important comedic performances of our time and a lot of people are too stupid or culturally unaware to get it. The right is trying to embrace it like he's speaking for them and the left is trying really hard to paint it like it just "wasn't his best work so dont watch it plz I'm not offended its just not good I promise"

Chappelle isn't embracing some right wing agenda or trying to belittle the left. It goes way deeper than that and 10 years from now were gonna look back at this special as something culturally important that came out at exactly the right time.

I can’t wait for this to be quoted in one of the ultra woke subs.

Put me in the screenshot senpai

Keep yourself safe

Kiss your sister

I do

inbred or no bread lads!!

This right here is why I joined the Reich. âœŠđŸ» Preach my brother

It's pretty fucking retarded how everyone sees everything as right vs left.

Use to be everyone made fun of the extreme right and left, now everyone has been pushed one way or the other and they are not allowed to criticize whichever team they are on anymore.

one of the most important comedic performances of our time

More cringe than the cultists that worship Disney shit tbh mfam

Wrong. That comment above was 💯 Gryffindor 💆

Nah Chappelle is edgelording because he s old skool and his style of humour (the type that always needs to be on other pple’s back) is becoming irrelevant.

(the type that always needs to be on other pple’s back) is becoming irrelevant.


So irrelevant that Netflix pays him millions for an hour stand up


Clean comedy isn't funny. I would know, my parents used to watch Christian Comedy specials from no name comedians every fucking sunday. It was awful.

I'm not offended its just not good I promise"

Similar to "no it wasn't a funny joke".

No we aren't you retard.

A. This big dumb society we have will have fully collapsed by then inshallah.

B. Stop placing so much importance on the media you consume, nothing produced by Netflix has lasting impact.

C. The special was good because it was all the best bits Chapelle had always done rehashed for 2019.

Yeah it was pretty good, though his old one with the baby selling crack is still one of my favorite stand-ups from any comedian. I had no idea his wife was Asian either, figured he would've scooped up some African when he disappeared over there for a few years.

It was excellent, especially in today's non-offensive comedy environment. Based black man meme strikes again, so fucking many people forget how homo/transphobic the black community really is until it dickslaps them in the face, and they have to scramble to explain some niggas off-hand jokes.

The bit about him buying a gun was fucking great

That won't kill a man

The baby selling crack was so good that you mentioning it just now made me start laughing.

Shit I misremembered it, the baby is selling weed not crack.

I'm embarrassed for dramatards. I saw so many of you saying that he totally looks like a woman now because he did some operations or something. Now look at this. Most non-HRT crossdressers look better than this.

(don't know what's being said in the video)

This troids going to have a meteoric rise and epic fall all within a few months .

Wasn't she #CANCELLED yesterday?

Yeah he was but it takes a lot to cancel a repressed minority. Look how many still defend yaniv .

Shes going after Dave to prove shes still worthy lmao

The unprepared doubledown is an established technique that never fails.

"The unprepared double down" sounds like a lesbian sex tape lmao

implying trussy can do wrong

I'm flattered you linked my post instead of the drama one



I doubt he thinks about you sweaty

B*acks are the new spawn of the devil

Yakub made both blacks and whites equally evil and corrupt

Only TRANS QUEENS can save us

Based and Nation of... Traps pilled?

Chappelle releases a special showing the left how to laugh at themselves and includes a snippet of wisdom at the end of him saying that the left needs to learn how to communicate without the obsession for political correctness and outrage or else trump is gonna win.

The left learns absolutely nothing and tries to cancel him.

The irony is and will continue to be lost upon them.

the left needs to learn how to communicate without the obsession for political correctness and outrage

This is literally the most offensive thing he could have said.

This might be a valid argument if the GOP didn't get just as outraged over pretty much everything.

You can't ree about "political correctness" after throwing a national tantrum because a guy kneeled at a football game.

The GOP is guilty of everything they accuse the left of, but for some reason autists keep trying to sound intelligent by saying shit like "haha, just stop talking about identity and political correctness" even though the GOP runs on pure idpol and outrage over mundane events.

I have seen more coherent downies

The economic anxiety narrative is peddled mainly by white "progressives" as a self defence mechanism against introspection. Over here in the UK, it's no different in relation to those who voted to leave the EU in a non-binding advisory referendum. The data shows that most who voted to leave tended to be: White, much wealthier than those who voted to remain, and property owners and "concerned with immigration" - in other words, racist. But white people will NEVER admit or do anything about it because they fear introspection more than death. Its highly likely that their friends and family members are in those groups and heaven forbid that a white person challenge white supremacy as a systemic threat when the fact that it is systemic benefits them. Am sure that some people were bamboozled by the lies about the NHS, but they are the exception, just like Stacey Dash is.

