Ghazicels cancel queen of trussy in transphobic attack

182  2019-09-07 by Throwmeawayhard7


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Ghazicels cancel queen of trussy in... -,,

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They really don't šŸ˜”āœŠ

Itā€™s true snappy. Redditors will meme the mouthfeel, but have they ever taken a flaccid girldick into their own orifice? They will tolerate the most flamboyant of faggots, but have they blasted a bussy with their own benis? Smh at these ā€˜alliesā€™ who claim to believe enbies are valid, but just HAVE to know the gender of their partner before intercourse.

how far we have fallen from the ancient Greek worship of bussy

The best part is that they weren't huge faggots about it either

Weekend wisdom, Snapster.

Yeah I feel like that's one huge thing lacking from her "alt-right outreach" ethos. It's got this "you can trust me" tribalism and doesn't really provide the next step.

For some reason, I don't think someone who browses /pol/ and thinks Hitler did nothing wrong is going to watch 20 minute lectures from a communist female (male).

Are you telling me they wouldnt want to watch the nostalgia critic tell them why they are racist?

Nostalgia critic killed Jewario. RIP sweet prince... may flights of intoxicated, under-age teenagers fly you to your rest.

Yeah how did they get to that conclusion? He/She is like an avatar of everything they think is wrong with this world, and the aesthetics are really off-putting, snarky and the jokes are trash.

You've made the mistake of thinking they adhere to definitions. They think peterson is alt right.

I have friends who used to follow Peterson become commies because of contra.

Your friends are easily manipulated idiots

When you've lost a sense of identity and direction it's easy to latch onto personality figures and extremist ideologies.

Imagine being so stupid that you get "manipulated" into becoming a communist by someone who isn't even a communist herself.

In her last video she actually admitted to this. She said that she had accidentally "re-radicalized" a bunch of /pol/lacks into becoming tankies and anarkiddies, when all she ever really wanted was for them to use her preferred pronouns and vote for Bernie or Warren.

Bernie and warren are communists tho

Jokes are meant to be funny.

Not neccessarily

No they aren't faggot.

strasser gang strasser gang

So are most people.

Yes, he did say they followed Jordan Peterson.

What's more likely crabs turning into davidme trannies or drama having friends?


lol anyone who thinks shitty Mr. Rodgers is alt-right isn't being honest about aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanything.

Peterson is the most boring man to have ever existed.

I am economically conservative, but culturally so very left that it is pretty much impossible to shock me.

In a random discussion about Jordan Peterson, I asked a redditor if he can link me to the worst thing he ever said. The redditor told me he is transphobic. I said that I still would like a video in which he said the most transphobic thing. He linked a 40 min video of Contrapoints. I swiped through the preview and saw that it is just 40 min this creature talking and not even a single cut to what Peterson actually said. I still watched here and there 2-3 min parts of the clip. This was the first time I ever saw or heard of Contrapoints.

Damn, it was terrible. Inside jokes, "funny" references and smugness. Like Contrapoints builds an obvious straw man, then looks into the cam and makes a cringeworthy "are you serious"-face. Like, he/she does not even think it is necessary to destruct the straw man he just created. He/she just looks into the camera in a smug way.

So uh...

What was the worst thing white bread boring ass Peterson has ever said btw?


everything peterson says is mind numbingly retarded. he thinks foucault and derrida were marxists who loved identity politics. also imagine being a fiscal conservative post-2008 and after xi definitively proved the supremacy of socialism with chinese characteristics over yankoid fiscal yankservative yankonomics by annihilating poverty in record time with record numbers. things keep going but they never happen for online petit-bourge ideologues


The xi going down the exact same authoritarian slide of his forebears?

socialism with chinese characteristics has been definitively proven to be more democratic than western "liberal" democracy

based and dengpilled

Damn your shirtlordery is admirable. I too my hat to you.

