Guy on /r/cumtown tells the story of how he used several alts to torture some commie into a mental breakdown. Doesn't get the reception he was hoping for.

86  2019-09-04 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Guy on /r/cumtown tells the story o... -,,

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to be fair most of the time I wait for the most microscopic slight against me before i start antagonizing though

What are the odds that this guy envisions himself as Rick from Rick & Morty while harassing schizos over the internet? :v

I might be a fag but I don't watch Rick and Morty

v< <3

At least you have some standards

I'll allow it, for a commie.

No humans were hurt so who cares ?

I thought you lived in a commie country

yeah im thinking based

I've noticed that /r/cumtown is a lot like /r/drama in the sense that I hate everyone involved in it and would be ecstatic if something awful happened to basically all of them.

I've been trying to get into /r/cumtown more because its culturally similar but it's hard because

1)n_mullen is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is and 2) at least /r/drama has some foids around to negate some of the sheer autism.

the actual podcast can be really really funny

the sub is ok, it can also be funny but it's a LOT of unoriginal try-hards

1)n_mullen is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is

this is the main problem. I can't stand smug. I would rather watch retards rub themselves down with shit and vomit than watch the guy smugly watching the retards. Hell, I might even get down in the vomit-shit and piss myself just to have a good time (like I'm doing now)

I would rather watch retards rub themselves down with shit and vomit

You've come to the right place.

Mullen is funny as fuck and that's all I care about from comedians tbh

If you're talking about the account rather than the actual guy, there are like 3 or 4 of them with slight variations of the name and most of them arent him.

Imagine bragging about riling up a paranoid schizophrenic with gangstalking delusions as if it takes more skill and effort than being within the same general proximity as them

lol he literally said effective torture was basically talking to them. Such troll, much wow.

Coincidentally, it works the same way on wokies.

He’s mentally ill but you’re mentally retarded


Now this is what I call praxis.

Hahaha I know that guy!