That's exactly what happened here. Constant claims that Trump voters were the downtrodden and the jobless, victims of trade deals and economic factors. Yet paper after paper found them to primarily live in white enclaves and have an income above the national median.

I'm not sure it has to do with introspection though, I think they're just useful idiots and overestimate how relevant economics is in elections, at least in a time of increasing polarization.

It has a lot to do with not wanting to confront their own complicity or to accept that they benefit from racism

Why does being above the median income level mean you can't have anxiety?

I make 85 a year, if I get less than a 4% raise I get anxiety.

Its not a fear of being homeless (I think its basically impossible for me to actually be homeless) but a fear if diminishing prosperity relative tonyour current SOL.

Lol, there's no data to say these people were losing quality of life. It was blatantly racial in motivation, which is why, for example, Hispanics in these same areas shifted TOWARDS the DNC.

Voters concerned with the economy voted for Clinton, not Trump.

Okay, then lets see your data faggot

Populism and Racial Animus in the 2018 Midterms

Yeah this looks legit, faggot

What in the provided data do you disagree with? You realize there are tons of papers on this, yeah?

You obviously have not been to the trailer park south.

Except I have, and didn't see many Trump supporters. Didn't see many people that voted period.

Sure, pal.

Poor people don't vote very often.

Ok, buddy, whatever you say. Why don't you go back to your handler or something? You've made yourself look like a complete fucking moron enough the past couple.

Do I have to bring up the data showing poor people are far less likely to vote?

Everyone makes fun of you, don't you know that?

Why would I care what anyone here does or thinks? I only care about being right, not what you think.

Obviously you care as you cannot shut up on here, poor kid.

I'm simply responding to a person that responded to me, it goes no further than that. What you think has exactly 0 relevance to me.

No relevance except you reply. Poor baby, REEEEEing so hard and trying to pretend you don't care.

Why are you replying?

Because I milk the cow as much as I can, no wonder your mom drank bleach when she was preggo with you. She knew you would come out this fucking stupid.

I don't know, your emotional response and futile attempts to rile me up seem to suggest you might be the cow.

This milk dried up a long time ago, kid. Now its just you we make fun of.

Oh ok.

it's not racist to want a home.

Nobody is saying to let a random stranger move in. Let me guess, home is code for homeland?

The data shows that most who voted to leave tended to be: White, much wealthier than those who voted to remain, and property owners and "concerned with immigration" -

Unironcially this should be the only people allowed to vote

Wealthy white people are the only people who should be allowed to vote?

LMAO bro there's no code here.

The home of a people is their land.

Weirdly, whenever it happens to non-whites, e.g. India removing Kashmir's immigration limits and other laws protecting their cultural identity, the whole western left-wing press suddenly understands that this means destroying a culture and ethnic identity, and they all think it's bad.

Its not a code. This is reason 12 why lefties are retarded. They want to make everything a "dog whistle."

Like, "derp derp deus vult is a dog whistle!!" No, its not.

Dog whistles are plausibly deniable; “deus vult” is about as subtle as an alphorn or a steam calliope.

Exactly. Its like saying "heil hitler" is a dog whistle. No, it's pretty fucking explicit.

saying shit like "haha, just stop talking about identity and political correctness" even though the GOP runs on pure idpol and outrage over mundane events.

By all means, continue talking about that since GOP does too, and don't forget to complain about people saying "both sides" afterwards!

Personally, I think that it would have been wiser to wait until whites become a racial minority in the US before doubling down on tying political affiliation to racial identity. "Some whites do that already so let's all do that" is not a solid consequentialist logic. But you do you 😏

The GOP started out by linking political identity to race, lmao. It wasn't the left.

