If "planets" are far away how can we take "pictures" of them? Globecels BTFO 🙅🌎

77  2019-09-06 by 600_lbs_of_sin


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. If "planets" are far away how can w... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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"Could it be that what we are seeing are simply luminaries that are much, much closer than that? Like only several hundred miles away?"

Like wow man.

You don’t know shit you’re just pretending to know and making it seem like we’re being belittled if we don’t know? It sounds like you’re just explaining some shit off a sci-fi movie

“Astronomy focused telescopes” lol get the fuck out of here you entitled brainwashed simpleton. Pulls up a telescope/satellite diagram to prove his shitty point You people sicken me. If NASA said you’re adopted you’d probably believe them. Bunch of sellouts.

Imagine being this aggressively retarded

They are so stupid that beyond elementary maths and physics sound like witch craft to them.

And instead of thinking "damn, I must be retarded since all the other guys get it", they convince themselves that all other guys don't get it either. And more, they think they are smarter because the other guys don't even realize that it is witchcraft.

It is overused on reddit to say so, but this actually is a prime example of dunning-kruger effect.

fucking telescopes, how do they work?

What the fuck come after six

This guys entire post history is a treasure trove of retardation

On how astronomy is fake science

Anywhere I read “walked on the moon” I immediately lose interest, cause I firmly believe it never happened. I wasn’t always this way. Things change when you’re shown proof. I believe in scientific method, but anything astronomical is where I draw the line, sorry if this upsets you, but you have your own beliefs too. I respect it.

On Hitler being an alright guy

They wanna get rid of unique nationalities while the ones in power stay “pure bred” it’s illegal to mix in Israel.. with unique bloodlines come unique power, creativity, drive, passion. They are really pushing the melting pot. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler wanted to protect, being pure to ones own country. But no, so many people can’t let go of their indoctrination that Hitler was evil and he killed a bunch of Jews. Fucking get over your ego, you’ve been lied to by movies games memes shows and more. Wake up.

On everyone being brainwashed retards

even if nasa admitted to you its fake, you would have a hard time changing your belief because you are experiencing cognitive dissonance. You are afraid to be wrong therefore you side with what you think has authority or truth. You think everything you hear is truth, you're out of your fucking brain washed mind.

every day i miss pinging 😭

Really good cameras.

Obligatory "she has a brain as smooth as a sphere"

I couldn't get through 3 sentences of this because they're not even using SI units. 😤😤😤

I always picture astronomers as Jon Stewart's character from Half-Baked.