Landwhale temporarily loses handicap privilege thanks to alpha foid

91  2019-09-04 by TigerKelley


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Lol reddit has so many fat fucks.

The only reason for a chair to cost 55k is if it's made to support the weight of a gorilla.

Gastric bypass would probably have been cheaper and better for the environment.

2019 Audi a6 is 54k. Insurance has distorted the market.

Love the blue hair. It's electric!

Thank you! I think it's my trademark at this point - if I ever go back to my natural color nobody will recognize me!

I thought the "I will color my hair to be recognised as funny hair girl, not as the fat girl" thing was just a meme, but holy fuck she seems to actually believe it.

500 lb womanoid in a wheelchair is such a common sighting in certain parts of this fair country tbh.

β™ͺ Sweet Land Of Liberty, Of Thee I Sing β™ͺ

😍😍 M'lady is an absolute unit. 400 lbs AT LEAST. 😍😍

Must be the stacey incels have been talking about 😍😍😍

If you sleep with this goddess, it counts twice.

55.000$ for a glorified arduino board with chair and car batteries bolted on

Who the fuck buys this instead of a 3 wheeled chinese scooter for 1/20th of its price?

the government pays for it lmao


Why does moto moto not buy a car?

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Landwhale temporarily loses handica... -,,

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Turn that foid into moid and it checks all the boxes 🀒



This is why God has forsaken us

It is strict corporate policy that all strollers must be folded before being brought onto the bus, but not enough drivers actually enforce it, and this was one of those MONSTER Cadillac strollers to boot.

I like how she feels she is in the position to judge others of bringing something to the bus that takes up too much space. lmao

seeing the front entirely occupied by disabled people (including myself) decided to push past toward the back

So three "disabled" (fat) people block the entire front part of the bus and they think the other are the entitled ones. Holly cope!

edit: Her stickers... One even mentions privilege, the other mayos. This woman is a rolling meme.

Surprised that they needed three to block the way

Not anymore, apparently.

I was really hoping it was either an old person or an actual disabled person where they lost their leg or something and not just because they cant put the fork down. Sure enough.

tbf if she has MS then she would end up in a wheelchair sooner or later, it's a horrible condition. Though being that big probably doesn't help

MS is heavily aggravated by obesity.

Yeah but MS would be pretty depressing to live with. I feel for her. This isn't the same as some random woman who is 500 lbs to show up the thinsplainers.



Wait, we are allowed to link peoples pics again?

Its in the post, should be fine.

I just got a temp ban a week ago for the exact same thing

Mods are fags IDK what to tell you




Penn State



What is it? Uncontrollable eating? Or refusal to eat healthier to prevent alot of calorie buildup.


Based username


more importantly how the fuck is she able to spend $55K on a fucking wheelchair? I have to think about next 5 years just investing that much money into something.... There is no god and if he is he is a fat fuck


This is the Healthcare Bernie wants you to subsidize

Why the fuck does a god damned wheel chair cost 55K? A 2019 Audi A6 is 54k.

That is why we cant have socialized medicine... There is no way that a fucking electric wheelchair is worth valuable than an imported luxury sports car.

An a6 isn't a luxury sports car it's an executive saloon if that.

Fair enough.

Oh definitely.

Would you like to be triggered some more?

Hey paypig, Just pay for my health insurance

When you get so stressed out from a long day of sitting on your ass in a motorized chair that whisks you everywhere you need to go that you have to drink 2 beers to relax and unwind.

I'm just surprised she even fits in the wheelchair

I like the adapt plate

Also what kind of hunk of shit gets permanently disabled because some one pushes a stroller past it?


How the FUCK is that thing 55k? Give me 1/10th of that and I'll build you an electric throne of luxury. I should get into the fatty scooter business.

Also lol at the adapt plate.

Adapt plate.

I even called the police because I wasn't sure how I'd be able to to get home

I bet she's one of those woke faggots who unironically posts ACAB in private

You could build one for a regular person much cheaper. But the cost becomes astronomical when you need to consult 12 different engineers on how to make it able to withstand the weight of this whale plus all of the shit she put on it.


55k for a scooter. Fukin lol, Ive met several people with MS, all except for one (a 70 year old megaboomer with no hands) used manual wheelchairs to get around. Given that she's on the ground modifying/fixing it I don't understand why she cant be one of those people.

All fatties who use a non-manual wheelchair deserve anything they get, change my view.

You know most wheelchair users are heavy because they're wheelchair users, right?

My neighbor is crippled from the legs down and is in great shape because he makes sure to work out. Of course he can’t build much abdominal strength because he cant do stuff like planks and sit-ups, but his upper body is very well built. Put down a fork.


Is your disability just being overweight? Lmao

That's such a ridiculous statement tbh. No you fat fuck, most (doubt) wheelies are fat because they eat as if they actually burned calories apart from lifting their arms at times. I've met one fat user who ate the same or more than anyone else despite needing less calories and 2 who weren't fat because they were able to stop chewing for 20 minutes



We need pinging back and this is why