ProTip: Don’t support the mayocide in front of your mayo manager

33  2019-09-07 by Ghdust2


Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. ProTip: Don’t support the mayocide ... -,

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Inc conservative free speech warriors saying how freedom of speech applies to the private sector in 3...2...1...

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, sweatie.

lol I would love to see a single instance of any human on Earth putting forth the proposition "you should be able to call your boss a racial slur and not get fired". That is a universal principle.

Actually my guess would be the only people who think you shouldn't be fired for calling your white boss a racial slur are leftards.

You're missing the point. Conservatives pretend to be free speech absolutists, right up until something like this.

They seem to be under the impression the private sector is obligated to allow free speech, no matter what, which is why they constantly whine about social media.

Well when you're right, you're right. The conservatives are for using the government to force the various social media companies to be politically neutral. That's not a particularly good look, but it pales in comparison to the entire left, if not openly advocating, then supporting the world's largest corporations having a secret regime of censorship.

So by all means lol at the rightoids.

I favor the free market. Companies have a right to control their own platforms.

I think the market should be regulated. I don't think Twitter should be allowed to dump raw sewage into the rivers.

Yeah, the government has an obligation to make sure companies aren't harming people, such as via pollution.

The government has no obligation to let conservatives spam the N word on their platform.

I think the government has an obligation to permanently remove people from the Internet who use the phrase "the N-word"

I don't drop hard Rs unless I'm speaking to a black.

Lots of black dudes in Ocala? I only breezed through it. I did see a bear in the woods by there though.

I don't live in Ocala. But, I grew up fairly poor and lived in more than 1 ghetto for a while until things got better.

I went to 85% black schools a few times. This is why I have such a different view of race relations than your run of the mill reddit liberal.

Because I learned that as a survival tactic.

What's your EDC, pizza? I carry a 9mm when I take walks near the woods at night.

The only gun I carried (when I did) was a 357 my dad had left me.

That's based. In Idaho all of my lefty friends shoot, tbh they're the only ones I can stand.

I started shooting when I was 7 or 8. My dad owned a lot of guns. But he'd always let me hold them, shoot them, etc. And he was always very clear in explaining how dangerous they were and why I should never touch them unless he was around.

Which, if more parents took that approach, you could probably prevent a lot of accidental shootings.

Which, if more parents took that approach, you could probably prevent a lot of accidental shootings.

You're not wrong pizza.

Holy shit the cope is dense it might combust into a black hole

What exactly am I coping with?

Why do I have to tell you? You already know

Enlighten me, be specific. What is it I am trying to cope with?

You put the comment. go read over it again but read it in a dale gribble voice then come back to me.

Weird, so this is now the 6th time I've had this argument, and you guys can never actually be specific.

Conservatives pretend to be free speech absolutists, right up until something like this.

No, I'm good with this, too. Brutha-man should be able to look his boss in the face and say, "I don't wanna say you're a cracka, but you are what you eat and all I ever see you gobbling up are saltines." Then his boss should be able able to respond in kind, leading to a fist fight, after which everyone makes up and goes to have a beer. That's the way we used to handle things before society decided it wanted everyone to be a limp-wristed doormat.

What's the story behind this? I don't follow fagball

Antonio Brown called his coach a cracker