I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.
You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.
1 yangpede 2019-09-06
What makes you think I hate women?
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-09-06
Have you ever met a woman? QED
1 BriefSquirt 2019-09-06
cos u wish u were one
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-09-06
pizzashillete when
1 BriefSquirt 2019-09-06
pizzashillette, the best a (wo)man can get
1 Chapose 2019-09-06
Why do you comment with two accounts.
1 ____Nice____ 2019-09-06
How do u no?
1 KaaraRaven 2019-09-06
He keeps getting ban awarded :v
1 Tytos_Lannister 2019-09-06
isn't this against reddit rules? people who avoid the hammer get the hammer for life on all their accounts
1 KaaraRaven 2019-09-06
Probably, but I don't think the mods particularly mind.
1 5T48J6ff 2019-09-06
Vagaina envy
1 _narrows 2019-09-06
Remember when you threatened to shoot people if you didn’t get 1000 neetbux a month?
Reddit remembers, and that’s why you’re banned.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-09-06
I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.
You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-09-06
That was just a phase. He got help.
1 McFluff_TheCrimeCat 2019-09-06
Lol. He was writing walls of text about how women oppress him in the incel thread just today.
1 professorshillphd 2019-09-06
At no point did I write anything about myself. I can provide some material to help if you'd like:
1 MzCherryBlossom 2019-09-06
Has he been dumped?
1 professorshillphd 2019-09-06
No, the person above just has poor reading comprehension.
1 BriefSquirt 2019-09-06
you cant get dumped if u dont have a gf to begin with
1 zergling_Lester 2019-09-06
He had a sister with benefits as they call it. You can get dumped in that case I believe.
1 BriefSquirt 2019-09-06
i cant find this picture and i need to see it
1 zergling_Lester 2019-09-06
On the phone so it's a screenshot of the picture 😔
1 BriefSquirt 2019-09-06
1 Chin_Up_Chick 2019-09-06
What is a sister with benefits? You know what? Don’t answer that
1 MikeStoklasaBackup 2019-09-06
I wish you'd help me 😞
1 Bussy_Galore 2019-09-06
It is known.
1 Anti-GallowBoob 2019-09-06
Now do one for me
1 Zero5urvivers 2019-09-06
Better than lawlz stickies
1 Google_109_countries 2019-09-06