San Fran declares the NRA to be a terrorist org, 2Autists and Libtards duke it out in /r/news

43  2019-09-04 by The_Live_Ghost


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. San Fran declares the NRA to be a t... -,,

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Is there something about california that somehow turns everyone retarded?

Nonsense. Now drink your tap water.

It really wasn't that long ago that California was at the top of every good metric that states are measured by, now we are waiting for the earthquake to be flushed into the ocean

Literally yes.

yes. it's the smog


Haha yes I remember that South Park episode as well

just my .02 but it's prolly the mandatory gender reassignment surgery you have to get before they'll issue you a state license

There's something in the Bay water and the Santa Ana Winds.

It's pretty much just SF. These are the same people that throw $300 million at 7500 homeless not including all the free volunteer work. Essentially they spend $40k a year per homeless. The best part is they can't even quantify how much it has helped. Imagine more money spent on a homeless crackhead than a poorcel working full-time makes.

Nahhh, that's not retarded, it's actually pretty smart. You gotta look at why they're doing it.

See, San Francisco voters are often pretty retarded, probably not far off from the average redditor. But there is a group that is key to winning elections, and that is home owners. Reducing the homeless would be as simple as allowing for more housing to be built, but then home owners and other property owners in a similar situation would see their housing value go down, so can't do that!

Still, the useful idiots of San Fran that don't understand that increasing supply decreases prices still want to feel morally superior for helping the homeless, so they give out tons of welfare with no actual intent on fixing the problem.

It's all just really good politics, tbh.

Why not have both? I live in South bay and most of the homeless that aren't preapproved to live in shelters have been kicked out. They've moved to the woods in the south. Even then we send raiding parties a few times a year to throw away all their stuff to make sure they know they are aren't welcome. We have a very minor homeless problem here and politicians putting in these rules are still getting voted in. SF is just retarded.

Hate to break it to you, but pretty much none of that money actually makes it to the homeless. Some of it goes to cleaning up after the homeless (theyโ€™re spending at least a million on the poop squad, which is five over paid pooper scoopers, for example), the rest goes to shady ass organizations that donโ€™t actually do anything but pay themselves and their friends.

and guess who was inspired by NRA propaganda and committed the largest act of domestic terrorism in American history, by blowing up a federal building? Timothy McVeigh when he killed over 150 people and injured over 650 more.

It's that time again where you wonder if the poster is retarded or purposely lying.

They're doing both. Politicels will upvote anything shitting on Blormph.

Iโ€™m one of these posters, that appears to be genuine

Hey be nice, they were all born after 9/11 so they cant know about it

Wait, is that what you retards have a problem with? 9/11 wasnโ€™t domestic terrorism lmao

Bush did 9/11

Timothy McVeigh, the only suspect directly charged in the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, was a member of the National Rifle Association from 1990-94, the NRA said Wednesday. But an NRA spokesman said McVeigh does not appear to have corresponded with the organization apart from his membership.


McVeigh quit the NRA because he thought they were too liberal, he was so far right that Hitler could only see him with a telescope.

holy shit based

She's not wrong they're causing all the gun natural disaster

2 comments in and they're reeeing about Russian bots already.

I just lean into it and come out full bot with a few Russian characters thrown in.

comments can sometimes collapse into paranoia


they still believe they're relevant