men go to war because of toxic masculinity and we must change this stereotype (posted un-ironically)

62  2019-09-06 by Corporal-Hicks


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I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. men go to war because of toxic masc... -,,

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It's about as voluntary as a starving man getting food stamps. Every single person I know in the US who is in the military is there because they cannot afford to get a higher level education otherwise.

That is basically slave labour. American system is fucked up




We need to do something very soon about the British menace

The eternal (((anglos))) need to mind their own Goddam business

Every single person I know in the US who is in the military is there because they cannot afford to get a higher level education otherwise.

That is basically slave labour. American system is fucked up

Enlisting in a job in which you are relatively well paid (and your food and housing provided for) in order to get the bennies that are quite literally better than anything ever offered by a private employer in the history of the country is basically slave labor. Got it.

What kind of mongoloid smooth brain take is this? What the hell is wrong with Europeans?

What kind of mongoloid smooth brain take is this?

Europeans are generally reta-

What the hell is wrong with Europeans?

Oh, well there you go.

Europeans love to gloat about how civilized they are with their welfare states that they can only afford because we've effectively paid their military budgets since WWII.

Imagine having to sign up to die for your country just to afford education lmao it's over for Burgerland-cels

Where's the lie tho?

I keep hearing a lot about toxic masculinity. I wonder if non-toxic masculinity exists, or if "toxic" is redundant as all masculinity is toxic

You'll get examples but say its a guys fault like talking about emotion/they feel like they don't hate it and call it emotional labour

Here’s what I think happened: initially, whoever came up with “toxic masculinity” also highlighted examples of positive masculinity traits, like courage, creativity, and honor.

But then an army of spergs came out saying “oh, so you think women can’t have those?”

Realizing cancellation was imminent, the person capitulated and said that all good traits are feminine.

whoever made this "meme" must have learned from the lefties 😴😴😴

i’m a retarded alcholic, but shouldnt the term be masculist? why is it always “meninist?”

European queens were actually MORE likely to wage war than kings over the past 500 years. Whenever you see someone claim there'd be no wars in a world ruled by women, throw that statistic at them.

because we have to. because women won't.

I mean, it's because women are physically weaker and in war you want the strongest troops available, if we're being real about it.

More important that you want to preserve women for breeding purposes due to the asymmetry in reproduction.
