The patriarchy has always ignored or belittled womens' contributions to science.

327  2019-09-05 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


people just want to believe in harmless fun bullshit to add some spice to the dullness that is modern life, hth

Those people are retarded once they act sanctimonious about it

thats what gives the spice some zest, when some dorky virgin comes up and goes '''excuee me--- i have 19 peer reviewed studies showing that small bodies of water can't be af--''' yawn

"no being retarded is good actually" - your mind on HRT

posting boring twitter hags for cringe points - exciting content for 74 year old mayos

Traps ur coping for the most Mayo shit of all, new age hippy bullshit

thats what makes it fun



Genocide twitter users.

Send them off to camps when?

Literally blaming a rock in space for their failures.

When you externalize your locus of control so far it’s interplanetary

But if the moon pulls me up, then how is my life steadily going downhill?

Is it that odd that people that think a rock in space is alive would think other space rocks are also magical?

Fucking white people

fucking cumskins

The patriarchy doesn't want you to know about zodiac powers because they know that only a woman can tap into that force with their DEEP WOMANLY WITCHCRAFT.

Please educate yourselves at /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy

This is happening because the government puts dumb bitch juice in our water supply.

Imagine thinking that the only women scientist in history curry wasnt just passing off her husbands work.

Imagine rightoid seriousposting here while Jane Goodall at your age was making Earth-shattering discoveries about what it means to be human.

Earth-shattering discoveries about what it means to be human.

good shitpost

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. The patriarchy has always ignored o... -,

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Rosland Franklin here BTFO

You’re telling me we need the sun and moon to live and can prove how it impacts us as human beings but JUPITER doesn’t do shit?!

not to sound hysterical but humanity really was a mistake

Who said we need the moon to live? Do these foids just whip facts into existence?

some retarded TA overstating the ecological importance of tides probably

I hate this because it's so colossally anthropocentric, do people truly believe that the existence of a large moon just happens to perfectly suit the needs of earthly life? Do they not realise we're suited for it BECAUSE WE'VE EVOLVED TO BE?

There's a hypothesis that without the moon life would likely have been erased by meteorite showers at some point.

I mean it's an objective fact that jupiter and the moon both play a role in reducing the number of asteroids that hit earth.

Truly we are in the worst timeline

Based and negutilitarianpilled

And we would have deserved it. Fuck this stupid Moon.

It's a hypothesis and nothing more. The fact remains that prokaryotic life probably existed through the late heavy bombardment in some subterranean form, which - despite the moons existence at the time - was still extremely severe. It seems the thermochemical conditions on Earth are so conducive to the development of life that only the complete liquefaction of the crust could eliminate it once it took hold, which would require an impactor of planetary scale. Even if the moon had never been formed, I believe earthly life is a near certainty.

I don't believe it either

The earth didn’t always have a moon, it was likely created by a huge meteor strike and there was life on the planet before the moon existed.

Yeah but that life was like anaerobic prokaryotes who didnt give a shit about whether the moon existed or not

tbh I don't give a shit about the moon, either

Highly unlikely there was any life on earth in the period before the impact which created the moon

The presence of such a large moon is one of the most unique things about Earth though. I'm gonna try to not commit suicide for a few decades so I can hear when we get some data from exoplanets and find out just how unusual a big moon is.

Tbf the moon keeps the Earth pretty stable and not wobbling as much. Evolution would have taken a different course to survive the unpredictable seasons and humans as we know them wouldn’t be around without the moon probably.

Irregardless though fuck astrology retards.

Jupiter does have a lot of influence on asteroids, comets, etc. Its massive gravity well leads to routine impact events (~200x more than Earth) that would be life-ending if they had hit Earth, like the Shoemaker-Levy comet that released about 6 teratons of TNT equivalent when it impacted Jupiter in 1994.

Overall, Jupiter's influence might skew towards beneficial for Earth life, though that remains contentious.

But yeah. That's not what these astrology weirdos are talking about at all. Oh my god I can't stand astrology.

Humanity is fine. You should just have to pass a test to use a keyboard.

Twitter was a mistake. It allows these people to congregate. We need an ideological cleansing. Preferably concentration camps, and a final solution type thing.