If you understand anything about identity, it should make sense to you why the DNC is more racially tolerant than the GOP is. The DNC is made up of a bunch of different ethnic groups, the GOP is made up of one ethnic group:

And here Marilynn Brewer’s work on identity alignment also shows us that if most members of Group A also belong to Group B, we can consider these well-aligned identities. Brewer has found that when two or more identities strongly align, then the people within these groups feel more intolerant towards out-group members. Take the example of people possessing both Irish and Catholic identities. If you’re Irish Catholic, you probably know a lot of Irish people and a lot of Catholic people. You don’t necessarily need to know a lot of non-Irish or non-Catholic people, because they’re not necessarily part of your group. But if you’re Irish and Jewish, then you probably know some non-Irish and some non-Jewish people, since you yourself don’t fit into any well-overlapping categories. So just being a member of two non-overlapping identity categories breeds tolerance, because it exposes you to a broader range of people. At the same time, well-aligned categories breed intolerance because you can think of “outsiders” as unlike you in multiple ways. So once these mega-identities get formed, we start to think of out-group partisans as quite different from us — not just in terms of their political views, but also racially, religiously, and with any number of overlapping categories. We feel ever more socially distant from these out-group members, which makes it easier to dehumanize them, to think about them with less generosity.


Again my own related work uses the term “constrained.” If you have a “constrained” set of issue positions, then all of your policy preferences consistently swing to the left or to the right. The people with well-constrained issue positions often have more extreme issue positions also. But for many voters, an identification with an ideological label means something different than holding a constrained set of issue positions. You might call yourself a conservative, and feel very, very strongly identified as a conservative, and still not actually hold consistently conservative policy positions. In fact, a number of political scientists have found that the American electorate, as a whole, prefers on average left-leaning policy positions. But on average, this same electorate calls itself conservative. And because we do have these generally left-leaning policy preferences as an electorate, conservative politicians feel the need to double down on conservative social identification. Matt Grossmann and David Hopkins published a book called Asymmetric Politics about this difference between Democrats and Republicans. So we might anachronistically think of Democrats as the “identity politics” party, but it actually makes much more sense for Republicans to campaign on identity.

The whole thing is worth a read, but the GOP is the party of idpol. It isn't the DNC engaging in idpol, and the GOP responding with idpol, it's the other way around and has been since the 60s.

I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Why would someone need spoons to read.

wtf bot

Its a reference to Spoon Theory, which was just a stupid way of quantifying the energy/motivation you have specifically in spoons

Its almost as retarded as the pshill rant above

Oh god, I remember.

A chronic pain analogy reference, basically saying thats fucking painful and tiring.

The GOP started out by linking political identity to race, lmao. It wasn't the left.

Doesn't make doubling and tripling down on it any more sensible (at least while whites are not a minority). But I can't argue with literal playground logic, if they started it then by all means, double down 😏

How do you beat idpol without idpol? And keep in mind, if we were being objective, the DNC has a much harder time in general playing idpol because the DNC has large voting demographics that come from conflicting identity groups.

The rich.

the poor.





The list goes on and on. How do you play idpol when your party is made up of every demographic other than one?

How do you beat idpol without idpol?

You beat the concept of idpol, "we are all one race, human race", "I'm an American first and foremost" and so on. It seemed to progress well for a while, even now you can't say "I'm proud to be white" in a polite company. But seeing how other identities dropped out of the project and double down on being distinct and looking after their own interests this will soon change.

How do you play idpol when your party is made up of every demographic

Badly? Is your argument really that doubling down on idpol is a bad idea for Democrats, so they aren't really doing it, LMAO?

What they are attempting to do is to unite all those other identities around their hatred of whites, similar to how Hitler united German people around the universal hatred for the Jew. But yeah it's much more difficult and the "left unity" keeps falling apart along internal identity lines. So that, plus the fact that whites are still not a minority, makes left idpol a very bad idea as far as beating right idpol goes.

I'm proud to be white

This was always shit lol

I'm proud to be polish but not to be mayo jeez

Maybe I should have phrased it as: "I'll rather help a fellow white person over a different colored person".

I won't be surprised if poles don't have that dynamic even for other poles, what with the Soviets stamping it out hard.

I mean it's similar to "helping ones blood relatives over random folks" in that sense

Which was more obvious when your country (remember Germany was a union of many countries each of which had villages and forts etc) or even town worked together and shared practices and ideas.

Because you want to spread ones ideas due to the obvious acting them

Now since everyone watches the same TV and works the same jobs it doesn't matter

Now since everyone watches the same TV and works the same jobs they don't care,

Hol up here. Imagine that you had a Jewish gramma and know about five Yiddish curse words from that, but otherwise you are a completely normal German dude in 1940s Germany. As you try to explain to the SS guys dragging you to a concentration camp.

Naturally in such a situation you'll submit to the external hostile identification as a group and seek other so identified people to have a resistance movement with them. You wouldn't wonder if you and those other people actually have anything culturally in common besides those five swearwords. The external hostile identification is enough, and was enough for many of our ancestors. The people for whom it wasn't enough didn't manage to become our ancestors.

