Real Alphas™ get triggered by guy that fucked his friend's wife

20  2019-09-04 by nikopua


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Real Alphas™ get triggered by guy t... -,

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To start this story, we were friends from the age 6 to 15. He moved to US and came back when he was 21 or so. Only few weeks ago did I meet with him again to catch up about life and everything. I was at his apartment and I got to know he already got married at age 19 with an American girl that came back here with him. They got a child as well. He's the only one working and she's a stay home mom. It didn't take me for long to realize he's a complete beta vagina worshiper now and I felt disturbed talking to a guy. He is a complete opposite of what he was before he went to US. Before all of this crap he was based and actually cool person to hang around with. I know it was when we were still teens, but knowing him back then you'd really think he would grow up to be an absolute alpha. He's got the looks, height and quite above good job now, but mentally he's just so wacky/silly and bit feminine. As for his wife, the more I spoke to her and the way she spoke to him it really gave me a clear look she's quite bored of him. She's bored of life with him and she clearly doesn't see him as interesting anymore. If she ever did. For some moments I've felt she's being bit flirtish and submisive to me. This guy was in front of us and didn't realize shit. The way he talked to her was as if he's her servant and trying to please her in everything. This made me feel somewhat angry and disgusted. At some point I've noticed the food products they have in their house and I knew from what near store they were buying these. I also knew she's doing the groceries and that's the moment when I told myself inside "I'm going to fuck this woman." I just wanted to do it. She's not even that attractive but I felt this needs to be done. What did I do? I went to the store I was sure she was going every morning or so. It wasn't far from my place either and I decided to go there every morning until I run into her and do my thing. It happened eventually, I think after fifth time I went there or so. I approached to her and said hello. We talked for a bit and she asked me few questions and she showed clear signs she's into me. She mentioned her husband is at work just as I thought he would be. I asked her if she wants to have a quick coffe with me but she said she can't as her child is alone and she needs to get back there before it wakes up. But then she said I should come over and she will make some for us. At this point we both had our body language telling eachother what we want. We knew what would happen when we are at her place. In short, she didn't even make the coffe. She was going to but I just said I don't want to play games & I'm there because I want her. She didn't look surprised and I am pretty sure she knew what was going on from the start. I'm probably one of many guys she cucked my friend with. To end this, the sex was fucking great and I've filled all the 3 holes she's got. This woman is definitely in top 5 girls I've slept with. We spent the whole morning fucking in their bed and she just didn't seem to care about their child much either. We just fucked and the child was locked in another room. I felt bad for that part but I had to do this. Someone had to. I'm definitely thinking to keep fucking her, I don't see her husband being any sort of threat even when he finds out. She's just that good in bed. I'm sorry about my English btw, I hope I get better with, she might help.


This is the post. OP is a veneral jew

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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out of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most

What did I do? I went to the store I was sure she was going every morning or so. It wasn't far from my place either and I decided to go there every morning until I run into her and do my thing. It happened eventually, I think after fifth time I went there or so.


Is the red pill full of Mike "Gorilla Dick" Cenrnovich wannabes?

The red pill is the ultimate cope for incels in denial.

I got fucked over like this once when I was alot younger. I played it cool "awe dude fuck man, it's all good she a hoe anyway". All of a sudden though , I felt like I was carrying a backpack full of bricks.

At the time in my life , I remember distinctly wondering how a long time friend could betray me like this. I dumped the girl, but couldn't really blame her as she caught me cheating many times, and it seemed like a revenge mission from her. Women don't make the best decisions sometimes, you can't really blame em. But my childhood friend man, who I helped get laid on more than one occasion. That stung hard.

Next time we were hanging out with my friends in a secluded spot, I sent my two buddies to grab the pot from my car that "I forgot". He saw what was comming , tried to bottle me . I smashed his hand on the railing, bottle flew out of his hands. Then I proceeded to beat the ever living fuck out of him. He emasculated me, so I made him hurt just the same. After he was on a heap on the ground I sat him up execution style and made him think I was gunna kill him by breaking his neck. (Lol) It felt so good watching this bitch cry after how he hurt me. Then I made him kiss my shoe and kicked him in the head. Our mutual friends could hear him crying and sobbing on the way back. They showed up , and this man was broken. He flinched anytime someone came near him. I forced him in my car, drove to the liquor store, bought him his wine that he tried to bottle me with and drove him to the train. Told him to fuck off and think about his actions.

The next 4 years I cut off everyone in mutual friends group who still talked to him. Alot of people even sided with him, especially the ones who never got laid. Probably because they could see themselves doing the same. Did I ever apolagize even though like half my social circle was pressuring me to? Fuck no. I developed another friend group, cut my losses and met my current best friend.

People say redpill is amoralistic and made for just results. But any time I seen some snake shit happen like this, it has always come from guys with no abundance. Most guys in my life who couldn't get laid while growing up, always seemed open to screwing each other over, wether it be gossiping or snitching to girlfriends of friends who strayed. I eventually grew to despise men who couldn't get laid, as they couldn't be trusted. I had to completely change my social circle and grow new relationships from scratch.

I hope the man who wrote this one day does this to someone who isn't afraid to make a point. Friends don't sneak around and stalk thier way into friends wives pants.

Your a punk and I hope he shows you a lesson. Or someone else later in life. You sound like a wanna be tough guy, and eventually people like you meet someone not afraid to chin check.

It really is a creative writing club

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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If only indeed, friend.


why have women cast off the traditional norms and become a bunch of money-grubbing, status-seeking sluts?

sleeps with married women, encourage others to do the same


When the sex they say they’re having is actually role-play on the internet, the huge inconsistencies are much less apparent.