r/fragilewhitewomen seethe over a fucking meme

112  2019-09-04 by ardasyenden


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56% male 44% female means there are 27% more men than women, it's not really "as much".

*12%? That's pretty close I don't think if those 12% women were driving it would be much different. 12% in a population of 10 million is not that significant.

Reeeetard alert

For some reason seeing dramaposters posting their le funny inside drama memes and jokes on other subreddits makes me seethe yikes cope and cringe. It's like when you meet up with an old friend and all they can do is repeat the dick jokes you both made when you were 13.

It has a nonzero chance of herding in lolcows though, so I can't help but tolerate it in the name of dramacoin

i don’t like it for the reasons you said but I like it because brigading is banned but it’s such a clear, blatant violation that shows we don’t care

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Men are better drivers because as hunters they needed better spatial understanding.

Women can recognize 27 different shades of purple because gathering the wrong berries could lead to poisoning.

Evopsych is honestly the best and most dramatic field of science. It causes so much anger and denial and the best part is it cannot be proven or disproved because it's unfalsifiable. You basically have to choose to believe it or not.

Statistically, men aren't better drivers though, lol.

yangpede more like yangpeed haha

Lol 😂 he's got you there yangpede, 🤷🏽‍♂️

Because some rightfully so not allow their property to drive.


Real men do not allow their property to drive automobiles, which is why men crash their automobiles more often.

Do you by chance know what per capita means?

You can purr on my capita, faggot

I'm pretty sure that's illegal to do in California now. Maybe Cali isn't such a hellhole after all. 😁

Men get into more accidents because they are reckless drivers. But in terms of driving and parking skills, men are better drivers.

Better drivers, yet they crash more?

Yeah just like we’re better fighters but die in wars more

This doesn't make sense, most people fighting wars are men. There aren't enough women fighting wars to make this argument.

Men drive more often, and when adjusted for time spent driving, women actually get into more accidents lol

There were only 9 f1 female drivers.

That's because women suck at driving.

The end.

F1 drivers crash way more than I do yet they are much better drivers than me. Really makes u 🤔


Actually this isn’t true, you’re a great driver

Formula 1 racers get into "accidents" at very high rates, if you can't account for how risky they are, that is useless as a metric for driving skill.

If men are risky, thus leading to more accidents, then they are worse drivers.

Being risky is part of being a bad driver.

It's not weird, it's looking at an edge case to understand where the metric breaks down.

If men are risky, thus leading to more accidents, then they are worse drivers.

If by "better driver" one means "being more skilled at the act of driving" then how risky their driving choices are is completely irrelevant to the question.

“The results of this study were univocal. People who endorse authority and strong leaders and who do not mind inequality — the two basic dimensions underlying right-wing political ideology — show lower levels of emotional abilities,” Van Hiel told PsyPost.

it is weird.

People racing in formula one aren't representative of the general population. They aren't crashing because they're bad drivers, they're crashing because at those speeds in those conditions even a minor mistake is enough to cause a disaster. It's not even that they're taking risks.

If by "better driver" one means "being more skilled at the act of driving" then how risky their driving choices are is completely irrelevant to the question.

Doing risky things while driving is, in its self, evidence of poor skill.

I'm going to use a WoW analogy here ok. In wow, you have competitive raiding, meaning groups of 20 people team up to fight the hardest content in the game. These bosses have a lot of different mechanics, at the highest level, failing one of these mechanics almost invariably kills your entire raid and you have to restart.

There is a ton of variance in player skill in this. You have players that take more risks in an effort to do more damage (and thus score higher on the leaderboards) which leads to inconsistency. Top guilds will look down on these people and often not invite them, because the risk-taking behavior is evidence of low player skill. A good player doesn't take risks, he plays in a consistent way from pull 1 to 250. The consistent player is considered more skilled.

The simple fact that men are more likely to take risks, leading to inconsistency in driving is, in itself, proof of lower skill on average.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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People racing in formula one aren't representative of the general population. They aren't crashing because they're bad drivers, they're crashing because at those speeds in those conditions even a minor mistake is enough to cause a disaster. It's not even that they're taking risks.

It's exactly that they're taking risks: they're driving faster, taking sharper turns, trying to overtake their competitors. And they're considered the most skilled drivers because they're able to perform in such situations.

