Retards at r/FucktheAltRight decide that doxxing is ok if we do it!

284  2019-09-04 by 2Manadeal2btw


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Retards at r/FucktheAltRight decide... -,,

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This isn't doxxing. If the rich want to fund loons like Trump, they deserve to be called out, publically.

You aren't entitled to have your campaign donations private.

I would pay money to have you banned, you humourless cretin.

Mad because your shit tier agenda post got put down bud?

No, I just find you boring and unfunny.

Conversing with you, Pizzashill, is akin to conversing with a robot that has yet to grasp sentience.

We all can't link low tier agenda posts like you.

Neither can we spend all our time arguing with spergs on the internet.

And yet, you exceed our expectations.

I like to go into everything giving it my all.

You should use that attitude to go back to school, get a job, move out of your moms house, and finally, have sex.

You want him to reproduce? Why do you hate the future?

Hopefully his laptop has nuked his nuts to the point of infertility

Ps use that attitude to get a job and move out. Come on man, you can do it!

You guys are actual NPCs. You repeat the same misinformation on a daily basis because you have no ability to respond to anything I say.

Imagine using NPC unironically. I used to think you were a troll, but now I’m beginning to think you’re just a mayo sperg 🤔. For your sake, hopefully it’s the former.

You're a massive NPC.


Damn that's a good burn lol

Looks like Pizza struck first lmfao

its ovah.

This larping is getting tiring

It's not doxing if you can FIND it guys

Is it really doxxing if I link their facebook account? The still have to FIND their address.

Is it really doxxing if I give out their address? They still have to DRIVE to it.

Yeah it's not like I'm driving people to their house, how is that doxing

It's not even tied to their online profile, how is this doxxing?

It's not doxing if you agree it can be public by the simple act of donating.

It's not doxing if you can FIND it guys

I started to upvote you because I thought you were a genuine lolcow, then I realized you're just that boring pasta guy

"reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the public is finding out I'm funding a dangerous loon, not cool guys, not cool."

Did you respond to the wrong person or something?

You assume we feel shame...we don't. We feel fear. Fear of being targeted by you and your ilk. Persecuted for supporting our candidate of choice. Fear of losing our livelihoods. When did you become one of "those people' or have you always been?

Acting like a pussy to own the libs.

You assume we feel shame...we don't.

mask off, fuck it mask off

It's always been ok up until the past few years.

Lol you have to be such a fucking psycho to do this


Why is DDF so assblasted that public info is public? Are they secretly ashamed they voted for a literal retard? Or are they worried someone they care about might find out and distance them?

If you don't shut up I'll make my pubic info pubic to you...

Post bussy

editing a post because you got buttmad about downvotes

Holy shit S,YK rarditer

Imagine getting so triggered by my comment to downvote on r/drama

I never downvote 😏

Maybe you don't but a lot of our resident DDFers do

That's quite enough sperging for now, thanx

What are you gonna do about it, call Daddy?

Everything is about daddy with you 🙄

The more times I mention daddy the more likely a DDFer comes in, it's simple math

I'm totally owning the DDF by being a screeching retard and extensively cryposting about them

Hey, me being a screeching retard and cryposting has nothing to do with the DDF, I do that regardless

I only downvote

Imagine being so triggered by imaginary internet points like you are right now.

But I'm not, it's funny how weak the DDF is that they can't write a coherent line so they resort to clicking a big button.

Updoots from me. I just find them calling everyone nazis to be a major projection tbh

True but doesn't explain why people are seething so hard about why you can see who donated for Trump (and all the other candidates)

🤔 Likely bc far lefty mayos play the victim card a lot, and if this were in reverse it would be grounds to have the sub banned. Or they would be screeching from rafters, at the very least.

That usually happens when it's doxxing though. Like this doesn't allow you to connect any internet person with whether they donated to Trump. It's just a government public list of people who donated.

But yeah lefties would probably screech about it regardless, I hope T_D posts something about how to view Dem donators 🙏

T_d would be instantly banned and mayo rightoid spergs don’t usually go after people like this. They opt to just go on a killing spree. This is a classic double standards

mayo rightoid spergs don’t usually go after people like this

You sure about that? I've seen many many posts about not buying from some small business or getting services from someone who's a libtard.

