OP recounts the time he unleashed a jar of bees on a snitch- but did he go too far?

38  2019-09-06 by snallygaster


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Lmao, this reads like a decade old AITA post.

The internet has always been terrible, but I can't help but prefer the old flavor of terrible to the new ones.

What were you doing that you even found that post?

At any rate, I did a lot of fucked up shit as a child-teenager while growing up in a third world country. I don't talk about it because I know it's fucked up. What kind of faggot brags about the time he ganged up on a 10 year old? lol

What kind of faggot brags about the time he ganged up on a 10 year old?

This is a notorious forum (that's supposed to be) for law students; early on it cultivated a culture that was at the time actually edgy. This guy was a pioneer

at the time actually edgy

The internet certainly was more fun before ironyposting became the norm.

Agreed; sincerity is considered antiquated/boomer-tier and everything else is so commonplace that it's lost any value. Absurdism without any meaning behind it, attention-seeking extremism, self-serving/protective irony and ennui, it all just sucks and it's making everyone miserable. The guy who posted this probably spent a couple hours baiting before returning to his normal life; now this shit pervades everything.

The lack of sincerity online is a natural result of everything being ridiculed. As I said, I could tell stories of what my life was like growing up in a third world country but I don't because there's no point. I could tell people what I really believe on myriad issues but, again, there's no point because anyone can dismiss what I say whether that be by just calling me a faggot or just spewing contrarian bullshit at me that devalues both our points.

It doesn't bother me online but it bothers me in books, movies, and tv shows, though. It's like most movies and tv shows are afraid to take themselves seriously and you see it in the plots and the performances of the actors. I feel like they do it on purpose to avoid criticism by some snarky, cynical cunt of a critic. Marvel movies are basically the pinnacle of this trend.

Postmodernism ruined culture, in my opinion.

Postmodernism ruined culture, in my opinion. Significantly true for certain definitions of postmodernism.

An online space which encourages sincerity needs to be cultivated carefully, and it can only scale to a certain size. It also will draw out the worst of the internet to swarm all over it. I get what you mean, but I'm not sure that ridicule is necessarily the cause.

As I said, I don't care about online spaces. Online personae are never sincere one way or another because you can curate an environment where your shit works and is taken seriously, like you said.

The ridicule is the cause but the result isn't necessarily a problem. It's just that people refuse to accept that any situation, any anecdote, or any struggle, no matter how sincere, can be effectively ridiculed.

There are limits to the sincerity of an online persona. It doesn't eradicate it entirely. I've found that offering it can get people to engage - again, within the limits of the medium.

Perhaps I don't follow then.

Are you argueing that these things should not be ridiculed? Or that we need to accept that ridicule is inevitable and offer sincerity regardless, accepting that ridicule is inevitable?

People just need to find a forum where people actually care about what they have to say while acknowledging that someone not caring and even outright ridiculing what they've said is perfectly acceptable as a response.

Still doesn’t tell us how you found it snally 😤😤

The lip of the jar also massaged the existing stingers into his torso.

I don't know why I clicked this and expected anything less horrifying than what I read.

What I'd expect from a future lawyer tbh

It wasn't a painless ambush. I got stung like four times getting the jar away from the hive.

Poor guy, he had already suffered so much.

It's common for the brother of a sociopath to be a faggot. Haha, you = pwned.

Wtf some law fringe website that was made with 2000s code?