So having an event like results in some progressives getting to a half a chub temporarily, and in some normal whites realizing that there are people out there who hate them for being white and that they should stick together with other whites then.

Which party do you think has mentioned race more in the last 40 years retard? Sure GOP is mostly white, but that’s because dems are becoming more and more the party of courting explicitlynon white(and especially non white straight male) interests in a coalition. Trump was the first candidate to be the least bit explicit about white interests but even that has pailed in comparison to how explicitly he’s courted black and Jewish interests.

The segregation era was over 60 years ago, but you dumbasses will use that to run the country into the ground for the next 100 years.


The GOP only talks about race. They just do it in the form of appealing to white cultural grievance and dog-whistles.

They've been doing it for a long time.

By ‘white cultural grievances’ do you mean voting interests of a large percentage of the population.?White people are like 70% of the population and used to be higher. If our democracy works, there should be a lot of policies which address the need of this majority, not that the GOP has been great at this.

Not liking stuff like bussing isn’t white identity politics as much as it is not liking your kids to be sent across the city to a shitty school. Just because different races like things at different rates doesn’t make appealing to that policy interest identity politics.

White people aren't 70% of the population, and they aren't voting in their own interests.

They're voting against their own interest specifically because of racial issues.

White people should vote for a party which explicitly is trying to disempower white people in order to vote for their own interests? I get that you can say they are voting against their class interests by voting GOP, but you’ve got to pick your poison.

Also the large majority of white people, especially older ones, are well off enough not to benefit from dem welfare policies that often focus on the poorest quintile. You can see this tension a bit in the dem debates when there is resistance to forgiving college loans as they help people who are making more money then average(and are whiter then average).

What policy does the DNC advance that is against white people?

Immigration is the biggest one, most means tested social spending and affirmative action are others. Other policies like environmental policies (I.e coal mine bans hurt large segments of rural/blue color whites while helping urban whites and non-whites.

There's no evidence immigration is bad for white people:

It's a net gain to the federal government even.

Economists generally agree that the effects of immigration on the U.S. economy are broadly positive. Immigrants, whether high- or low-skilled, legal or illegal, are unlikely to replace native-born workers or reduce their wages over the long-term, though they may cause some short-term dislocations in labor markets. Indeed, the experience of the last few decades suggests that immigration may actually have significant long-term benefits for the native-born, pushing them into higher-paying occupations and raising the overall pace of innovation and productivity growth. Moreover, as baby boomers have begun moving into retirement in advanced economies around the world, immigration is helping to keep America comparatively young and reducing the burden of financing retirement benefits for a growing elderly population. While natives bear some upfront costs for the provision of public services to immigrants and their families, the evidence suggests a net positive return on the investment over the long term.


Other policies like environmental policies (I.e coal mine bans hurt large segments of rural/blue color whites while helping urban whites and non-whites.

A) Government policy overwhelmingly favors rural people, they get a disproportionate amount of funding and bills favoring them are more likely to pass, no matter who controls the governments:

B) Coal is dying not because of government regulation, but the fact it's no longer competitive with other energy sources:

In fact, Clinton was offering job retraining, money to move these areas into other fields, green energy for example, because coal is going to die no matter what. They literally voted against their own interests.

Trump can't save coal, the GOP can't save coal, nothing can save coal. The only option for these people was to move into other fields, yet they rejected reality.

Immigration isn’t bad for whites because of economic factors as much as bc white people dont want to be minorities.

I’m not expert on coal, but I think they want to support someone who will at least fight rather then say coal is done and try to train them for some gimmick green jobs.

The dems are the party of the environment and there are many regulations which do effect blue collar people, ie potential fracking regulation, keystone oil pipeline fight, sagebrush rebellion. If not he parties give them money, why wouldn’t they support the party which is trying to regulate them the least.

What lol?

Immigration isn’t bad for whites because of economic factors as much as bc white people dont want to be minorities and they don’t want to be outvoted.

So they're racist, glad we could clear that up.

I’m not expert on coal, but I think they want to support someone who will at least fight rather then say coal is done and try to train them for some gimmick green jobs.

fight what? Reality?

I also like how "green jobs are gimmicks" yet far more people work in green energy and make more money than work in coal:

"gimmicks" right?

The dems are the party of the environment and there are many regulations which do effect blue collar people, ie potential fracking regulation, keystone oil pipeline fight, sagebrush rebellion. If not he parties give them money, why wouldn’t they support the party which is trying to regulate them the least.

All I've learned from this is rural whites are low IQ.

