Heated gaming moment in r/gamingcirclejerk when question is asked in bad faith

79  2019-09-04 by Gysinator


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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You're asking in bad faith, you don't even care to listen. Fuck off grifter

Im asking because i disagree. Dont assume im trying to trigger people by asking a damn question.

Yeah, you're asking in bad faith.

Them debate skills tho

calling someone racist requires no evidence, but arguing they aren't is bad faith

Imagine getting unironically triggered on a sub that ends in circlejerk

Have you even been to r/MoviesCirclejerk

No, I'm straight.

You're missing out

Sleeping with men is so much better, straights dont know what they're missing out on


You have a lot to learn about this town sweetie.

also saying that your not racist is proof that you are.


Is this word the new 'incel'. I suddenly see it everywhere, but it's never used in line with the definition.

It means you support a cause for money, but yeah stuff becomes generic quickly

No, that's more like astroturfing. Everything I can find about grifting is that it involves dcamming.

eh astroturfing is making it look genuine when its really sponsored. Gritters take up a position to appeal to a base to give them money.

That makes sense. Gamer girls are grifters, in other words.

Grifter is a good word, don't let it get stolen.


I like the idea, but

The neoliberal products are irrevocably polluted with pesticides and capitalism and

The people proposing this probably haven't left their loft apartment in several months

Imagine thinking you need to make arguments in "good faith" in a subreddit with "Circlejerk" in its name.

You're asking in bad faith.



"How is Peterson racist tho?"

"Read this Vox article"

300iq debate skills, the article doesn't talk about if he's racist or not lol

"go to r/breadtube"


"go watch ContraPoints"



"just Google USA Liberty bro"

Haha stupid Alt-Right PewDiePie fans with their official FBI statistics okay you should read this Op Ed on Vox....

How? How does a milquetoast canadian conservative manage to cause so much butthurt?

cause he's right

Some people have more important things to do than clean their room.

Like work themselves into a neurotic puddle of goo over pronouns and shit.

The liberal sjws hate it when boys wash there penbises

Can you wash my wenkie with your mouth then?

Only if your gay

I mean it is drama I'm posting on, so let me stick it in ya!

R u gay

U have to say it

Say I’m gay for you

They envy and fear the complex societal structures the lobsters have managed to attain.

Imagine living in such a sheltered and safe society that you consider a centrist Canadian university lecturer to be a threat.

Because in a world where everything is either a symptom of your mental illness or an injustice society foists upon you, someone telling you your problems might be your fault is basically terrorism.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

They hated Jordan because he told them the truth: "you're all a bunch of broken faggots. Nut up."

You could watch any of his videos, but I guess you know that already, and you're not willing to put the mental effort to see how his (and your) views on so many subjects are harmful and come from a place of ignorance, resentment, and hatred.

Lmao I’ve literally never seen Peterson bring up race. Are they unironically arguing “well he never mentions race but if you read between the lines he’s clearly a huge racist”

but if you read between the lines he’s clearly a huge racis

This is a very versatile sorcerer spell that can be used in any situation, any context and any target.

It is amazing how people who can't directly respond to arguments, link ridiculously long-winded puff pieces with no actual information and who form conclusions about Nazis in an instant are the only ones who can quickly and accurately intuit these dog whistles and decipher them all for the rest of us.

if you are blind to obvious adjacent crypto nazism then the only explanation is that you must be one of them!

What happened to that sub

Lol, ghazi took over ages ago.. You zoomers and your cave dwelling..

Its such a shame how leftoids polticise everything, invading spaces that have nothing to do with them.

Of course, rightoid boomers have done this as well. It just comes off as unsufferable when we see leftoid taking over every single sub with little diversity in political thought.

Actually it’s kinda extra retarded that the left appropriated gcj.

Cj subreddits should be, in theory, by people of a certain community to mock things inside that community. Gcj is just a bunch of chapos jerking themselves about how gamers are literally Nazis

The only cicrlejerk sub i have seen that works like that is /r/berserklejerk

That is a great sub name.

RIP toddposting

Honestly I'm still unironically seething to how the MAGAtards appropriated one of my not!animu characters.


It's another serious agenda subreddit under the guise of "jokes" or commonly mental illness.

unironically linking to vox

ah yeah the extremism of... milkshakes, compared to bullets

Did this dude forget that they literally harassed a man to suicide?

You can read more here, if you are interested.

links to Vox

Jesus fucking CHrist...

I fucking hate this tendency for Redditors to attempt to shut down discussion by linking to an opinion article written by someone else.

Oh you want to hear the opinions of your fellow Redditors on a subject rather than taking the word of the fake news media? Okay well I'm going to go ahead and link you a sensationalist article by a tabloid webpage instead you should probably just take what it says there as gospel.

“Watch this contrapoints video.” No thanks man, I already have Alien on DVD at my house.




He's not a nazi just a subhuman

Ever notice how the modern left’s obsession with citing sources has made them incapable of arguing on their own?

I swear every time I ask them for details on a position they take, they say:

I can’t articulate it as well as this article/comic/Contrapoints video does, let me link it to you.

I had a professor who specifically asked us not to cite sources in our writing because he wanted original thoughts, and not a remix of 3-4 academic papers.

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

The famous "not my job to educate you" tactic