Hoping an asteroid hits us tbh.

Looks like someone never read the sequels to 2001: A Space Odyssey 🙄

Reminder that the noble European people were woke to the delicate balance of fluids before (((they))) set our science back thousands of years.

bring back four-humourposting

Haven't you played Wolfenstein? All major scientific inventions were made by secret (((organizations))) and stolen/leaked by others.

leo ❂ scorpio dominant ☾ sagittarius ⤴ / i talked to the moon & she said you’re a bitch / pretty much a scorpio moon stan acc

Oh the caucacity...

Really though does anyone besides white foids give a shit about zodiac signs?

yes, the people trying to take money from mayo foids

Ahhh yes those (((people))).

Also gypsies. Is there an (((echo))) equivalent for gypsies?

🔮🔮🔮Romani Ethnicity🔮🔮🔮


Yeah, 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳those people🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Gypsies... aka Europe's mexicans.

trump rallies like mexicans more than europeans like gypsies

One time on vacation in Paris a gypsy foid pinched my arm real hard in an effort to grab onto me after I refused her money. I felt a bit of fash rising within me lol.

Was this before or after with the hooker you banged?

Implying I'd willingly touch gussy, lmao

Oh, definitely not. Burgerland has two party and one of them like mexicans. There are no party that like gypsies in yurop. None. Everyone, from the literal commies to the fash hate them.

Ms.Cleo was just getting reparations

Ring in to see your star sign forecast, only $9.99 a second!

Ironically, zodiac based beliefs are literally the oldest religion on earth. Hell, even Christianity gets a fuckton of content from it

Makes sense. Even before there was agriculture the ability to track seasons was vitally important. If you look to the East each morning, right before the Sun makes it impossible to see stars, you'll see new constellations rise seemingly from behind the sun.

Right now, Orion is visible just before dawn. Haven't seen it since the start of summer. It's easy to imagine how people would attach meaning to that - it literally does have meaning (it just doesn't mean you should break up with your boyfriend, or whatever).

And horses were the most important means of land transport for 5,000 years.

But only one demographic gives a fuck about them today.

Two demographics*

Horses are fucking delicious


used to hang out with a black girl who would never shut up about signs and shit

she was culturally pretty white tho so 💁

she was culturally pretty white tho


holy shit that actually looks a lot like her 😨

i mean it's not but they have exactly the same hair and similar body shape

That doesn't look 'pretty white' to me

At all

She's not white, she's culturally white. Hence being fucked by a dog.

ya ^ exactly

honestly that seems like some shit she'd have did

Anecdotally, I noticed a fair amount of black women into Zodiacs too.

foids gonna foid

so a klondike

Chinese girls all believe in their own version of the zodiac which is all tigers and snakes and rats and everyone in Asia thinks that you can't date someone unless your blood types match or some shit. That last one was apparently invented by Jap facists during WW2.

There's actually depressed birth rates during unlucky years.

thinks that you can't date someone unless your blood types match or some shit. That last one was apparently invented by Jap facists during WW2.

thats such a bizzare one too. like at least with astrology there should be a roughly equal percentage of people for each sign. but with blood, 90% of people have 3 blood types, and then only .5% of the population have 3 other blood types.

I found this run down of the idea as it's applied nowadays:

Total crap obviously but it doesn't even scan with the 1920s origins of the theory which started with a report made by the Japanese army on various ethnic groups in Japan and Taiwan (which was then under Japanese rule).

probably Ted Cruz

The Japans are all about blood type iirc

A good number of black women do too. Probably some gay dudes too.

I thought the gays were doing it as a bit but someone genuinely blocked me on grindr once when I told him i was a gemini lol

That's pretty gay of him.

It'd have been gayer if he let me fuck him 😒

Yeah that sounds really gay.

imagine being 2 instead of being a fish

I think there's some male feminists getting into it these days to prove how not sexist they are.

Curries do, but it's like easternized and like there are people who study that shit for a living and are called when the baby is born and shit.

Isaac Newton


Few things make moids seethe as much as zodiac.

Asians are not only into zodiac signs, we are also into blood types and our yearly animal stuff.