I’m talking about posting individual donors with the implication of conflict. I don’t know many rightoids that are going to care that I donated to tulsi or you donated to Bernie etc

I’m talking about posting individual donors with the implication of conflict

Did some lefty or FTAR do that? Maybe I missed it

A partisan mayoid def wouldn’t be able to see this. Rad centrists can’t be fooled

Are you mocking people who learned english as a second language? How very elite of you.

Line as in a quip or punchline, but I don't expect you to know anything about comedy sweaty

Bet you hate Chapelle these days.

Unironically never watched Chapelle and probably never will.

bless your heart.

I hate Trump but I'm going to downvote your comment since that's the gayest edit I've ever seen.

Eh, the intention was to bait someone into arguing with me but it didn't work. Need to work on my baiting skills 😔

haHAA i was just le ebin trolling :--D

sweaty no

Please explain your thought process here

x = y

∴ u = dum


Down voting because your mom is gay

upvoting because your dad is lesbian

How dare you

I did it. Mostly a bunch of elderly welfare recipients redirecting my tax dollars towards Nazi political candidates. Regulate SS WELFARE now, ban people from redirecting it towards political candidates. Just like poor black mothers can’t spend their welfare on lobster, elderly welfare recipients shouldn’t be able to spend their welfare money on Trump.



He's right though, old people should be put on icebergs.

Frfr tho fuck old people. Just die already you greedy cunts you lived long enough now youre just draining our resources for nothing

Quit downvoting the lolcow you fucking trogs.

Downvotes only make watermark try harder. Don't worry about it.

Water is here to stay like pizza no matter the voting.

Dude he's not even a lolcow. It's just tryhard "hey look at me I'm retarded lmao" attentionposting. I unironically refuse to even consider that he's this fucking stupid, its just him being an attention whore.

By SS you mean Social Security, right?

Social Security is literally your own money lol you can do what you want with it

Could you imagine if this was possible but for anything you can spend online? I'd love to know which of my neighbours are regilarly buying dragon dildos.

I suspect you'd find a lot of subscribers on that subreddit.

Who doesn't love bbc

I'd love to know which of my neighbours are regularly buying dragon dildos

There's a full list here.

They do it for free.

God damn right

Oh no literally we should have our entire politics run by dark money we don’t know about, because actually looking up publically available FEC donations information is doxxing apparently.

We shouldn't have elections. They're a tool of Oligarchy. We just need a Catholic Bolshevik Government blessed by God.

Look at you being all serious in drama. So cute!

This is actually pretty cool. Right now I'm looking up people in my town who I know to see what they use their hard earned money for.

gonna be fun times when amazon and google take over the world government and we can search everyone's purchase history 🤣🤭

Yeah until you can't get a job because you bought the limited edition boxset for Loli Punishment Dungeon

emperor yang will be giving us $5000 yangbux a month by then

We need to place restrictions on elderly welfare recipients to make sure they don’t redirect our Social Security money towards racist far right candidates


Also to make sure they don’t redirect our Social Security money towards candidates who'd try to increase the number of elderly immigrant Social Security recipients.

😪 tye refugees haven't fully naturalised yet. soon they will learn that political transparency is good for drama

Popping in to say thank you moderator for putting up the usernames of the nazi fucks when you remove their bile.

🙄 "nazis"

Imagine being this much of an angry sperg, lol.

These people vote. Let that sink in.

Or don't becous their autist wasn't nominated, but they still complain about the results

These people would have panic attacks if they left their house for more than 15 minutes.

They have panic attacks having to pick up the phone to order a pizza lmao. I legit had a friend who went hungry for 3 days cause they refused to pick up a phone and order some, or go outside to go grocery shopping.

Guess which friend also said "bash the fash" and "punch a nazi" incessantly.

Hahaha I dated this one chick like this.

She used to post on tumblr and Reddit about how she was gonna take down the patriarchy and fucknup the altright. She always referred to herself as a “badass”

She literally couldn’t order a pizza cause she was terrified of making a phone call. I had never seen some shit like that in my life before lmfao

Why would you date that, do you have no self respect?

Yikes sweaty I can't even

Thats just bizzare now. Weve gone from nazi being reserved exclusively for white supremacists, to it being applied to half of the USA (or 47%, idk, whatever popular vote % he got)

I guess maybe theyre just very dedicated to the LARP and want to whine about "doing the right thing, despite being outnumbered by the nazis"?

He got approx 49%. He won a majority of the States but lost the larger blue states, which isn't really a surprise. Before the election everyone and their grandma was hailing the voting system of winning states then after Trump won all hell broke loose and now they're saying it should be based soully on popular vote which is exactly what the founding fathers DID NOT.

