Phedre “y’all can’t behaves” at /r/aww post.

62  2019-09-05 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Phedre “y’all can’t behaves” at /r/... -,,

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It is cute because he is a People Of Explosion currently not exploding anything?!?

Please be more sensitive to the culture and practices of Carbombistan


Carbombistan is an IRA culture appropriation!

Thats him practicing how to hide a bomb

I can't with you .-~sO eDgY~-. fuckers today.

Why are Redditors talking like Tumblr girls in 2014?


Because this is where they’ve moved to after tumblr gulaged NSFW stuff

You know it does feel like both reddit and twitter got more retarded at the same time

It’s like that saying about how okies coming to California lowered the iq of both states

Phedre is such a dumb little cunt. Imagine living her life and being that miserable

How is your daughter?

I have some bad news for you, fren.


"Is there something special about picnic blanket colors for the hood"

Lmao... I'd like to think this was a genuine question from someone who meant well.

Obviously a KKK member. Way to woosh on the dog-whistle.


This particular janny especially.

Holy fucking shit if its one person i agree with unironically in this sub its you

Father of the year

Well if this is all it takes.

He didn’t explode, that’s father of the year material

Wow a guy with a browner hue than printer paper did something nice on camera!

14 trillion upvotes. What is wrong with these people?

Lol the woman isn't allowed there these idiots think opposing the most violent religion in history is somehow edgy

Mongolian Animalism?

What's actually the point of this though? What are the consequences of not locking a thread with some controversial, downvoted comments?

You don’t get the last word?


Aww, Is that one of those fancy Bacha Bazi parties?

father of the year

for doing the most basic thing for their kid even my autistic dad did

I'm convinced 99% of reddit is fatherless.
