Oof (en "yikes"), kyk na hierdie poes

47  2019-09-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Can someone who speaks this gibberish translate for us?

it says something about wanting to colonize southern africa

"wassup my habbas"?

I wanna moer this guy and his father!

moer means to hit, but it can also mean "to fuck"

I wanna moer you

"to fuck" isn't accurate enough, it's more like "to fuck hard" would be a better translation, it's a strong word

I wanna moer you


moer means to hit, but it can also mean "to fuck"

Based and both sides pilled language

According to legend*(i.e, bullshit), the origin of the word is because the Dutch can't have sex without a little BDSM.

moer means to hit, but it can also mean "to fuck"

You know that saying that you would hit someone can also mean that you want to fuck said person right?

Yeah, but I'm just translating anyway and "moer" was a thing long before the phrase "I'd hit it" too.

Incredibly based language, ngl.

Speak American amigo

Oof (and Yikes), look at this massive fucking cunt.

Edit: But seriously, this is once nuclear fucking hot take in the tweet.

women are so gay

so glad i only fuck my bros

Ivandrei Pretorius says women should chill because they killed 200 thousand babies through abortion whereas most men are just raping women.

Where's the lie?

I don’t speak swamp german

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Oof (en "yikes"), kyk na hierdie po... - archive.org, archive.today

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