I knew this Iranian chick who would look at her horoscope but I think that was probably motivated on some level by her being a nationalist and resenting the Islamic regime's attempts to suppress their her country's culture. At least I want to believe that because she's cute.

Zoroaster btfo

Her pronouns are:


what do those words even mean?



almost 30k likes

We are fucked

If you think thats bad, keep in mind that this strong, brave womyn is studying to be an attorney

But surely legal paperwork is easier to work with than an understanding of tidal forces

You literally wouldn’t believe how fucking retarded law students can be.

Guessing they don't get any smarter than they are as undergrads.

They're stupid enough to go into law, so I'm less surprised than you might think.

Getting a law degree is already a stupid decision for like 80% of students

I mean there is a chance that she could be a functional lawyer. I have seen people who had a doctorate in the medical field that couldnt even drive a car for example.

Have you not learned anything from Ben Carson?

People study law because they want to make money and suck at STEM its not really that surprising

she is controlled by the moon becuase her head is 100% water

The moon rules our emotions whole the sun controls our inspiration and fun fact the moon reflects light and energy to the sun so if it wasnt for the moon there wouldnt be a bright sun. Moonlight is stronger in energy so those plp who dont know shit needs to go back to studying

This person votes.

That's why solar panels work best at night.

You get the best tans during the middle of the night

My wife’s grandma took a Tarot reading of all the candidates in the 2016 election and voted based on that. Surprisingly, she still won’t tell us who she voted for. Mayos were a mistake.



This is r/drama, you can safetly assume that it's a sissyboi in a rubber maid dress.

Trans wife

RNG or SKT at worlds?


omega yike. in this house we understand tarik 2 major s1mple 0

Look man, I don’t appreciate these personal attacks, and I’d like you to stop bullying my pickem choices. Thanks.

well i'm not getting diamond either, i had liquid to beat ast

I hope your wife's son is mixed

Based retard.

They should be euthanized before they can procreate.

We need to place twitter users in concentration camps.

When are we gonna get the Mommy Milkers photoshoot for that?

wtf is wrong with ceddit and removeddit?

White women were a mistake

I love everything about that tweet.

Luckily, it does not make a difference if a ticket scientist or a witch foid votes for either democrats or republicans.

In the end you might as well flip a coin.

Poe's law is too strong with this one

What kind of dog do you think she has?

Throw all of twitter away holy shit

If her and Tariq got into a battle it would cause a wokeness psychic backlash that would leave a smoldering crater 50 miles wide in the Earth.

When a white foid kills someone's dog with a shovel she'll say something like "welp I guess this happened because I'm a Caprisun and today's a Thursday hihi" and think that's a valid excuse

You're implying that it's not a valid excuse lmao at your life

Thanks for posting this. I had to see it for myself. It's as retarded as you'd think.

Bring back domestic abuse

Data were gathered in a large metropolitan area over a period of one year as to nine categories of 34,318 criminal offenses committed during the phases of the full moon and non full moon. It was found that the eight categories of rape, robbery and assault, burglary, larceny and theft, auto theft, offenses against family and children, drunkenness, and disorderly conduct occurred significantly more frequently during the full moon phase than at other times of the year. Only the category of homicide did not occur more frequently during the full moon phase. The results support further exploration and research related to cosmic influences on man's behavior.

People go outside more when it's bright out. Shocker.

Well, i do feel fatter during full moons.

If she was fat, I'd say some snarky remark that she has the mass of the world's oceans in her ass, or something.

Are we more mean today?

Uhh... It DEFINITELY has an effect on us.

Not quite in the ways she thinks I'm sure though.

Cucumbers are 96 percent water and they all act the same


Tfw your cucumbers start acting funny


damn, people believe in the mbti and the world hasn't ended yet. calm down.


After the Enlightenment men pretty much abandoned astrology but for some reason so many women just can't let it go hundreds of years later.

None of the pleople replying to that tweet are scientists, that is for sure.

A glass of water is 100% water, how you gonna tell me it's unaffected by the moon?

That's funny, especially considering Katie Bouman was touted as the posterwoman for the black hole when there were countless other people from countless other countries who put in 100x more work than she even did.
