r/anarchism has a struggle session over how tankies have taken over their safe spaces on reddit. horse shoe confirmed

93  2019-09-05 by Corporal-Hicks


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I’m all for Left unity, but I don’t think these people are actually Leftists.

lol, the quote of the last 5 years for me.

Watching ideological extremists tear themselves apart through purity testing is one of my favorite things. It's horseshoe af and it happens like clockwork and it's always amusing.

I like that it's never their fault. It's always infiltrators or some similar excuse.

It's not, in fact. It's just the fact that anyone who endorses these idiotic ideologies is an immature, emotionally stunted troglodyte with a raging personality disorder or severely undertreated mental illness. These fights happen because the majority of their membership is made up of utterly horrible human beings. The rest of them are so spineless or repulsive that they can't do anything about it.

A bunch of dipshit tranny NEETs cant get anything done.

Mmm 🤔

If you’re suggesting this Reddit gets anything done get OUT.

Hey man, hyper obesity squad goals is easily surpassed and more

Unironically, this is what I love about Islam. The purging of the apostate comes first. It guarantees neverending war, and thus the Muslim will never become the disgusting, feminized mayo. Inshallah.

I mean while the different strand of MLs is purity testing, anarchism and Marxism are completely and utterly incompatible ideologies. Marxists believe in transitioning from capitalism to socialism to communism, anarchism is literally just deciding to YEET the state and say "share now lmao". Their difference in means makes them incompatible, despite wanting similar ends.

Which is fucking amazing as it just means MORE leftist infighting 😁😁😁😁😁 I wish that there was more infighting on the right, tbh. Leftism is a collection of competing cults, rightoids are more of big-tent cultism.

Tradcath twitter is always fighting each others, various strain of monarchist hate each others and so on and so forth. It require a bit more work to find the infighting true.

I don't understand how these fuckups even thought anarchists and marxists could ever get along in the first place.

Anime and tranny hormones must rot your fucking god damn brain, these are incompatible ideologies, they SHOULD KNOW THIS.

They’ll be down for ACAB, Until you talk about Chinese Cops, or really those of any regime vaguely associating themselves with Socialism, No matter how far back that is and no matter how eroded or non-existent their relation to Socialism is today, It’s like they appreciate the aesthetic more than the praxis. Besides being dishonest and opportunistic it screams of associating yourself with radical politics to find an identity to ascribe yourself rather than actually wanting meaningful change. You have to wonder if they actually want meaningful progress, or just really like the aesthetic, and that’s me attributing them one of the more charitable reasons as to why somebody would defend atrocities.

This is the most self-awareness I've ever seen a leftist display. And because rightoids here are politically illiterate, "leftist" doesn't mean "liberal."

Right? I'm genuinely shocked that an unironic anarchist is perceptive and aware enough to hit the nail on the head that accurately.

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. r/anarchism has a struggle session ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Just did so as well. The thread about how Socialism has delivered China a good economy got to me.

They’re literally praising Capitalism- and all the bullshit that comes a long with it, but they’re calling it Socialism.

Lol why won't anyone take leftists seriously btw

There's is a concentrated effort to pollute all left wing communities on social media.

This is a plan to close down any serious discussion on Socialism, Communism and Anarchism. The movement has been gaining traction so they had to do something about it. Expect more of this.

All left wing movements have been infected by those that wish to see and end to any free thinking progressive individuals and their radical ideas.

They're scared and they need to infect our movement from the inside. I honestly don't see any fight back on this. They are being supported by people with a lot of resources and the left don't have any coherence or support like this. It won't end well.

Fascists are taking over the world slowly but surely. If not already. Just look at what's happening right now. It's terrifying.

Oh it's because tankies are actually a false flag

Lenin purged all the anarchists too btw

One of his better moves to be honest.

Nah, anarkiddies > commies

Basically Lenin said "I'm here to save the factory workers." The anarchists replied "This is 1917 Russia, there are 10 factory workers, everyone else is a farmer." Then the Bolsheviks responded, "CYKA BLYAT" and the purges started.

All flaws in my ideology are false flags, prove me wrong!

You really do hate to see it

Anarchists and getting BTFO by tankies, name a more iconic duo 😄 they will never learn 😂🤣


It's not like other animals are less intelligent than us.

TBF most animals are smarter than commies.

When somebody values a dust mite as much as a human

Why do organized groups with concrete goals keep BTFOing idealistic hippies?

I think, not entirely unlike the right, people turn to authoritarianism in times of desperation. It's part of the problem with liberalism, IMO. You get so caught up in thinking in terms of the state that you cease to consider other options entirely.

People turn to authoritarianism because it's easy to just imprison/kill your political opponents. Or more accurately fantasize about imprisoning/killing your political opponents while you breathlessly touch yourself as you read woke Twitter.

It's intellectually lazy but what else is new for extremists.

ah its just the natural progression of commie movements they all eventually turn into tankies

Hey wtf is praxis?

It's literally just a faggy way of saying practice. As in theory vs practice.

They’ll be down for ACAB, Until you talk about Chinese Cops, or really those of any regime vaguely associating themselves with Socialism, No matter how far back that is and no matter how eroded or non-existent their relation to Socialism is today, It’s like they appreciate the aesthetic more than the praxis. Besides being dishonest and opportunistic it screams of associating yourself with radical politics to find an identity to ascribe yourself rather than actually wanting meaningful change. You have to wonder if they actually want meaningful progress, or just really like the aesthetic, and that’s me attributing them one of the more charitable reasons as to why somebody would defend atrocities.

The irony of a fucking anarkiddie saying this is hilarious.