SRDines praise brave and courageous man who drowned a KKK member in a vidya, proceed to turn on him after it’s discovered he disapproves of bussy.

58  2019-09-05 by Ghdust2


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Sad seeing someone of color being happy with killing a racist in a video game while at the same time being ok with discriminating against someone because of their sexual preference. He’s a real piece of shit.

lol these people ain't never read an opinion poll about bussysexuality.

You can tell Reddit doesn’t actually know any blacks or Hispanics because they are always surprised when those two groups hates fags and trannies.

If you ever feel like a loser in life, remember that the incel legbeard SRD users are still bawling their eyes out because you can kill feminists in a video game.

Feminists in video games should be unkillable like the kid npcs in Skyrim

Yeah because like real life feminists they're fucken annoying and you can't manage to ever get rid of them

I never got why people think that just because you are against something that hurts you, you would somehow be "progressive" about all other ones.

also the title of the original post was great reddit upvote bait.

Ironically, this is a very racist attitude in itself.

"How dare you not wanting to celebrate the degeneracy of certain people while you yourself are something even worse: A black person! Lmao, you are stupid."

Jews did this


  1. SRDines praise brave and courageous... -,,

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I kinda feel bad for the guy tbh.

On one hand you have SRDines going from "yas king slay" to "wow, he has some questionable views. I could probably make him understand why they are bad if I compare homosexuality and race so he can relate... or I'll just call him a piece of shit lol, all humans are either amazing or awful" and people piling on him in the unpopularopinion post (especially this "you have some work to do on being an ally." comment is making me seethe that we can't do certain type of post anymore).

On the other you have anti-janny tards who are mad that he killed a virtual KKK member in a game, and they're also pinging him and piling in on that unpopularopinion post.

Dude just wanted to grill and play RDR2 FFS.

This is why intersectionality is nonsense.

Well yeah, he’s a black dude. What did they expect lol he’s not gonna like fags.


Imagine your biggest joy in a game to kill some random civilian unnamed npc.