PhD (the D stands for dramanaut) suggests a wholesome topic for the family BBQ

42  2019-09-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This has great drama. "Pegging isn't actually gay"

Female on female pegging is always gay though.

What a fag

Is anti-intellectualism justified yet?

Just don't shoot the nerds with glasses please, otherwise we lose the internet.

Pol is that you?

Has been for years

Woketardness is also anti-intellectualism, unfortunately.

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


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What fag

Reminder that these people are the teachers of 'higher' education because they can't convince anyone else to spend 8+ years in school to earn 50k a year.

I don't really care what people do but you realize like 75% of the country either outright hate gays or dislike them?

This is the same dude that wanted people to use Labor Day for the discussion of legalizing sex work. I'm glad somebody found their niche, but damn.

my pre-teen son used the word 'pegging' like pegs on a bike so i talked to him about the sexual fetish.

What the actual fuck.

Nothing unearths latent degeneracy, immorality, and anti-Christianity faster than a discussion on missionary sex. Discover this for yourself at your next family gathering.

Did this guy post the his shitty answer from a Cards Against Humanity game?

The problem with the war on bullying is that bullying isn't inherently bad, just that unregulated bullying can be harmful due to game theory problems, we should have just set some ground rules and let it continue.