So you believe that

It is awful to be a minority

you are racist if you don’t want to be a minority

Also if they are racist, why wouldn’t they vote for a party which wants tonlreserve their race, isn’t that in their interests??


I know solar is big, but I imagine that coal miners would rather preserve their current jobs then take a risk on solar. We don’t know how many of these coal miners would be successfully trained, hired then have the same benefits as before. Maybe they are just completely retarded but I think it is likely that they may have calculated what is best for their economic outlook better then you.

As opposed to "minorities experience no racism in the US, now let me tell you why white people declining as a share of the population is literally genocide?"

I know solar is big, but I imagine that coal miners would rather preserve their current jobs then take a risk on solar. We don’t know how many of these coal miners would be successfully trained, hired then have the same benefits as before. Maybe they are just completely retarded but I think it is likely that they may have calculated what is best for their economic outlook better then you.

They haven't, because they're still losing jobs at the same rate, higher even, because reality isn't subjective.

Coal is dead, you can't stop scientific progress. Capitalism has killed coal, not regulation.

How does what you said have anything to do with I said? It sucks to be a minority, so white people don’t want to be a minority. Maybe that makes them racist according to your definitions, but it is still in white peoples interest not to be a minority.

... Apparently the loss of coal mining jobs has leveled off under trump according to the the coal union boss and the Hill, though he is not entrielynplease with Trump.

That guy might as well be Baghdad bob.

Throughout much of Trump's tenure, the change in employment has been too small for the bureau's economists to say with confidence that coal miners actually added or cut jobs in the real world. The bureau does not actually count workers, but makes projections about employment in a given sector by surveying a limited pool of employers.

And just so you know, an increase in coal production in the US for one year had nothing to do with regulations, but increased global demand due to disruptions:

That is not to say miners have not added jobs, and a bump in employment would make sense. Coal production increased in 2017, as American miners took advantage of disruptions elsewhere in the world to ship more supplies overseas.

However, the job losses could soon resume. The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts coal output will fall this year as domestic consumption ebbs and again in 2019 as the export opportunity fades.

Trump was the first candidate to be the least bit explicit about white interests

He was? How?

And here Marilynn Brewer’s work on identity alignment also shows us that if most members of Group A also belong to Group B, we can consider these well-aligned identities.

I'm not clear on how letting Tyrone plow my wife is going to clear my fourth chakra though. Do I have to buy the whole paper to get to the juicy stuff?


Jesus christ you are fucking retarded. Go get a job.

The kid is a seriousposting NEET with no experience in polisci outside of a wikipedia article and vox thinkpeices. He's up at 4 am his time after commenting on /r/drama all night.

He needs a 9-5 like nobody's business. I'd offered him and his egf employment and lodging on my ranch, but he has yet to take me up on the offer

Shit I'll come work on your ranch, fucking restaurants suck lol

Unsmooth your brain. Rightoids dont need the same numbers to get their way. If every enlightened centrist didn't vote, rightoids would win every time. The leftoids need the numbers much more and therefore need to be a leas autistic club

wtf you talking about?

Wtf is so hard for you to understand, retard?

All of it, explain it like I don't speak autist.

The leftoids need the numbers much more and therefore need to be a leas autistic club

What part of this is unclear, tard?

What numbers? Bingo numbers?

Iq numbers, tard

Thanks for explaining what you meant to me, I now understand.

Where ya get this pasta? Or is this fresh?

Chappelle is one of the few who can get away with this and not get cancelled. He's just too damn funny.

People keep saying this, and he is really funny, but come on, that's not the reason he isn't successfully being canceled. It's a combination of him being black and appealing to black people and him not engage on the woke turf. Canceling him would require wokies to acknowledge that the black people that they claim to be defending don't really buy into their narrative at large. Canceling him would put them to obviously on the same footing as perl clutching Christian mothers raving about rap lyrics. They can only cancel black icons that commit digressions that black people care about.

I know what you’re thinking right now. You’re thinking – and half of you are probably already Googling – “What ethnicity are these two?” I’ll get to that in a bit. But suffice to say, they don’t go to Mass on Sunday, they’re not too keen on bacon cheeseburgers, and they like to go to Chinese restaurants on Christmas, if you catch my drift.

I can confirm that some of the wokest Jews I know strangely keep kosher style despite committing acts of blasphemy regularly.

You put way too much thought into that. I'm going with, he's funny as fuck.

Being funny as fuck won't save you if you're a juicy target.

Does comedy work on pitbulls?

