Chris Sabat (the voice of Vegeta in Dragon Ball) has been formally accused of exchanging sexual favors in exchange for acting gigs by another voice actor.

79  2019-09-06 by JohnWoo4


Someone post the gif of Piccolo fucking the shit out of Vegeta

Whoa, I wanna see.

Thanks doc

Truly the most effective conditioning experiment of our time

Daily Dose Delivered


Almost too spicy for slashdrama.


Bulma got Broly fired on baseless accusations because he's a cunt (and catholic) IRL which is good because so is Broly but now apparently 17 is saying it's all bullshit and Vegeta was in on sexual favors.

Vic Defense Force ASSEMBLE!

Vic did nothing wrong

He worked for Funimation, he did plenty wrong, but this is his moment of redemption

as if bulma isn't a hoe

Show me the evidence. Thots are evil

Vegeta can ravage my vegina any day 😍😍 Kakarot ain’t got nothin on this cock ☺️😋

It's not Vegeta, it's his fat voice actor.

Offer stands 💅


Uhhh what’s “ewww”?

Just be white

furry is zoophile blackface


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Brian Drummond is the better Vegeta anyways 💅

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Chris Sabat (the voice of Vegeta in... -,

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Holy shit someone source this shit for me

We should act like women would never fuck someone to get more money?

I don't want to sound like an ITcel but there is a handful of women who would fuck their boss just to get a raise.


dont be sexist, im sure most people would

the real problem is moids enable these people. Foids usually don't

It's not just women, literally anyone would fuck their boss to get a raise. The only reason women do it more than men is because men are retarded morons who literally only think about sex and hand out favours for it like raises and promotions and even jobs. The male human is truly a reprehensible species.

Lol it happens all the time in workplaces. The Kpop industry is purely based off sexual favours for career advances. Kpopcels are absolutely disgusting and brainlet pilled.

Kpopcels are absolutely disgusting and brainlet pilled.

I mean, isn't their average age like 12?


I don't get the issue, especially if it was shit like "sleep with me and I'll find you a spot on the show" instead of "sleep with me or you won't get a spot on the show"


How about we hang every faggot that cares about this shitty cartoon for 13 year old Japanese boys?

Wow you are so cool I wish I could not care about things as much as you do.

This was literally made for preteen boys. Stop watching it.

Do you even know what drama is?

I agree that punishing dubbing voice actors is the lord's work, but also that Dragonball is garbo tier anime

English dub dragonball even 🤢

Whoa, watch the hate crime. Black people love DBZ.

Latinos too. Hating DBZ is officially a hate crime.

Reported for racism

Is voicing a minor character on a cartoon really lucrative enough for foids to go ‘directors rights respected’?

Plenty of dangerhairs who grew up watching pokemon who desperately wants a foot into the voice acting scene even if it isn't paid more than flipping burgers

Literally how is this any different from any other transaction for a service?



Suspiciously, the lady who voiced Gohan (i don't remember her name) apparently verified she was wrapped up in it. So I wouldn't just dismiss the allegations wholesale.