Aznidentity-cels cope about being aggressively cucked in public by Asian women who are with white men

58  2019-09-07 by Legitimate_Baseball


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  1. Aznidentity-cels cope about being a... -,,

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Someone even posted a creepshot of the couple he experienced this with but it seems to have been removed since

Hey YameteOniiChanItai? You should learn how to be less predictable. I mean you’ve been banned several times for posting child porn via .onion links and when you get called you play the oh so predictable “he/she’s fat or dates fat people REEEEEE!” card. Which is more projection on your part. So what are you pretending to be this time? Hungarian again? Romanian? German? Polish? French? Norwegian? Dutch? Irish? Half Asian again?

I remember reading a report from a dating site that said that among Asian women are the most preferred race(black women are the least preferred) and among men white men are the most preferred( East Asian or Indian men if they're considered separately are the least preferred). It was the same in that OKcupid report as well I think.

Must be frustrating for Ricecels in the West.

Imagine being a white incel. They either are super lazy or super deformed.

Or a Manlet.

Even a manlet can date an Asian woman.

True I guess even among manlets you have to be at the lower end to fail.

Tbh I think these guys have too high expectations and aren't willing to lower their standards a bit.

That's definitely part of it, but to be fair their natural dating pool (western white women) has also gotten significantly fatter, lazier and more "empowered" (read: entitled) in recent years, which I think is a major driver of the white incel thirst for Asian women. There is a noticeable gender disparity in how the blame is assigned in the modern dating market. People are quick to recognize and point out how incels are fat loser neckbeards who don't shower and stay inside watching anime all day, which is often true, but they aren't as quick to point out the same underlying laziness and ineptitude manifested in today's women. When have you heard that women should lower their expectations? If the population health data indicates anything, it's that both sexes should be lowering their expectations.


Most Asian men are manlets and they date Asian women. So yes.

The thing is that a white manlet is still big for Asian standards.

I literally know a hapa (french-chinese or smth) dude who has a pretty, blonde, blue-eyed white girlfriend. Difference is that he goes to the gym, has a decent personality and isn't a whiny lil bitch.

A shitload of asian men dont have personalities. I think thats the biggest factor right there.

Currycels atleast have mommy and daddy finding gfs 4 them

it's because of lifestyle immigrant parents put them in, all school and nothing else. This is find for girls as they'll always be desired, but for men it can be a problem

A shitload of asian men dont have personalities.

The problem with today's generation of Asian men is that they value the aspects of traditional masculinity that are not attractive to women, but lack all the aspects of masculinity that are attractive to women.

To give a short example that gets straight to the point: They think women should make them a sandwich, but are too afraid to actually tell them so.

You put it perfectly here. No amount of representation in the form of celebrities and actors will change that despite what aznidentitycels think. This makes way more sense than the other comment since we're talking about Asian Americans here, and Middle Easterners do fairly well in the west despite being "worse" about equality.

A lot of Asians are first generation immigrants. So it still kinda matters to them how Asian men in Asia acted.

Also middle eastern men don't really do well in the west. On tinder, middle eastern and Indian men are just as avoided as Asians. They are just lucky that their religion makes it illegal to date someone who is not a Muslim. But on tinder, this does not matter, so they do bad.

Middle eastern men(Turks, North Africans, Iranians, sometimes Arabs) typically do well since a lot of them are into attractively masculine pursuits. Maybe not on Tinder, but irl for sure they do fine.

Also I'd argue the "policy" has less to do with worries over future husband material and more to do with what they find physically attractive, similar to what black guys think of black women. The stereotype of the yellow fever mayo is someone else that struck out on white women so he wanted a submissive unquestioning Asian bride.

there are Asian women who have no asian policy though, which is fucked up. As logn as you're not in the bottom 5% of men, you can find a girl with time regardless of race.

genghis fucking khan is the master chad and he was asian, pipping bitches left and right

foids gonna foid

there are Asian women who have no Asian policy though, which is fucked up.

  1. There are more than 1bio Asian women in the world. I would be more impressed if you could name one (at least somehow realistic) policy which not at least 1mio Asian women have.

  2. Do you know what is also fucked up? How women are treated in most non-western countries. Just because east Asia is better than Arab countries and because western women complain a lot how hard it is to be a white woman in the west, we often falsely assume that there is no huge difference between East Asia and the west.

