User In /r/GifRecipes gets told that he doesn't know how to cook, proceeds to completely lose his shit and nukes his account

67  2019-09-06 by MG87


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. User In /r/GifRecipes gets told tha... -,

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Did you type that while you were waiting at the drive thru for a Crunch Wrap Supreme and a LARGE Baja Blast?

Yes, I did write it then actually.

I felt personally attacked reading that

Lol he sounds like the same guy with the french fries pie. Probably a troll


If I'm not mistaken, wakagoshi is a known lolcow.

Yeah he's a known troll. Not as fun as that MichelinStarChef guy but still pretty funny.

redpill me on on the cooking reddit dramascape, this is a niche I never thought to search for laughs.

sips 🍹

You ever read the comments on a recipe video or blog post? Those are terrible but plebbit brings out the fucking worst. Most of the time people will have no idea what they're talking about but will be smug as fuck. Or they'll whine about authenticity or cultural appropriation. Also weebs permeate all of the food subs now. Can't read about a general Asian dish without some autist going on about how it should be cooked the Nipponese way, and then be wrong about technique anyway.

Read the comments of any r/gifrecipes thread for a general idea, but the flavor of drama will depend on the food sub itself. My white whale is MRE drama, but haven't found it yet 🙍🏻‍♀️

lmao it's not even limited to the nipponphiles, the first asian recipe I saw looking over there was for pork bulgogi, and it's full of koreaboos arguing with each other over whether bulgogi is required to have beef or not.

Glad to expose more drama 👍

The Koreaboo thing still weirds me out, I'm not used to it and just assume it's other Koreans. But daeji bulgogi is definitely a thing and those people are retarded.

The Koreaboo thing still weirds me out

I blame Korea making both really good crime movies and really weeb-ish pop music. Both appeal to redditors.

What a bunch of wet bitches in that sub. I hate this /r/gatekeeping "you're not allowed to suggest that anything is better than anything else" nonsense.

There's a line between suggesting and snobbery which many culinary autists could see if they pointed their nose a little closer to the horizon.

At some point, nobody cares if you think you've found the most ideal spice mixture for your chicken tendies.

Sure, there is a fine line, but some of those posts are just a bit weak. The fifth top post of all time, for example

That's not "suggesting anything is better than anything else", but a matter of definition.


There are some real food dicks out there but most accusations of snobbery seem to be flung at people who are giving real critique. Imagine if someone was learning how to draw in a community that only allowed for praise and the gentlest critique; they would never get better. You don't even have to imagine, you can just look at Deviantart. Hobby cooking shouldn't become like deviantart, it would be even worse than deviantart because innocent people are forced to be subjected to bad cooking.

Nobody cares if you think you've found the most ideal spices for your chicken tendies.

[](Funny you mention that)

Mistress Eve will peg you

Your best comeback is you are conveniently not a man. Think about that for a bit, missy.




This dude would pull this shtick in /r/beer too. Either a troll or an incredibly uptight dork.

Apparently, you didn't understand my previous comment. Not a surprise. I'll repeat it for you. I'm not a boomer. Not even close really. I can prove it to your mom if she is fuckable.



First and foremost, I have a very substantial penis in terms of length and more importantly girth. I am happily married and we have two children. I speak four languages fluently. My mother died via suicide when I was 7 years old. I saw her lifeless body and her blood splattered all over the white room. This traumatic experience continues to haunt me decades later. I never had a proper early family life and every one that was older than me that I deeply cared for died waaay too soon.

My parents paid 30% for my college education. I paid the rest while working hard since I was literally 12. I paid $5000 cash for my first car at the age of 16 when $5k was a lot of money. I left home at 17 and never returned for more than a holiday weekend. Did better than average in college. Got an entry level sales job in a very lucrative industry where only truly capable people can last more than 3 years. I retired at 37 with the expectation of never living too far beyond middle class and maybe someday I will be poor again.


Dude that guy was hilarious, clearly trolling and having a great time doing so. His comment about taco bell was a little too close to home though.