Exactly. Kevin Hart is funny and look at what happened to him.

Did you say Juicy?

Didn't they successfully cancel Kevin Hart over negative comments re: the alphabet types he made forever ago? The only major difference is which part of the acronym he was discussing and Chapelle's fanbase finding him funny for reasons beyond "look at this tiny black man, how novel!"

Define "successful" but hart made the mistake of engaging on their terf.

Chappelle can't be cancelled because he doesn't give a fuck. There's nothing they can hold against him. Worst case scenario he's unable to get another special, he doesn't give enough of a damn to self censor. Someone who is still trying to establish their career is more vulnerable.


Black Bush is kino

The left learns absolutely nothing

Similar to how they learnt nothing after the Spanish civil war.

and tries to cancel him.

Yeah they can try.

Can the guy um and uh less it's horrifically annoying

The lighting on him is horrible but at least hes getting the womanly hysterics on point.

Also, stop shuffling your nonsense papers Piker, we know there isnt shit on them, fucking retard.

Also, stop shuffling your nonsense papers Piker, we know there isnt shit on them, fucking retard.

You can literally see them being full of bullet points in the first few minutes of the video, fucking retard.

What does "real woman" mean these days?

100 lbs overweight & prominent adam's apple.


That guy is world's worst interviewer. He spent most of the time soapboxing and Natalie hardly spoke.

"Hey, what's your opinion so I can agree with you 100%. I'm going to shuffle these papers like I'm important while I wait to be told what's right." -Hasan faggot-ass Piker


should be more embarrassed about those man features tbh

christ its like buffalo bill

"Would you fuck me?"

Ree chad

Imagine looking like that and then thinking life as a woman would be better lmao

Right? I mean I'd have gone for that before the costume change.

She legally changed her name

Legal name change is a social construct.


More like Chad- talie amirite


Imagine being so much of a bigot that you wouldn't suckle a flaccid feminine penis.

I can't even get in that mindset

wow, that guy is an awful interviewer. I genuinely tried to sit through his incoherent rambling but I just couldn't

Who else thought the second half was stronger than the first half of the show?

Can someone just explain to me why no one really has an issue with "The Young Turks"? Weren't the real "Young Turks" complicit in genocide or something?

Because they're funded by a rich Jew and hate right-wing people, so they get away with hatred and propaganda disguised as journalism just like the rest of the leftist press.


boomer tier bait

Because they're funded by a rich Jew

...and hate left-wing people.


Jews fund both sides

Gods chosen centrists

We try

They should be called the young jerks!


the perps were kawaii muslims and the victims were christians.

They produced one of the greatest meltdowns during election night, check it out if you have a chance. It's a 25 minute masterpiece of a meltdown

"If you lose your job to an immigrant, you just fucking suck"

—the paragons of the working class

Buzzfeeds coverage was way better. People crying everywhere

Oh yeah, I saw it. It is fucking hilarious.

Because Turks are brown. Cenk literally denied the Armenian Genocide previously and named his news org after the group that committed said genocide, and people sorta just stare at the ground when you point that out.

Holy shit man, I just looked into it a little bit. There are a few articles complaining about it, and there literally is no reason for their name, other than Cenk saying "Well I meant it as this other thing." It would be like starting a fucking youtube channel called the hitler youth, and claiming it was just about a group that wants to promote social change.

Isn't his coworker armenian?

"Honestly? Dave Chappelle looks ridiculous right now. Oh pardon me, one of my balls are hanging out of my dress."

I'm sure the guy who just got paid 60 mil is super concerned about this

Dave Chapelle doesn't think about you at all sweatypore

Are the leftoids succeeding in cancelling him?


Does anyone genuinely actually think that this thing passes? Or is everyone just taking the piss? Even just the thumbnail looks like a dude in a wig.

Did they purposely try to make themselves look like a blowup doll? That’s an inhuman amount of sheen coming off her face.

Lol literally admitted to not even watching the special but still attempting to speak with authority on it.

What the hell happened to America. Men cutting their dicks off, growing titties, wearing make up, acting like women, then acting outraged that someone doesn't understand. Fucking weirdos with no sense of self awareness or humor. YOU BRING IT ON YOURSELF. IF YOU COULD LAUGH ABOUT IT, LIKE EVERY OTHER MINORITY, NO ONE WOULD ATTACK YOU. QUIT BEING OUTRAGED OVER EVERYTHING AND TRYING TO BOYCOTT ANYTHING YOU DON'T LIKE. GROW THE FUCK UP.