Literal oppression calculator. You can’t make this shit up.

77  2019-09-04 by CommissarCletus


This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. Literal oppression calculator. You ... -,

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Poor Male: You are more privileged than 31% of others.
Rich Female: You are more privileged than 25% of others.


Of course, those retards

I like how it only counts you as half oppressed if you leave the gender slider in the middle.

A very poor, old, disabled white man is more privileged than an extremely rich, young, able bodied woman. Not even becoming a Muslim or gay tilts the privilege.

My stats, but where is he gamer option?

Person of Color Gay Female Transgender Poor Older Disabled English Second Born Elsewhere Less Educated Devout Muslim

Also how do you hit 100?

You hit 100 by being a Devout Jewish Muslim lol

Being Jewish makes you privileged. Can’t beat this fucking game.

I cannot wait for sharia law to take the west at this point

Insh'allah, brother.

I like how the meter gets more green 🤢🤮 towards cis and more pink 🐷💕💖 for trans 😍

Does r/drama user add or subtract points?

pretty sure autism counts as "disabled"

Posting on drama is a symptom of severe mental disability.

ok this has to be a troll right?

the fact that it gives tips to including your score make me think yes

Yeah the inclusion of the MLK quote about not being judged by the color of one's skin makes me think it has to be a troll. No one could be that oblivious

Your intersectionality score: 6 You are more privileged than 97% of others. Please give more to those less fortunate.

For a score of 6 you have to be both Christian and Jewish. The most rad cent religion of all.

That's what Ivanka is

You are more privileged than 91% of others.


This is ancient my dude.

It’s been updated for the 2020 race so it can’t be that ancient.

Apparently being jewish makes me more privileged than an atheist. They must recognize our genetic and cultural superiority.

Not one score posted yet? Yall.

I got a 9.



Satire is dead dude.

You make fun but the results show that Kamala is the candidate who has had the greatest struggles in life. A vote against Harris is a vote for privilege.

So it detects my country and asks if I was born here, less points for that. That make sense, but then it takes away points for saying you are Christian.

I’m not, but here’s the thing, Christians are a minority in this country. The majority is Catholic. And this isn’t playing semantics this is playing by the rules of intersectionality: Christians are a minority in this country lol.

I’m not even a christfag, I’m just asking for some consistency.

Christians are a minority in this country. The majority is Catholic.


Read the next sentence, for all intents and purposes, in this country you might as well consider them different relegions.

It's a joke nigger

Yeah I’m an idiot

Also lol

New! Twitter blocks us - are they for or against "Intersectionality"?


How does believing in allah make one less oppressed, when allah is the one true god?

I scored a 6. More privileged than 95% of everyone else. I never knew I was so bad. Gee, I thought it was because i made good choices and worked my butt off since I was 16.


It's satire dude. From like, the age of the dinosaurs. Where have you been?


Where is the gamer slider

you can't make this stuff up.

Yes. Yes, you can.

I like how if you choose female the bar goes pink but if you slide to male it goes blue...

gender stereotypes

I get -6 points for being Lithuanian 🤔

Imagine having rich be a slider and not an annual income. Like poor people probably think I'm rich but actual rich people don't have to have jobs.

More privileged than 63% of the world

Suck it, nerds.

Also, I don't get the Muslim one. Surely being a Muslim only 'oppresses' you if you live in a Christian nation and/or are a foid.

Your intersectionality score: 13
You are more privileged than 91% of others.

Get shit on, nerds 💪😎💪

Born in the UK/Born elsewhere

Ameripoors confirmed third world shitholers, god save Her Maj 🇬🇧


You are more privileged than 52% of others. Please give more to those less fortunate.

Very poor, straight, non-religious male


However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality.

You heard it here folks, Islam is WOKE.