A furry discord server is called out on Twitter for being full of pedos, and one of the admins does not take kindly to this.

52  2019-09-06 by KaaraRaven


Hi I'm Steve. I make pictures of animal people and lots of music Social justice RDM/AST. he/him #blm ☭

You know, I wonder what Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot roasting in hell think about a bunch of furry transexual pedophiles being the front attention of their ideology, lol.

They are probably forced to watch the antics of these cretins ala A Clockwork Orange.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. A furry discord server is called ou... - archive.org, archive.today

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Oh boy. More FV. Did someone get arrested related to this or was that some other furry pedophile?

Not that I'm aware of. If you're thinking of Growly, he was unrelated to FV :v

Nah. The inflation fetish guy who got arrested for having 14 year olds gorge themselves or consume soda and mentos.

Upon looking it up that appears to be a different discord server.

Riolu? He wasn't arrested iirc, his parents just shut off his internet.

That's him. And that's disappointing. Last I heard the police were involved.

Actually that's not so much disappointing as it is fucking hilarious.

being chill with dime a dozen all edge no point anti-sjw art thieves that threaten the livelihoods of artists and groom minors

sounds based tbh

This is the "miasma" furry from the other day.

Thank you for bringing furry represantation into this fine sub

It's really been sorely lacking tbh.

I see this faggot furry posted here all the time trying to cancel people. Which of you retards is this?

we need to bring back early 2000's internet culture where ruthlessly bullying furries was the norm.

Furries are pedophilic zoophiles.

Bronies are zoophilic pedophiles.

What's the difference?

Have you really fucked 4 dogs?

where'd you get that idea?

I saw that comment you deleted that one time. uvu


Gross tbh.

if you say so

I do :>

Only 4?

Right dude over here in amateur hour

The polite term is "horsefucker"

who'da thunk it 🤔

Lol thats the same dude who was white-knighting for Zoe Quinn.