CapeshitterCOPE Thread

10  2019-09-04 by ManBearFridge

I'm getting tired of this guy. Capshit is shit, but it is obvious at this point that this fuck is a weeb. He has been going after 80s and 90s kino lately, yet not a single anime.

Really makes you 🤔


Is it bad that I consider anime significantly better than capeshit on principle alone? I don't even watch it generally (I swear), and I have been slightly disappointed by most Miyazaki I've watched.

I didn't say that, but yes, fuck off weeb.

fyi I didn't downvote you. stop downvoting the capeshitter, sheeple

Make me.'re downvoting yourself?

proof that capeshitters are spawned by inadequacy and self-loathing?

Thank you for fighting to preserve my precious updoots

I consider anime significantly better than capeshit

Ok pedo





I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.


This ain’t /tv/ kid go back to jerking to Alita

Unironically proud I’ve never watched a single anime