Redditors share their experiences with foids: "Women often assume I'm gay, and that's a good thing", as they all nod in agreement

14  2019-09-04 by WreckingYourHome


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Redditors share their experiences w... -,,

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I hate that women have to say that they have a boyfriend, to stop advances. It should suffice to say "I'm not interested", but men don't accept rejection unless it's in the form of being claimed by another man

i hate that i have to say "sorry, i'm busy", to stop advances. it should suffice to say "i'm not interested", but i don't have the average redditor's retarded social skills and know how to politely decline

Definitely, I've known a bunch. The first thing I ever had that could resemble a relationship was with one of those. She had lived the most traumatic of lives, and it just seemed to spiral downwards. I ended up being a solid point in her life, so she opened up to me and managed to process all of this. Shortly afterwards she came out as a lesbian, and this summer she got married and moved across the world back home to where she grew up. Sometimes you can break out of it.




Foids. Not even once. Well, maybe once, but she was a very hot chick with 139 IQ and I was (and still is) a retarded fat manlet. I still wonder how did I manage to have a serious relationship with her. Nowadays whenever I have to have contact with a women (i.e, talking, handshaking etc.) I dress my hazmat suit and shower with high pressure water afterwards.

I've had multiple women just assume I'm gay when they first got to know me.

I've met a couple dudes like this. Some of them even have the gay lisp. I seriously wonder if they realize if they're aping all the popculture-propagated hallmarks of a gay person intentionally or if they just picked it up through cultural osmosis? Without exception they're all limp-wristed bitch-boys who come from money and are extremely self-conscious because they exist as a walking affectation and honestly they're all probably just so deep in the closet that they're Narnian royalty.