Virgins and Libertarians trade poorly developed opinions on whether or not its OK to sexualize Brittney Spears Model 3.8

33  2019-09-04 by -M-o-X-


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Virgins and Libertarians trade poor... -,,

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degenerate pedo shit

Hmmm wait a sec

She gained a following in 2016 when she released her single on audio distribution soundcloud, subsequently released on the record labels Darkroom and Interscope Records

But who owns interscope let's find out

John Janick is an American record executive. He is the chairman and CEO of Interscope.

Okay yes...

Its pronunciation is JHAENihK †. Janick is used chiefly in the Breton and French languages, and it is derived from Hebrew origins.

Every fucking time

Janick is used chiefly in the Breton

The eternal (((celt))) strikes again

Where is Caesar when we need him?

Celtacide when?

Already happened

Can't wait for her to be washed up and leaking her sex tape for attention

She isn’t even remotely attractive tho. She looks like a human troll.

17 year olds aren’t supposed to be attractive pedo

I am a Europoor so it’s okay. We allow women to be attractive at age 14 here in France because we are open minded sexually. Unlike you prude burgers.

Je veux own a fucking beautiful French woman

“Jesus, what are they, the Alabama of Europe?”

“In many ways, yes.”

The only who fuck their sisters are the one in the north or in corsica, neither of which are french, or even people for that matter.

Pedophile vas te faire soigner

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is not merely the attraction to anyone under 18, but rather a totally separate disorder (not a legal term) listed as a sexual-psychological disorder categorized under paraphilias, a group of sexual-psychological disorders in the DSM-IV and considered a disorder under the standards of the American Psychological Association. Many people could be considered ephebophiles despite the fact that they themselves may not know the term, much less what it means. Through a peculiar turn of events, ephebophilia and hebephilia became grouped under the very general and inconclusive cultural term "pedophilia," and the majority of people using the term are unaware that they are referring to non-paraphilic sexual preferences that are unmentioned in the DSM-IV and occur relatively harmlessly in a great deal of the population. There really is a pedophilia, and these people may be referring to it, but nevertheless it is a small part of what is labeled under "pedophilia." Pedophilia is labeled as a paraphilia because it is by nature unhealthy. Paraphilias are all unhealthy and destructive to relationships, but are restricted to the definitions set forth in the DSM. Pedophilia is simply grouped with the non pathologized conditions of hebephilia and hebephilia because they share a few similar traits. In reality, pedophilia separate from both and should be treated as such, and many people described as pedophiles would be better described as hebephiles or ephebophiles.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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She'll be washed up once her 15 months of fame are gone. Bitch is 17 and I would not even fuck her, imagine that.

Biggest fucking cope lmao

What is?

Literally who


That is an American-sized dress if I have ever seen one.

I'm not a libertarian but it has always been weird to me that 18 years old is some magic celebrated time frame when someone is allowed to be sexualized.

Like if someone is 17 years, 364 days old, you're a pedo, but one more day and you can cum tribute them and get a round of applause.

not a libertarian

isnt it wierd age of consent is just magic


I'm into milfs.

Would you rather have some other arbitrary measure for adulthood? There has to be a line somewhere or the libertarians win.

I'm not opposed to the age, I'm confused why people say 18 when for the majority of the country it's 16, and only 11 states have 18 year old consent laws. Not to mention EU people banging 14 year olds.

It's not weird for 17 year olds to have sex but it's weird to talk about it apparently.

Ackshually, if they're 17, that only makes you a heebiejeebiephile.

After reading shit about her bro, who co writes her material. I think that he's a creepy and she just goes with these lyrics, because a) he is her bro, and she trusts him. b) success wise it work so far.

bille eilish is a degenerate creation manufactured in a hollywood lab in order to normalize pedophilia. she is extremely subversive and should be banned from all media.