Are you disagreeing with me? Ok Hitler.

idk, some of the radical non-centrists are retarded enough that they switch between the extremes like 3 times a decade

Those are just foids with new boyfriends

Or even neckbeards that found something vaguely resembling a girl who would tolerate their presence if they espoused wokeness.

They are like the heroin addict jesus freaks

Implying those same people don't jerk off to shemale porn before ashamedly closing the tab and ranting about Jewish degeneracy. All politics is sexual pathology. If /pol/acks were honest with themselves, half would be transitioning and the other half would be fucking them.

Also, what is the 'next step', even? Moreover, once you reach that step, they will find another you need to navigate because all this shit is about is perennial self-victimization.

There's no winning. They have an intrinsic need to take down authority figures, including their own.

I find the entire subreddit problematic :(

I don't even disagree with these retards on most politics. But every single "bread" tuber comes off as a smug dishonest cock goblin. When I see the vice articles and posts talking about how shes deradicalizing alt right extremists and shit I have no fucking clue who they're possibly talking about. I refuse to believe millions of people actually watch these videos they're just too boring and milquetoast. Its like some kind of self flagellation fetish to watch this shit.

She only "deradicalizes alt right extremists" if by "alt right" you mean "a guy who listens to Joe Rogan."

if by "alt right" you mean "a guy who listens to Joe Rogan."

Close enough. They're all idiots.

I donā€™t think they are getting any smarter by watching Contra40%

I like watching many of the breadtubers for the same reason i follow people like Mr.Metokur. They are bunch of assholes and like throwing shade at other people for odd reasons.

Take breadtuber hbombguy. He took part in harassing autistic children(They deserved it) and defends pedo shows. The Drama writes itself

Cuck Philosophy is still the only good breadtuber

Being likable is bad praxis.

Also ContraPoints isn't hard-left, she just pretended to be for a while to avoid getting cancelled. She's admitted that she's not a communist/anarchist, she sorta endorsed Liz Warren, and she says that The Revolution will never happen and that waiting for it is dumb.

Her vids were linked on /pol/ one time. 90% of the comments were something like "he's an ugly tranny haha lmao gottem"

Anyone who says Contrapoints or any of these Breadtubers ā€œderadicalizedā€ them were never radical in the first place. Theyā€™re just easily persuaded by what political Youtubers are popular at the moment.

That's like 90% of "radicalized" people. People who get radicalized into any ideology are either grifters looking for power or pathetic losers looking to join any organization bigger than themselves to give meaning to their useless existence. They flip sides frequently because when they finally come to terms with how stupid their last meme ideology is they are still the same loser looking for meaning that they can't make themselves and just pick whatever was at least right about their last belief being wrong.

95% of radicals in the United States are college freshmen.

Who the fuck can sit through a 20 minute lecture I sure cant

Speak for yourself! I was a hard right, Seig Heiling, 1488 neo-nazi LARPing incel until I watched a Contrapoints video. Now I do jazz hands at the local DSA to support my autistic and disabled allies and dress up in black bloc to throw piss bottles at proud boys. Still can't get laid, but I'm sure if I continue to bow and scrape and fearlessly defend women in online forums one will see what a truly nice guy I really am.

There is a few things that need unpacking

Let's unpack this sweetie.

Where are these people when I move into a new apartment?

Fucking off and being retarded

Watching YouTube videos and not answering their phones šŸ˜”

If people don't read this as a binary trans woman throwing non-binary concerns under the bus for her own comfort, and are not willing to believe the hundreds of non-binary voices that explicitly told her that this wasn't okay, and aren't concerned that the alt-right don't even need to twist her words to make them back up their own points about "gender has gone too far", then what hope do non-binary people have of making progress towards acceptance? How is it possible to hold anyone with an audience accountable if they can just delete their account and have their famous YouTube friends accuse us of "cancel culture" (another right wing meme), and "distracting from the war against fascism"?

lol real transgender people are now cancelled in favor of 22 year old bi women who identify as genderqueer for oppression points

Itā€™s amazing how much the left hates trans people

They hate trans people who want to pass. These people will break your legs so they can congratulate themselves for giving you crutches.

