🏈🏈🏈 r/Drama is now an Oakland Raiders fansub now 🏈🏈🏈

30  2019-09-06 by ArlenBilldozer


You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Sorry, Snappy. A mayo is a honkey is a cracker.

There’s no other team we ever should have supported

The article about the 70s raiders is one of the only articles from playboy I actually read

Those dudes were badass

Mike Mayo on suicide watch

lol memeball


This srdine tier shit

dude cope lmao

Fuck that I can never support the raiders even for the drama

The Raiders being a dumpster fire of egos and incidents just feels right. And then after this lovely send off to Oakland, they're gonna move to Las fucking Vegas, which is just fitting in every way. They're like the Guy Fieri of football teams.

thank god for jerry

how are they gonna write this whole article and never tell us what slur he used 😠

It was cracker. Pretty unimaginative, imo. There are much better slurs out there for the mayo menace.

i've heard better banter on elementary school playgrounds πŸ˜”

the real drama is all the mad mayos acting like a football player using spicy language is at all newsworthy

I think it’s more of β€œif they’re gonna get so mad and ofended, we are gonna pretend to be too.”

The (n-slur) has gained so much more and more power that now it’s honestly the biggest No No word in the English language by far.

Everybody knows that no white person is ofended by β€œcracker.”


There is no such thing as an ethnic slur to a superior race.

Las Vegas Raiders

Hurry up and leave.