Ben “ I Fap To Hillary’s BRAP” Garrison at it again with the thiccness 😩🍆💦

73  2019-09-06 by Ghdust2


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Ben “ I Fap To Hillary’s BRAP” Garr... -,

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Dude sentient lmao

Love your titles.

Nice ass :>

Them pussy nostrils though

Do donkeys wear horseshoes? Also is the wall named PRANG! now or something? That label is confusing.

Yes it protects their feet from infection/breaking or something. It's only really needed if they're work donkeys. Regular pet donkeys probably don't get it but idk maybe they do

That makes sense. You seem to know a thing or two about working asses.

Ben truly becoming immersed in the vore+furry life

It makes sense furry's pay well

I wonder what his commision fee is.

Its already not a concrete wall lmao

He's literally upgrading the fence a bit and counting it towards his wall total

What's amazing to me is he said Mexico would pay for it, but is raiding funds to build schools and shit to build a small part of a fence.

It's amazing to me that we don't enslave Mexicans living near the border and force them to hand-dig a giant moat from the Pacific to the gulf. But you don't see me complaining about it.

HE's literally taking it from Military families and their benefits. Supporting the troops.

Weird how there's no backlash from the Trumptards, considering they greatly care about "the troops."

You can go to /r/AskTrumpSupporters to see all their excuses and odd reasonings.

Lmao he's even displaying the price tag like he's proud of the government draining $3.6 billion

$3.6 billion

that's literally nothing, dude.

The absolute state of poorcels lmao

Wait is he proud that this wall is supposedly costing 20.5m per mile by his estimates?

I did some 8' wire mesh with Barb wire over the top for a few bucks a foot. I don't see why they don't just stack a nightmarish pile of razor-wire down and call it a day. It could probably by done in a couple weekends. Plus you could air the episodes of would-be crossers on reality TV for a blood bath of children.

It costs 5 dollars per foot of fence material, and 100,000 dollars a foot for contractors to put the fence down, 300,000 a foot for civil engineering costs, 600,000 dollars for inspections, and 3 million a foot for Trump's security service to protect him as he scooters along the length of new wall.

DDF are the real heros yet again. Haters jealous of the big bucks.

At least he's drawing Trump to the correct scale now.

Ben likes big asses, and he cannot lie.


Only 1 mile of that 175 miles of chainlink fence had actually been installed.