Itā€™s almost as if I wanted pass because my of my dysphoria and the fact that I live in a super conservative area.

Send pics

I never said I do pass, just that I want to.

Send. Pics.

Im on the discord and my pfp is of me.

Discordcels ouuuutt

Pm tag

Send pics anyway. Include your girl cock

tbf there's a lot of non-binaries because you get all the brownie points of being a tranny while not having to put in any of the effort.


Well, tbf, contrapoints is an idiot, too.

Since when is it necessary to understand and to agree with people in order to not saying something that might offend them?

Since when is it necessary not to say something that might offend people in order to agree with them? šŸ¤”

Yeah, this is true, too.

then what hope do non-binary people have of making progress towards acceptance?

none. everyone who is not crazy is aware you identify as nonbinary because you live for moments like announcing your special pronouns to a room full of people.

The harder problem also arises bevause most enbies like me will never have that moment as our gender requires us to tell people there is no people just knowing people are going always misgender you before you correct them. You deal with it because you k ow there really isnt a way to avoid it.

One of the funniest parts of the post cern death throes of the universe simulation is that people like this chucklefuck read some shit on the Internet, apply it to themselves then instantly get upset about it.

I guarantee that no '''''''non binary'''''' person genuinely gets upset by this shit outside of their inflated egos being hurt by people not bending to their petty demands.

Any genuine economic downturn, war, domestic crisis etc would push all of this inane narcissistic horseshit back to complete obscurity where it belongs. Ideology like this can only exist in a culture that is stupid, spoiled and bored.

If we just cut the power grid for a year, I wonder how many of these ā€œproblemsā€ would still exist when the lights came back on.

It's extremely self-indulgent. Nobody who is struggling to survive has time for that shit. For all their talk of privalege, they have zero awareness of their own.

Second Great Depression when?

Quite possibly soon.

I always found people who want another world war to be edgy


Holy shit do we need another world war.

Should just glass the middle east then send commies and alt righters there to Duke it out. Televise it and you'd probably get enough viewership to sponsor them.

Ah yes, the centrist extremist world order. I want it so.

Hot take. This is what happens when personality disorders are given a whiff of power or taken seriously.

> Contrapoints


>roller coaster

Yeah this is what really strikes me. I cannot believe that literally anyone fully believes that he can pass. I mean how many layers of delusion do you have to be on? Dude has a head the size of Normandy and that shit covered with male features.

Don't be transphobic! Natalie hasn't molested any minors, nor is she a vexatious litigant, so she has the right to be called by her pronouns of choice.

The thing about "him" is that she does not dress like a typical woman, but like a stereotypical trans woman. She dresses more like a drag queen than someone who really wants to be seen as a woman.

Yeah most of these LARPers do. Like people can probably tell he's a trans woman based on the characteristic way he dresses, but nobody on god's green earth is gonna mistake this homonculus for an actual woman.

Some leftoid friend of mine recommended a video of herā€™s and the entire thing she just looked like either wearing clown makeup or some drag tier costume. I did not really understand what this friend was talking about when he went on and on about the ā€œaesthetic.ā€

She passes better than ~80% of trannies.

This combined with her ability to pass

Err, no.

In the land of the lantern-jawed fishwives, the tranny is king queen monarch Autonomist, non-hierarchical, informal and distributed leadership-providing figure found in emancipatory social movements & networked social groups.

Lmao compared to them ContraPoints is able to pass. šŸ˜

Consider this: the average She-Burger weighs more than the average European man, and that's the bar of attractiveness that Contra needs to clear.

An average She-burger weighs more than an average European overweight man.

her ability to pass


I at least no she is trying for women thats more than I can say for the majority of trannies


How can you be trans and non binary? These people are delusional

How can you be non-binary at all? It's made up.