    I know some Chinese people in the west and they still have contact to friends in China. Half the freshly married young women in China have suicidal thoughts because their husbands are so terrible. Not that they are all violent. But they are so completely useless, lazy and lack direction. And they still through a tantrum like a toddler if she does not pretend he is the boss. And yes, sometimes they actually are also violent. It gets worse when they get a baby. Now, the mother of the husband moves in and watches that the mother does well. It is hell. Two out of 50 women in the high school class of my Chinese female friend already committed suicide. At least half of the women are depressed about their marriage.

    Now imagine you are a young woman with a big Asian family, and all your uncles and male cousins are like this. And all your female relatives are deeply unhappy. This is the starting point. This is the reason why "so many" Asian women have a no Asian policy.

Of course, it is still unfair. But at the same time, a woman's dating policy literally does not mean anything. All you have to do is to be handsome and make her fall in love with you. It is not like her policy is legally binding.

there are Asian women who have no asian policy though, which is fucked up.


Last time i was on azn identity i saw a post where an asiancel was showing off a pic of a bottle blond asian chick that he was using for target practice.

Gotta love that race based reddit admin management

They have a lot of hateful stuff. They also call white men pinkos and every second post is about WMAF.

Ironically this what you post about all the damn time in your alt along with doing damage control after being outed for posting real child porn.

Imagine living your life thinking people only date each other to specifically remind you that you're an incel.

i mean that's what i do

for serious

Have you tried bussy?


Standard incel behavior is to assume any eye contact for any period of time is a judgmental stare. It really fucks with them when you explain that people naturally react to something looking at them by looking right back and that it is mostly a reflex and the other person usually barely thinks about you.


If his story is true, that dude was definitely fixated on the other couple and they noticed it.

Holly shit! This could be in the wiki article for projection.

He even admits that this WMAF couple ruined his day for simply being in the same restaurant, but somehow THEY think that THEIR relationship is now invalid because he was in the same restaurant with a white woman.

This is literally that 4chan meme where two people cross paths, one guys says "hello, how are you?" and the other stutters "f f fine." and later he goes online and posts a long rant.

I really thought about making this with the Asian guy and a wmaf couple. But with my skills this would take hours.

So basically:

"I stare at people simply because of their race. I also judge them. I do this very often. Sometimes they stare back at me. I can totally tell that they stare at me because of my race and they judge me, those fucking rude assholes!!!"

Man, American asians are such a meme. I live in China and whenever I tell guys here that my missus is Chinese, they always react by saying it's cool and it makes senSe because western women are awful.

You suck at hiding who you really are

This man is a pedophile who’s used the names YameteOniichanItai(deleted after posting Lolicon porn), BigTiddyAnimeWaifu(deleted after posting Lolicon porn), WatermelonMcNuggets(suspended for admitting he liked masturbating to underage girls on Instagram), EasternMaybe(inactive), Shortcakespecial, LolIsDaiSukI(suspended), CorgieOwner711(suspended), strawberryspoongecake(suspended for possibly posting child porn) accidentialmagic , LargeNosedMan, LegalShota(suspended), TheSadlstKingOfTypos(a parody of my username, suspended for harassment and sexualization of minors), Corgitwiggle, 10pep(suspended after posting an underage girl to Jizzedtothis), recently he has switched to a formerly dormant alt account called ExcitabIeBoy(now dormant again), he abandoned the account named TwinkPornAlt and has began using this new account called 87612386 while simultaneously using an account called Legitimate_Baseball. This man is a sick fuck. He also was banned for describing wanting to rape a 10 year old girl as part of a “big brother/little sister” rape fantasy of his on /r/justneckbeardthings. Recently he has taken to harassing people on Reddit who call him out as well as doubling down on why his pedophilia and mild hebephilia should be viewed as a legitimate orientation and anyone who doesn’t agree with him is automatically a bigot or a troll or an alt. Also LGLL26(suspended) and CoupeMaster(also suspended) might be one of his alts as well and PRs4MyWaifu is a fake alt he gave. He’s expressed interest in having “cute half Asian daughters but no boys because they have mental problems” which might be a front for saying he wants daughters so he can live out his fantasy of raping “real life lolis” as he doesn’t have much interest in boys though he did say he likes “twink” underage boys and finds their bodies very attractive. This person has also admitted to keeping a photo album full of pictures of children that he masturbates too and has mentioned using sunglasses to hide the fact that he enjoys leering at little girls. He’s also expressed his interest in traveling to Asian countries where trafficking underage children is very common. If you actually know this man and you have children it is ill advised to continue associating with him. Another development is that he’s recently expressed his interest in adopting a little girl to “raise and adore” as he put it, I don’t think I have to tell you what he really intends. There’s also a good chance he may have fled his home country of Hungary and gone to Switzerland or Sweden to escape a rape charge involving an underage girl, not a “legal but underage” girl but one who was too young. Take the last few parts with a grain of salt as this guy routinely lies about where he is from and has lied about his ethnicity as well. He also routinely lies about his health and weight as well, he is either obese or “scrawny.” This isn’t me going after someone for thought crimes, he fully intends to offend one day if he hasn’t already by this point. I’d also like to add that if you happen to know an Asian woman(possibly East Asian, Chinese, Korean or Japanese) attending school in Hungary or Sweden or Switzerland, between the ages of 18 and 26, standing at 4’10 to 5’3 please reach out to her immediately. This man has expressed his “interests” in capturing the quote “real life loli and doing so many fun things with her little loli body.” This man is dangerous so please if you know anyone in the countries mentioned who fits this description please tell her to be on her guard at all times. Also if you’re an Asian woman keep in mind he’s directly said that your entire race’s purpose is to “serve as perfect substitutes for pedophiles and hebephiles.” Another recent development regarding this subhuman cyst: he has started fabricating stories about himself being the victim of sexual assault at the age of 10 at the hands of an alleged aunt. This is a bogus claim as the “scenario” he described is the same scenario he previously described as wanting to act out with a 10-year old girl, namely this girl crying while he told her “Let uncle enjoy your cute loli body.” So he’s an even bigger piece of shit now that he’s added false rape/abuse/molestation claims to his scum resume.

