Redditors revel in the fact that they chose furbabies over actual children.

35  2019-09-06 by OrcLover69


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Redditors revel in the fact that th... -,,

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The only solution for the West is to biologically engineer the ability for white women to interbreed with dogs and give rise to the Dogmen race.

Human babies are bullshit. They can't even fight well. My pibble furbaby would wipe the floor with any ugly-ass skinbaby out there.

Cant argue with that

Reddit's childfree shit is the ultimate COPE.

Existential COPE is some of the best COPE

You’re not childfree you’re just an incel

childfree people are just as annoying like the edgy atheist were 10 years ago


I unironically hope that these people get cancer in their 30s so that they can spend some time thinking about being totally forgotten by the rest of the universe for all eternity vs. being normal goddamn fucking mammals.

That happens either way dude

It is not that they are wrong about strangers not caring about random kids. It is that they think their pibble is more interesting.

If say pibbles are more interesting. When is the last time you saw a toddler murder another toddler?


Yesterday a guy posted a photo of his dad holding his newborn child. It was the same account he uses to proposition cam girls for sex. Some people don't really have boundaries.

true reddit