Football-American compares himself to a slave and /r/NFL galaxybrains agree it's definitely the same thing

20  2019-09-04 by Enrico_Motassa


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Football-American compares himself ... -,,

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Everyone knows that slaves had it made in the 1800s just like NFL players do now. Pretty much the same thing tbh. Times really have not changed

I wish I was a slave if they get starting pay of half a million dollars a season.

Black People are not closer to slavery than the general populace, they just don't get called out as much for their retarded takes which is why they constantly make them.

Oh yeah nobody has it rougher than a grown man who makes millions of dollars to play a kid's game. What's wrong? Did the coach cancel nap time? Did he not pack enough capri suns in the team cooler?

S E E T H I N G.

Yeah didn't Vic Mensa say that everybody knows NFL players are just modern day slaves. Fucking idiot. Im so sick of complaining by the black community. They think every white person is a millionaire. Our forefathers really fucked us bringing slaves over here. Now we have to deal with their stupid shit. I think we should buy every person who is still playing the race card a ticket back to Africa. I bet they would stop whining then.