What you're claiming is that women have a better aligned perceived and actual driving ability that men, which I won't disagree with, but it says nothing about their ability: how well they can perform the maneuvers that are understood as being a part of driving.

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pizza go install dota or something with actual good pvp instead of wasting away on wow

They die more in accidents which means a woman probably crashed into him

That means men drive about 30 percent more miles than women. Yet, they’re implicated in slightly less than 30 percent of car accidents. Men do cause more accidents, but they are actually less at-risk than women, by a small margin.


I honostly expected more from the intellectual of /r/drama

You should keep reading. Men do drive more miles per year than women, but they're also far more likely to engage in risky behavior, such as driving while drowsy, driving while drunk, etc etc:

The studies explain their findings based on the fact that men tend to engage in certain riskier behaviors, rather than any predisposed gender conditioning. The National Sleep Foundation, for instance, believes there is a 56 percent chance a man will drive while drowsy, while there's only a 45 percent chance a woman would take the same risk. They also found there's a 22 percent likelihood that men will fall asleep while driving, but there's only a 12 percent chance women would make the same error. "Sleep related crashes are most common in young people, especially men, adults with children, and shift workers," the study said.

Men's statistical bad driving tends to stem from deciding to err on the opposite side of caution. In their analysis of people who drive while speeding, NHTSA showed that nearly twice as many men 34 years or younger die in speeding crashes than women in the same age bracket. The FBI also released numbers that showed more men drink and drive. According to Esurance, a leading insurance provider, the government agency published numbers that showed 536,202 men and 174,149 women were arrested for DUIs.

So while yes, men do drive more miles, it doesn't explain away the fact men are far more likely to speed, drive while drunk, drive while sleepy, not put a seat belt on, etc etc.

You should look at insurance rates, men aren't charged more because they drive more miles, they're charged more because they're just worst overall drivers and more likely to crash. For example, some insurance companies will cut the male rate if you let them install a speed monitor on your car:


I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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You just completely ignored the entire point of my first post. If you want to say that men are more likely to engage in risky behavior while driving(leading to more fatal accidents). However you completely disregard the defenition of what a car crash is. Dont worry I'll give it to you champ.

A car accident, also referred to as a “traffic collision,” or a “motor vehicle accident,” occurs when a motor vehicle strikes or collides another vehicle, a stationary object, a pedestrian, or an animal

Per miles driven men and women are just as likely to suffer from a "Car accident" which includes everything in the defenition above.

Holy shit this is the first time ive ever seen pizzashill not respond to something. Its been an hour i dont think hes coming back.

He banned himself for being btfo too many times probably.

It happens all the time, especially when hes wrong. He'll either nuke his thread, or not respond

Dude got fucking hosed lmao

Men get into more costly accidents, women get into more but less costly fender benders.

They also drive more, the entire point is that when you control for miles driven men aren't as dangerous. A classic car is cheaper to insure than a regular one, is it because they are inherently less likely to get in accidents or because they only travel 100 miles a year?

Except if even if we account for miles driven, more are more likely to drive drunk, speed, drive while sleeping, not put on a seat belt.

All dangerous things that increase rate of a serious accident.

But somehow men dont have a higher rate of accidents when controlling for miles driven. But if as you say men are more risky, then the only possible conclusion is that they are actually better drivers who can drive more unsafe compared to women but be just as safe.

Young men likely have more accidents even per capita. I suspect "miles driven" is skewed by truckers and stuff, which are primarily male.

Damn, I wonder why the profession of driving is overwhelmingly male, maybe it's because they drive better. Where are the female nascar and formula1 drivers? Did nobody tell them that pizzashill says women are actually better drivers?

I don't think it has anything to do with that, it's just historically most truckers were men, and it's a "male" field.

Say what you want, but certain historical gender roles have stuck around. You don't seem very coherent, like you're coming off to me as someone that doesn't think much.

Time for the classic "incoherent" claim pizza uses whenever he's losing an argument.

What argument is being lost? you're making the claim most truckers are male because women are worse drivers.

That's a non-starter, it's not a logically sound argument.

The original argument that you're running away from.

What? That women are statistically safer drivers? They are, which is why insurance companies charge them less.

That's wrong tho.

It isn't, men are statistically more dangerous drivers, thus they are charged more for insurance by these companies that spent a lot of money determining this.

Like I just said, you changed your argument to one you think you can win.