Ummmmmmm artificial sweatener don't you know that there was a tiny African village that called gays "the third gender" so it's really colonialist of you to say that genders other than oppressors and womxn don't exist. And before you ask, no it's totally not cultural appropriation for me to take that shithole tribe's views on gender out of context and use them to justify my modern day snowflake identity.

I agree with your sentiments, but unironically calling people "snowflakes" is the stuff of boomers.

I like to remind nonbinaries that every single one of them is american and English is the only language where it can work, every time you do it it's like their brains short-circuit.

Many languages don't have separate words for sex and gender. Considering that a lot of wokecel ideology relies on the distinction between those two terms, it quite simply doesn't work in many cultures.

Dude, if we also established trans, non-binary really is just a tiny step.

It is really funny how people want other to accept their mental abnormalities, but point at others that are only slightly different and claim "Now you just made things up!".

Trans you actually need to make the commitment to cut off your dick. To be non binary you just don't have to do shit


hello i heard i can get a free ban if im white

If you insist ^v^

After she joins the 40% everyone will do a complete 180 and talk about how misunderstood she was and bash her haters that pushed her to the edge. Only after nuking their own account clean of any criticisms/hate towards her.

I wouldn't be so sure, I've seen these people dance on the graves of people they cancelled.

Either way, the drama will be great


Even though that would be excellent for dramacoin I really hope she keeps herself safe.

it's easy for her to hold certain views because she can pass

To people who can't see or hear, maybe.

Contra sounds like when any member of Monty Python played a female character

I love the troid-enboid infighting. I hope they destroy each other.

That place seems pretty dead, did they all slowly kill themselves?

Is GC just full of angry fat lesbians?

They are even worse than TERFs, they are - and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - Ghazelles.

worryingly Ian Miles Chong has released a statement in support of her

God forbid people on that side voice support for someone on our side! cant have that association!

Or maybe it's just principled support of a fellow creator.

Personally I think Chong can be incredibly duplicitous but the purity testing has gone too far here.


These people act like "Well she received criticism" as if criticism is the worst possible thing that can happen to a person. And that the criticism is always valid and useful.


Top examples of all time great non binary bruhs:

Jim Sterling Zoe Quinn

lmao is jim sterling claiming non binary status now? I guess if you dont see your own dick for 20 years you start to doubt its even there

what bad timing. NPR was just talking about how she was going to save youtube from the alt-right

Maybe we should starts branding trannies in their forehead so "passing" no longer is an issue?

It's hard to say whether or not other LeftTubers would get away with the same thing because the likes of Hbomb, Chipman, Kat Blaque, Orchard and Ellis

Lmao Moviebob is a leftist?

Yeah some kind of weird leftist fascist hybrid. And not like how boomers say "Liberals are the real fascists!", like for real

He's not a leftist in the slightest, nor is he really a fascist. He's more like neoliberalism taken to a ridiculous extreme.

You can't really fit Movieblob onto a political compass, he's too fat for that.

But really he's just a super weird hybrid, he's a lib (mostly socially) with maybe some social policies for people he thinks deserve them, he has fairly strong ancap tendencies like his hatred for poors, working class, uneducated people, and he's authoritarian as shit.

Honestly he's probably closer to an ancap than leftist when you look at tweets like this

Honestly he's probably closer to an ancap than leftist when you look at tweets like this

That's really not at odds with what i just said

One of the most retarded ones, but yes. He likes to post his leftist technocracy fantasies, and assumes he'd be part of the ruling class, like every leftist.


live by cancel culture, die by cancel culture

Wow they're talking a lot about this. Don't they have jobs or social lives?

are they 41%ing eachother or just egging them on? it's so hard to tell which threat is imaginary and which is a delusion

Well the one side isnā€™t actually trans so theyā€™re not 41%ing themselves

do you think anyone that supports trans isn't trans themselves

No just the trenders with dyed hair who claim to be trans