Nope a lot of founding fathers though popular vote would be ideal and reluctantly supported a dumb frankenstein system out of a need for compromise. But you don’t read that on your stupid right wing sites so whatever.

He got 46% of the vote btw idiot. And wtf do you mean by “larger blue states”, he lost all of the blue states by definition you fucking retard, what a meaningless statement.

While this is good drama posting, I feel like you're being sincere and trying very hard, and that has no place here

Im sure this OP was entirely sarcasm.

Still unemployed?



Chapo check

He got 46, Hillary got 48, Gary Johnson got 4, and others got 2

Gary Johnson got 4

Vote for the man who can talk with grabbing his own tongue! He's multi talented!

Wow its 1933 and insane people are saying that 40% of the German population are ACKSHUALLY Nazis! What an outrage to accuse so many good Germans of being Nazis with no base!

with no base

What a retarded way of saying baseless

I liked your watermark3 alt more tbh, at least you had better bait then; now youve gone from communism advocate to low tier TDS bait, which is like the laziest thing you can do

Its like youve gone from having a semblance of character to being pizzashill lite

Half the US population voted, eh? Where's that fun fact? lol. 60% of the voting population is not close to half the US population. Maybe facts are getting in the way?

They're SPS users. There are a few morons there but they're far from Nazis. They even have a decent amount of left-wing people.

theres a comment removed from PureAryanBlood....

maybe he is persian or japanese

That mod has caught some grade S autism. 🤢

Devavrata came back with alt Vasudev only to get suspended again ROFL.

Did vasudev get suspended?


Permanent? Lmao he’s going to be seething hard. He didn’t exactly hide his ban evasion and went right back to posting extremist content

His new account got suspended just in less than one month so I guess even admins are done with his shit.

Ever since chapo got btfo the admins seem to have had less tolerance for the extremes on both sides. And let’s face it the dood is insufferable.

bahahahahaha that's great!

By the way, does anyone know where the "grade S" (being above "A") originated from?

Japanese vidya/cartoon. S stands for Super probably.

Im banned even though Ive never visisted that subreddit before 🤔

You’re welcome. Even though these Nazi fucks are here to brigade the sub and harass our user base, the admins consider it harassment to respond with the full linked username (e.g., Vasudev19), even in a direct reply to the Nazi fucks. This is despite the fact that you can’t harassment-ping a Nazi fuck who’s already here and whose comment you’re directly replying to. But I don’t understand almost anything the admins do anymore. They’re very inconsistent.

You say inconsistent, I say fascist sympathizers, potato potahto.

You really have to lack any awareness when you think reddit is a 'nazi' sympathizing website...

It allows Nazis to stay without consequences

Imagine believing this

Lol for real?

And pedos too. Don't forget that leftists are pedos. I'd like to find a list of any of my neighbors who are pedos (as indicated by their support for Democratic candidates) so that I can contact their place of employment and inform them they have a pedo in their midst.

Also, to SLAY without consequences, to slay from above and slay wantonly.

It bans actual Nazis pretty quickly. I'm not talking about random conservatards. Those aren't Nazis, just idiot bigots. But alt-rightoid subreddits and such have been banned pretty quickly recently. Such as the honklercels and their millions of ban evasion subreddits.

Translation: "We're not actively killing them for existing, so it's not enough for me to be happy." I wonder what userleansbot has to say about you... Oh, wait I don't have to bother.

Nice username.

This is wild, it is kind of awesome to see that my family is one of the biggest contributors to actblue in my small town.

This must be astroturfing.... Right?

😎 falling for literal propaganda to own the cons

*Falling for literal cons to own the cons

Wait, is Vasudev Devrata? The account looks like it was just canned too. Hmm...

It is. I know few Indians and that is a Hindu name.

Seeing as they both have some sort of weird diaper fetish and obsessively call people "Elliot", I'm gonna say yes


Oh shit I got banned.

Ftar sperg Belleariel uses her neetbux to pay for bans. She likely blames you for devavrata17s latest alt ban. She did the same to me

lol she just did it to you again. I'm probably next. It's the first week of the month, so she got her welfare check it seems.

Never even began

lol BelleAriel spends her welfare money on banning people who laugh when dev gets banned.

The britbongs pay for this with their tax money.

T_D should do the exact same post, but with instructions on how to find Democrat supporters.

You can literally find blue donors that way too.

