Future world superpower construct a canal for 42 years only for it to fall apart in under a day lmao

182  2019-09-05 by The_Live_Ghost





Boomer meme

looks like that loo

dons sunglasses

took too much poo


3 months until india becomes a superpower!

"Authorities on their behalf blamed several rat holes for the mishap and claimed the same wouldn't have happened had those holes been cemented on time."

I can't. I just can't.

They only had FOUR DECADES to remember that the local rats know how to make holes.

Hey the rats gave them the timetable. If India can't get its collective shit together enough to deal with it them what do you expect.

Apparently they can burrow through cement as well.

Shockingly, the cost of making the canal also escalated sharply from a mere ₹12 crore to ₹2,176 crore over the years. 

Yeah a 47 year project that somehow balloons in cost 200x in Jharkand is definitely just a money funnel/corruption

Apparently, they can barely get it up, either.

... Why are they acting surprised the commander in chief can't technically "leak" things?

Also... Hillary emails? Precedent? Finally the right time to make that particular argument?

Yeah, he leaked that secret track of the hurricane, too!

It was headed right for Alabama till he nuked it

This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Don't skimp on your geotechnical work, cement shitters

They're blaming rat holes lol.

Slaceshitters name the Jew

Aka, the geotechincal work was probably shit and it almost immediately experienced piping and other hydrological issues and failed

I can't imagine how bad the corruption is tbh. It's probably worse than China at this point.

a region of the world as diverse as Europe was tricked by Mughals/Brits into being a single country

i feel kind of bad tbh

*2 countries that hate each other


If someone had told them using cow piss instead of water was a bad idea. Sad!

That's a big poo

That's just a picture of your moms vagina

This is why superpowah 2020 people need to just stick to making web pages and claiming technical genius cuz they wrote some JavaScript. Just let them have that.

The sheer throughput of feces was underestimated.

Please revert and do the needful



We see Communism vs Capitalism in China vs India.

You mean South Korea Vs North Korea

India was a socialist till 1990s, it only opened its markets 27 years ago, by then east Asian golden age had already been ded

South Korea was a dictatorship until 1987. Taiwan until 1992.

₹2,176 crore

Holy fuck, 2,176 crore!

Obviously they spent most of those crores on gay hookers and cocaine and not on building a proper canal.

Fun fact that might further shame street shitters: the ancient Egyptians had more success building canals 4,000 years ago than India today. Yikes.

Can't wait to see how their moon landing goes.

Coming from cumskins who shat up chernobyl

Nobody shat in the street in Pripyat, and your rivers are more harmful to life than the coolant water in chernobyl

😂 😂 😂


Comparing millions of deformed cumskins to animal attacks, man no wonder you inbreds are a dyeing breed




Ummm, sweaty it isn't "animal attacks", its multiple different cases of dogs eating abandoned baby corpses.

Pajeet, do you know how to use the bathroom?

Going by your moms porno career it's in her mouth

Are you going to ask for “bobs and vagene” while shitting in the designated streets?

Why are you afraid of bathrooms?

“Oh yeah? Well, your mom!”

Go back to your fucking mud hovel you shit eating fuck.

How did your moon landing go 😂😂 😂

Not a good weeks for curries.


How did your moon landing go 😂😂 😂

Not a good weeks for curries.

It's because of their lack of Mexicans in construction