Local lawyer/hooker/cuckold and (not surprisingly) redditor trying to legalize prostitution in Iowa shows up in thread to defend her honor.

29  2019-09-06 by Manchu_Fist


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Local lawyer/hooker/cuckold and (no... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Goodness, my dude. Get your shit straight if you don't want to deal with a defamation suit. John has had 1 OWI, not multuple. And 1 restraining order, not multiple. And jesus, no, he's never harmed anyone else; you are entirely fabricating shit at this point.

His ex-wife didn't get pregnant when I did; she lied about it and kept everyone worried for months. Shocker. There's a reason I'm not friends with her anymore.

The brothel didn't sue me for using the name. That's laughable. Usage rights are mine, not theirs.

"A disaster." Idk, man. My clients seem pretty happy.

You poor, confused baby :(

OP here has caught the moby dick of lolcows

Now if only we could get her on drama....

You fools you’ve only made him stronger