Guys friends prank him into banging a trap, redditors fall all over themselves to congratulate him

16  2019-09-06 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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  1. Guys friends prank him into banging... -,,

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“I’m not against being with a trans woman sexually”

Lmao fake AND gay

This is hyper fake I'm just dying at the morons falling for it

They are practically falling over themselves.

Weird, it's almost like I put that in the title 🤔

Your username is oddly relevant


I read either the title, or the submission, not both.

Learn to read good.

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The whole post is essentially OP fabricating a story so he can seek validation for being a chaser.

Really glad that guy managed to get that socially conscious and politically agreeable anecdote off his chest. Really brave of him.

Bet he sleeps like a baby tonight, knowing he white-knighted that imaginary (in both senses) woman.

Slept with her anyways because he's a bussy affectionado


It sounds like his friends didnt even need to invite the girls, he would've sucked them off himself

I know two dudes that are so horny and dirty they let their gay friend jerk them off even tho they’re not gay

Apparently they couldn’t get a boner lmao

those two dudes names? mikehuntisanasshole and trexmundi

Dude, why you letting everybody know you jerked us off? And I totally had a boner.

You aren't supposed to admit you know who's on the other side of the gloryhole. It's rude. Especially if he's in the closet.

Hes so far in the closet he can see Narnia.

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Do people really play “Hook Up Games”? I read about them but never been to one. I used to party a lot in College but that was 12 years ago maybe things have changed. But this sounds gross to be honest. I can’t imagine many girls agreeing to these games. What would be the point? Dick is very easy to obtain if you have a snatch.

I used to party a lot in College but that was 12 years ago

Jesus Christ what are you like 80?

I’m 34 faggot. Someday you will get old (If you are lucky).

I'm not a tranny so the chances are high

I’m 28 and can already feel time slipping away from me. It won’t be long until I roll over one day and I’m 62 and about to retire and wonder where my life went.

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin... into the fuuuuutuuure

Once you hit 35 what’s the point tbh

But this sounds gross to be honest.

It probably didn't happen. If it did, keep in mind that the people involved are friends with a redditor.

Women who look like young boys are hot.

Women who actually are boys are not.

It isn't really that hard ...

👮‍♂️ Hold it right there libertarian scum 👮‍♀️

why are you shaming me for having a bodytype preference?

Honestly you sound awesome. Dump the friends, keep the girl.

What girl lmao that's a dude with tits

Surprised that thread hasn't been YALL'd yet

That was the worst Penthouse forum story I've ever read.

ok but fr what r u supposed to do with them? fuck it like a guy? if thats your thing, why not, you know, fuck a guy.