"Men drive more dangerously" is not the same argument as "men are worse drivers" you're trying to change the argument because men do drive in a more risky way so you can claim you are correct.

I made an analogy about this using wow, but it can be applied to any competitive game for example.

If you do something dangerously when you don't have to, that, in itself, means you are bad at whatever you're doing.

So any racecar driver is objectively a worse driver than you because they take risks. Got it.

No, that's a risk he has to take, because it's his job.

For example, someone that decides to log for a living isn't incompetent, it's a dangerous job, which comes with risks, but it's his job.

Now let's say some idiot is by a logging camp, and decides to start logging for the hell of it, not because it's his job.

He's taking a risk he doesn't need to take, he's incompetent.

But is he a worse logger than the loggers next door who try to do it in a safe way and cut down fewer trees but have more accidents?

Do you just not understand what an acceptable risk is?

If I'm going to walmart, is it ever acceptable to speed?

Answer this question. Who is a worse driver: The one who speeds every single day and never gets in an accident or the one who follows the speed limit and gets in an accident?

The person that speeds every day is the worse driver, because that is a risk that doesn't need to be taken. There's no gain from it.

This is what I would classify as "habitual risk-taking" which is different than a person that is rather risk-averse but decides to take a risk and ends up in an accident.

That's the wrong answer according to the insurance companies you love to cite. A woman with an accident on her record will pay more than a man without one.

Of course, because at that point it comes down to an individual basis, not generalizations.

A female that has crashed a bunch of times has shown she, herself, is prone to accidents, and thus more of a liability.

they give you the benefit of the doubt at first, until you mess up. And for the record, you can actually get around the increased male rate by letting them install a speed monitor on your car:


A person that speeds and doesn't crash is still going to be charged a higher rate.

Of course, because at that point it comes down to an individual basis, not generalizations.

When I put that exact question on an individual basis you claimed the speeder was worse though?

A person that speeds and doesn't crash is still going to be charged a higher rate.

A higher rate than a person with a single accident I wonder?

Pizza? Defending the foids? I never thought I'd live to see the day

ah yes, men have more rods than women, and women more cones than men

But, I was reading a study the other day, and for the meta analysis portion in the intro the study showed no clear evidence for a presence/ absence of differences in color vision for men or women

but the conclusion for this study’s experiment was that men apparently do have significantly greater losses in green-yellow stimuli than women do, so I think women still have that


and for the meta analysis portion in the intro the study showed no clear evidence for a presence/ absence of differences in color vision for men or women

Nice retarded study that doesn't know what color blindness is and why it would be less of a deal with men than women

nice retarded reddit poster that doesnt know what an x chromosome is

Everyone knows colorblindness is more prevalent in men than women because Adam ate more of the apple

lets not downvote Yangpede now, while yes he will be back it sets a bad precident for other cows.

evopsych doesn't work because it assumes that foids have evolved

Have you seen monkey pussy? I wish foids had never evolved.

Lol so thats how they came up with the fleshlight

Notjing funnier than women bitching about a joke

Implying foids know what a joke is

They know what it is because it makes them LIVID.

my vagina.

Lol too true and too funny

Women can suck cock to get out of a dui.

So can men, actually, but the hard part is distinguishing a generic cop stache from a fag stache.

Hoes mad

when are they not

Is there any research on insurance rates by race because I'm pretty sure if the Hispanic one had their own category and it was made that way they wouldn't be able to afford car insurance ever.

Thank you to all those brigading despite being told not to

Fuck the police.

glory be to brigading

lol people who respect jannies should get the hope

Can anyone parallel park though?

Yeah if you're not retarded

I don’t understand why they think it’s so hard

Literally just practice a bit and you’ve got it

Shoutout to the people who never look over their shoulder and just use the mirror and wonder why they hit the car behind them.

I would say your talent for it depends entirely on where you live.

City drivers can part in like a six inch space, country drivers see two cars a block apart and go “nope, I’m out.”

Accidents are just like domestic violence. Women do it more often, but men do it more effectively


Wow that's crazy women crash less when they make up nearly all truck drivers and the majority of the workforce who relies on commuting every day to work

Coping porcelain that women won't work poor shit jobs lmao

All the famous female rally, stock car, rally cross, f1, f-e drivers

That meme was fucking hilarious.

Femininity so fragile.