Autistic gamer top mind enlightens the masses about the horror of colors on babies.

40  2019-09-07 by Neon_needles


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Autistic gamer top mind enlightens ... -,

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The baby can be intersex, or the baby can end up not identifying with what they're "assigned" and get dysphoria, which can happen as early as 4 years old. I'm not here to debate

I fucking hate this so fucking much and I already know how these type of people look and behave IRL. they are literally rootless, cosmopolitan, urbanites. Dishonest, feminine, NPC bugmen. Fluoride stares, rimmed glasses, obnoxious hipsters and inauthentic frauds. Soi lattes, avocado toasts, Netflix and Nintendo Switch. Goy cattle, dunning Kruger, reddit, Twitter and Tumblr. Sundance, Toronto and Vancouver. Blacked dot com and Dog Fart. Fetlife, blue/green/pink hair, nose piercings and trashy post ironic tattoos. Vogue, Vice, Buzzfeed, Kotaku. Rolled up jeans, Uber and Airbnb, vegan burgers. Low testosterone, Christ-less, ecology advocate but has never spent a day in rural areas or in the wild. his favorite director is Wes Anderson, still watches Marvel but only as his 'guilty pleasure'. Leftist, but doesn't know what working class experience is about. I'm with her. Zoomer. Cuck. Arrogant. Ignorant. Punchable face. Pseud. NPC. Numale. hates jumpscares. Canceled, let's unpack, we need to talk about, toxic, problematic, and here's why. Doesn't own any property, bought his car new instead of used, goes to Disneyland as a child less adult. Doesn't own a gun, doesn't know how to grow a vegetable, cannot fix a car, never did anything with his hands. Has a letterboxd account where he publishes three sentences reviews, uses words like frigging. Wide open mouth selfies, beard hiding weak jaw, wishes he could pull off a manbun. Need I go on.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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NPC bugmen

One things I miss from milliondollarextremecels is the bugmen posts.

Is there anywhere else on Reddit that posts pictures of bugmen?

I hate them and enjoy it.

Eh, forcing binary gender and related stereotypes on someone before they're even born is not entirely harmless.

If you misgender the baby, it might keep xerself safe with the umbilical cord. Crucial tip for midwives to know.


i wish someone misgendered me as a fetus

A Catholic pregnancy crisis center abortion doctor who pretends to abort the baby by yelling gender pronouns into a woman's pussy.

Why does reddit hate babies?

It involves responsibility

They hate wh*te babies

  • Forcing blue on a boy is bad because he might decide that she's a girl later.

  • But girls are totally allowed to like blue instead of pink

  • Even if they were born as boys

  • 😯🤯

Reddit bullshit aside, This shit:

His gender reveal party was on April 23, 2017, according to CNN affiliate KGUN-TV. Expectant parents throw such parties to tell family and friends the gender of their baby. In this case, Dickey's plan was to shoot a rifle at a target containing Tannerite, a highly explosive substance that would have exploded to reveal either blue powder for a boy or pink powder for a girl.

Is completely retarded.