But hey, that’s just a theory.... A suicide theory!

118  2019-09-04 by Ghdust2


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. But hey, that’s just a theory.... A... - archive.org, archive.today

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Matpat vored Ronnie


It's funny to see all the same usernames that were spamming clown emojis at Etika now trying to wash their hands of it and saying how he was mentally ill anyways.

Dude was fucked and likely in a cult but they gave him that final push when he was (stupidly) relying on his fanbase for support.

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Dave Chappelle spends over 2 decades of his life telling nigger jokes, making a modern day minstrel show, a sketch that the entire joke is literally him being repeatedly called a nigger: Wow, this dude is the best comedian alive. He will be remembered as one of the greatest in history Dave Chappelle breaks the unspoken special privilege of gamers/fags/trannies: Wow, this dude really fell off. I liked his nigger material but this just isn't funny anymore. He's no longer relevant, and these jokes are really harmful and unfair.

Did you know Reddit founder Aaron Swartz committed suicide but in reality he was killed for promoting free speech. The clintons killed him

Who haven't the Clinton's killed, really.

They have not killed you as of yet. But there is still time, god willing.


How do you know he wasn’t immediately killed by the Clintons after that post

You love it see it folks

I mean, Yakub's research came to a screeching halt once the first white people (Adam and Eve Clinton) invented death and unleashed upon our universe, so you're more correct than you think.

Before he died he told me the information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton

please God Hillary kill me now I'm tired of posting on this godforsaken website

Tbh the Clintons were trying to help everyone. Trying to stop the creation of this retard zoo.

Yet, you are still here brother.

That's because r/Drama is full of self-aware retards myself included. 🤗

im retarded

Yes, we know.

Imagine not having a burner phone to call the Clinton's whenever you want someone dead

Man this guy's a fucking idiot

I wish I was famous so I could exploit the deaths of strangers 😔

Literally who

"how can you make that connection" they ask, to the man that surmised that sand undertal is actually Ness from earthbound

He gave Undertale to the pope. He’s inept.

Funny timing. They just confirmed Sam undertal as a costume for the mii in smash bros.

Someone on my discord posted it. Beautiful.

Our boy tj ""'henry""" yoshi in the replies


a 24 minute video discussing the mechanics of button pressing in a video game


Watch it, it talks about parallel universes.

TJ (((henry))) yoshi

This looks like a presentation about cancel culture, not about Etika.

He’s probably applying whatever concepts he’s talking about to the situation surrounding Etika’s mental health and state.

Either way, we aren’t there to hear what he’s saying so we don’t know.

This is a great example of people drawing conclusions from extremely limited information and going into full attack/defense mode over nothing.


Hypocrites. ):(
