Question: since some districts are making it mandatory to teach LGBTQ history in schools...when children are taught “trans are women too”,.... what do we tell 6 year old children when they naturally ask, what’s the difference between a man and a woman then?

22  2019-09-04 by Kaiser-romulus


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Question: since some districts are ... -,

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The alphabet people dont have a legitimate answer I’m noticing this

Hypothetical: If I take my non-binary penis and put it in a woman’s non-binary vagina and have release, even though I am no longer a man and she is no longer a woman, what’s going to happen?? How far do we take these choices? Can’t fool nature.

But they sugarcoat African American history. We just need to get our young kids out these ridiculous schools

I still don’t know what a trans is. Is it a child born with both parts or a man that chopped it off and had it replaced?

Be honest. Tell them that a trans woman had a penis but wanted a coochie and had an operation to change it. Kinda like build a bear

The truth! Sad that they will teach that but are afraid to teach about slavery!

THE TRUTH......That some men have a bussy! Just kidding!🤣🤣🤣 We have to tell them when the teacher is lying.

Unfathomably based

All men have a bussy, some of them just don't know it.

Tell them that a trans woman had a penis but wanted a coochie and had an operation to change it. Kinda like build a bear

No Tariq, Build-A-Bear is when a woman has surgery to become a burly gay man.

Choked on my coffee reading that

I did not know black twitter can be this ruthless and based.

Only because they feel out-victimed

As a heterosexual mom, I tell my son that men and women have different parts but for the most part our brains are mostly alike with a few differences. But that we all want to be happy, safe and have a good life. I told him that there is sex (our parts) and there is gender (what sex we feel like we are). I feel like I am a girl, I like being a girl and my body is a girls body. But sometimes, very rarely, a person is born feeling that they are not a girl but their body is a girls body and vice versa. I tell him it is a medical issue, like other birth defects, and they can get it fixed. I told him that it can be a very difficult thing to go through and they can get bullied for it and it is our job to make sure that they are supported and safe.

I said that it is also very normal to feel neither girl or boy or both at times as we are growing up and it doesn’t necessarily mean you are transgender.

He’s also aware of gays and lesbians, cross dressers, drag queens, etc. It’s a normal part of society and everyone is free to be themselves and love who they love as long as they are not hurting anyone.

Lastly I told him that he can talk to me and ask me about anything, any time.

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Match made in Heaven

What did it say

I tell my son that men and women have different parts

Except they do not. A preoperative transwoman does not have the same “parts” as a cis woman. You are teaching your children transphobia.

I thought even the people shilling for this shit knew their end goal was to eradicate sex differences entirely