Chick-Fil-A comes to Leaf land leading to massive protests from the LGBTQV community

113  2019-09-06 by BIknkbtKitNwniS

Protestors stage a die-in:

The Indigenous word salad take:

A quick shot of the long line shows the people who want to eat chicken are proud PoC while everyone protesting is a mayo. Really makes u 🤔

No idea what the fuck this is supposed to be:

Radical centrist appears:


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Chick-Fil-A comes to Leaf land lead... -,,

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A bunch of ugly tranny and retarded white women complain nonstop about shit that doesnt matter.

Oh. Noice.

Is it a day ending in "y" already?

Who will win:

A legion of deranged faggots, trannies, and regular white women


A humble chicken sandwich peddler?

It looks like the regular white women were in line to get a sandwich.

An army of lovers shall not fail

r/polyamory shows otherwise

There's no love on that sub, friend

No love, or too much?

No love.

Deep web

Don't mock the Sacred Band of Thebes by associating them with those people

Also Philip II proved him wrong

I’m sorry I don’t watch BBC period dramas or listen to Sargon.

Good for you for refusing to allow perfidious Albion and its poisonous trash into your heart


Their food is good and the service is the best I’ve literally ever seen

The one by my house will sometimes have a line of 30 cars and I’m in and out within a couple of minutes

You should try their order pickup thing. I just tried it yesterday and I got in and out so fast. Everyone was nice too, because I acted autistic. Sadly I lost my receipt that had the survey on it so I cant get free fries.



Ok 👌

How did you act autistic?

Chik-Fil-A is fucking delicious and I genuinely don't give a fuck if the CEO wants to lynch me or whatever. Jokes on him, he's providing me with tasty sandwiches 😋

I say the same thing to the dudes that swallow my loads, they have no idea i am a massive homophobe. Fucking idiots

CEO wants to lynch me or whatever

For being a fag or for larping as a chicken?

I am NOT a chicken!


*squawk* >:v

Dramanaut confirms de-furry conversion therapy to be effective

Glad to see you're a little less insane.

I'm a raven, sweety. :v

That's impossible, ravens symbolize intelligence and you're a stupid bitch.

Well that's just not nice.

I'm only mean to the people who I actually enjoy talking to and pizzashill

Awww, I see. >v< <3

It's really not that great. When I went there the first time and got handed a dry sandwich with three pickles on it I thought it was a joke.

Imagine expecting good food from a fast food place

I thought I could at least understand why people rave about the place. The person I went with had been talking about the sandwiches for three days before they dragged me there.

It's still just fast food despite all the raving you hear. Sure it's better than most, but that's about it.

And people will still eat there.

Well yeah its huge advertising

I like the woman with the "Nobody knows I'm a LESBIAN" shirt

like, bitch, we know now. Now get the fuck out of my way I want some chicken.

"give me attention" shirt

Hell every detail of each one from head to toe screams give me attention.

Do they sell these shirts in a male shape?

Why do lesbians care so much about abortion anyway? It's not like they will ever be in need of those services.

What does the V stand for?


Are vegans now part of the alphabet people?

They might as well because a lot people hate them and they are obnoxious

Fuck this shit. I fought for my right to eat man meat, and this faggot nonsense of veganism is never gonna be my ally.

But there's no room in the car!

Ignoring the meme V, the acronym OP used could be considered hateful by the Canadian government who require the inclusive 2SLGBTQQIA+ (two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and others) in all government documentation.


Are you fucking kidding me. Wasn't there an A and an I at some point to. They do know how ridiculous this is right?

last I heard it was LGBTQ2IAVXR no idea what the fuck v,x, and r represent

video gamers, xtians, racists

I considered boycotting when they got rid of their carrot-raisin salad. I’m still not over it.

I can’t be allowed access to this knowledge. My ass will make and down a fucking tub of it.

It looks like the easiest possible thing to make too, you could probably even buy pre-shredded carrots at your local mayo-mart.

Lmao stuoid bitch with a chicken hat on 😂😂😂

The dude in the back is probably passed out from a hangover or something lol


extra long line for chicken sandwiches

The basketballs I can understand, but everyone else? Did they think this was the line for a new capeshit movie?

Chic-Fil-A is better than some capeshit movie.

Waiting 45 minutes for some fast food vs watching capeshit

Both options are terrible

45 minutes for chicken> 3 hours of capeshit

Dude they opened a dunkin donuts by my last year. People were literally waiting a couple hours to get that shit. Dunkin donuts is fucking shit. I wouldn't waste the time to drive to it, yet these dumb motherfuckers...

What the fuck are you high on

Sorry gays but Chick-Fil-A is too good to boycott. I'll boycott Soul Cycle for you.

I'm stoked,I hear their grub is good and decently priced and I've been bummed out it's not up here in leaf land

Ye, come to Vancouver pls homophobic chicken.

I know this is a retarded question but why aren’t these faggots at work?

We literally need stalinism to force these degenerates to work 16 hours a day to reach their potato harvesting quotas.

They could straight up fund puppy torture and ISIS and I would still go there.

  1. Never get bad service

  2. Food is always fresh and hot

  3. Chick-fil-A sauce.

Honestly they should be throwing bags of shit at head office

line of canadians literally lined up around the block to eat burgerland fast food


all those people in line for a chicken sandwich

I thought only burgers would pull stuff like this off haha. I guess it must be REALLY FUCKING good.

>thumbnail shows two nearly-identical denim-wearing dykes with problem glasses

That's all I need to see, thanks

could we convince peta to protest at the same time?

I'm thinking a battle royale or a cage match of pure autism between the two groups. We could sell tickets, t-shirts, merch. You name it.

I wish I liked Chick-Fil-A so I could go buy some and be one of those people stepping over the retarded foids lying on the ground.

The success of Chick-Fila-A in Canada will depend on which province it starts. If it starts in Ontario or BC like most American businesses do, it will fail cause all the gays. If it starts in Alberta or Saskatchewan it should be a success.

As a georgia boi (where chick fil a was started) they have the best service on the planet and it's gotten to the point where McDonald's is equal or even more expensive, cfa is a truly based company

Why can't these faggots just enjoy a tasty fucking chicken sandwich?

As you browse these photos, do you get the feeling that these people are capable of enjoying anything?

oppressed body of the chicken

Just how bored are white women these days?

Why the fuck do they have the kramer actor on a poster saying bad chicken? He's a conservative who famously said the N-word. He probably eats their chicken wings by the boxload.

No one cares

These people are oppressing innocent POCs who just want their chicken sandwiches.

This chick-fil-a bullshit is peak liberalism. I can guarantee you almost everyone protesting against CFA eats at all the other fast food restaurants. Like, “yeah I’m fine with destroying the environment and abusing workers but donating to anti LGBT causes is where I draw the line!”

Die in aka protest while taking a nap.

alphabet people

alphabet people

tastes like conspiracy, looks like people.

"And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power"

It must infuriate them that Chick fil a is impervious to cancel culture