Daddy doubles down on hurricane Dorian, uses a sharpie to insist he's right.

26  2019-09-05 by yangpede


Eat shit


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Drumpf must be impeached

I think he should stay put, it's great for exposing the American right for the clown fiesta they are.

So you don’t care about the children dying in concentration camps?

Not really.



I support it tbh.

Sucks when your whataboutism doesn't work, doesn't it lol

Vote stupid people get stupid actions

Bring back literacy tests.

Yes, in the past they were used to keep the negro down, once the honkies lose their votes too it will even out.

Dottering old dude does dottering old dude things that are illegal. Might as well post about every gomer that "forgot to pay" for the carriage of groceries in Des Moines.

The difference being, of course, that random old dudes not paying for their groceries aren't running the worlds only superpower.

This is something you'd expect a tin pot dictator to pull as a propaganda move or something.


would you be surprised is he claimed he was?

That would be hilarious. China mad.

Lol pizzashill

lol love pizzashill



ddf brought their markers 🤭🤭🤭

This will surely be what brings down Trump.

Nah, it's just absurd how dumb he is.

Lol imagine being so upset that your only response is to sarcastically say things about impeachment. Just accept you voted for a tard and laugh when he does stupid shit

I voted for Jeb!, normie scum.

Yeah who didn't. I'm talking about the election you dip. Unless you wrote in Jeb, then good on you

Confronted by a reporter again about the apparent use of a sharpie on the map, Mr Trump added: “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Imagine if WW3 broke out and the next he had to explain his actions.

Every time I think he can't get any more stupid he goes and proves me wrong.