I know. That's why I suggested it.

damn it it's too early for me or something, I read that as "could do".

all good my gender-non-specific entity.

And? Democrats aren’t insane racists, there’s no shame to supporting them. Unlike people that literally want to ethnically cleanse the country.

Oh sweaty, they have they highest percentage of male feminists, so you know there's at least 50% rapists.


Honest question, are you retarded?

Chapo check

33 of watermark1917's last 128 comments (25.78%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Sep. 03, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 460.

That explains it.

I unironically agree with you somewhat but agenda commenting is gay as hell. This is r/drama sweaty.

DRAMA USERS—WE NEED YOUR HELP! To maintain this Nazi-free space, the moderator team needs our users to report Nazis and trolls so we can remove them promptly (See Rule 1). If you encounter one and must engage them, please report them first. ADDITIONALLY, there are smart ways to express our disgust for these Nazis and their supporters without violating the site’s Violent Content Policy. We expect our good-faith users to be smart. The large population of hate-group adherents Reddit cultures is desperately trying to silence their opposition, and one of their tactics is to submit violent content to subs like ours and report this content to the admins. If your content is indistinguishable from theirs, you may face the same consequences they can expect. Thanks, and FUCK THE ALT-RIGHT!

Lmao I remember getting banned from the sub for posting all of chunky Kong’s SFX

imagine buying a 20 day ban award lmao you're the reason we cant make fun of jannies for doing it for free

We need to purge all (((coin purchasers)))

Ah yes, acting like Nazis go own le Nazis to

Uhmmmm actually ur the REAL Nazi

Anti-Nazis are the real Nazis for making it shameful to be a Nazi

Even Nazis didn’t post publicly available donor lists!!!!

How it is doxxing if this is public data?

Because right wingers are affected, and this is a very based centrist website

Trump doesn't want us to name the (((anglo)))

turns out my damn neighbor has been donating $100 a week to Trump, wtf?

These mongs dont even realize that only donations of $250 and up are reported on the FEC website

Everything on reddit is fake and gay

Multiple donations in a short time period that amount to over $250 are also reported to the FEC. Else dark money would always find it’s way to Nazi political candidates via $249 donations spread out over 10 days.

Also literally all political donations should be dark money because apparently anyone being revealed for trying to influence our politics is “doxxing”.

Idk how finding public information online constitutes doxxing it’s not like these people are using pseudonyms

The problem was this.

These people love to talk about bashing facism but havent done anything violent in their lives

Pathetic LARP

I think that the best comment there was one that got removed.

Dude holy shit that’s fucking incredible 😂

Pretty telling that the dude who was digging through trash to get info available online was one of the few right-wingers on the thread.

Go look. There's tons of smaller donations. They're all in there.

What’s even the point of making donations publically available for the purpose of transparency if apparently it’s “doxxing” to ever actually look at the publically and legally specifically available information?

Is it doxxing to look up a mugshot online? Oh that’s just freedom that Americans are the only country in the world creepy enough to release photos specifically to shame people who haven’t even been convicted of anything.

Isnt this data publicly available?

If you unironically think that someone is a nazi because they are republican you have a double digit IQ.

intense popcorn munching

Thats not doxxing its a PSA for them about information that is publicly available......

Isn't that a gov website? Not really doxxing, when it's all right there, for yah...Shop with your wallet and beers.

Maga shills fucktards from r/drama can all get fucked


Maga shills fucktards from r/drama can all get fucked

You heard the man.

One guy said Nazi fucks on r/drama can get fucked and they say we are pussys and sensitive.

LOL, they pulled the post down! We did it guise!

I just reported about 30 comments inciting violence to the admins and belleariel has been responding to every one of the comment removals so far. (S)he just removed this post too.

if you're gonna play the "no bad tactics, only bad targets" card don't be surprised if rightiods do the same.

Belle must be getting a new Matrix or Tweety tattoo. I went there specifically to laugh at her or dev's comments and was disappoint :(

There's a few in my area I've been tracking. Protip: You can learn a lot about people from going through their trash and it's perfectly legal since it's on public property when they put the cans out.

Yikes sweaty, this ain't it.

B-b-but it's public information

As if the crazies who will act on this has the knowledge and attention span to find the info.

They are probably building "lists" as we speak

this is publicly made available information it's not doxxing

Hmm okay

Doxing or doxxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents) is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.

The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to Internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

Nigger faggot retards confirmed