Also here’s a helpful link for anyone seeing this

There’s also a little link here to a story he wanted to write

Along with the post he made about wanting to adopt a little girl(will edit if he deletes but I have the screenshot)

He has biastophilic urges as well

And here he is once again proving he wants to rape whatever unfortunate child he adopts

Him admitting to having a folder of little girls’ swimsuit pictures

He slipped up here

His creepy loli infatuation plus racism towards Asian men(and hatred of himself as he hates being White and hates White women but wants Half White Daughters) and need to send his sexual fantasies and delusions to anyone and everyone.

Ironically this guy claims he’s nice and “respects the wahmenz” but then randomly follows women around Reddit sending them shit like this. In addition to accusing people of the exact same shit he does himself.

Furthermore, it appears this future Chinese wife is actually fictional to some degree considering she’s actually a Japanese fuck-pillow

Update: On his account TheSadlstKingOfTypos(the parody of my account) he let it slip that he likes slim women due to a medical disorder he has, it’s commonly referred to as “micro penis.” What does this have to do with his love of small women and young girls aged 10 to 14 along with his fetish for incestous rape? Well he feels that despite his penis size being closer to that an adult woman’s small clitoris he would be able to a achieve penetration with a small adult woman or a small child.

Yet another update: he’s now saying he is in Romania and goes on to further confirm that his sole reason for being attracted to his “totally real future Chinese murder/rape victim-I mean wife” is because she looks like she’s 12-years old. If you’re trying to convince people you’re not a pedophile/hebephile, maybe don’t act like one.

Edit: he really sucks at being subtle and is a terrible liar

He’s now claiming to be bisexual

Update: May actually be a resident of South Bend, Indiana as he claimed to be a Notre Dame student. I should also add that this person has been known to post or PM .onion links to people so careful clicking on any links he sends. Although not clicking them all together is a smarter choice. I’d also like to point out that if you’re an Asian woman or Asian man you might want to refrain for mentioning it to this man, if you’re a woman he he will harass you and constantly ask you if you have a “sexy little loli body” and may even ask for nudes. If you’re a man he’ll still harass you and claim that you aren’t a real man because you are Asian. Also if any of you post on Cringetopia, justneckbeardthings, justlegbeardthings, PedoLogic, unpopularopinion, BotchedSurgeries or any NSFW sub’s dedicated to asses or boobs or Hitomi Tanaka he’ll automatically assume that you are me because I post in those subs.

Update: He seems to slipping up regarding the height of the Chinese girl he supposedly friends with. First he says she’s 4’11 then he says she’s 4’10.