Fucking class

50  2019-09-07 by serialflamingo


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Fucking class - archive.org, archive.today

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Up the RA: Irish Republican phrase of support or encouragement of the Provisional Irish Republican Army


Irish Republican Army: The Irish Republican Army is one of the most recent Nationalist groups fighting to oust the brutal and murderous 833 year occupation of Ireland by British imperialists. In 1172 the English used deceit to trick their way into getting their Army into a land of priests ans scholars. Since that time, they have outlawed the Irish language, culture, laws, music, and even the colour green upon pain of death. The IRA had, until recently, protected innocent civilians from loyalist paramilitary death squads and british agents. The Provisional IRA are currently seeking diplomatic means to bring about a power sharing government in Northern Ireland, a region of six counties still under british rule.

Anti english, irish nationalists?

is this the famous American geography knowledge

Jesus Christ this place is filled with retarded Zoomers.

because I don't understand Irish Nationalist history? Who da fuck knows that shit?

My brothers are 100 % Zoomer and even they knew what the IRA is.

The IRA is pretty fucking famous, they were setting off carbombs in the 90s


car bombs

OKAY so I do vaguely remember something like this when I was a kid but that's all I know. Irish hobgoblins basically never do anything noteworthy so I'm not surprised this is all I know of it.

Imagine being genuinely proud of being historically illiterate to the extent you try and scold people for correcting your illiterate takes.

The Anglo Menace can not be stopped quickly enough.

Why would I even need to know that though? They're so irrelevant to modern politics. They haven't done anything since I was a kid. They weren't an overly big thing as far as a web search tells me. I'm not proud of it but you're acting like a country the size of my ass crack filled with subhumans has any relevance to the real world.

Obese and fatpilled

hobgoblin confirmed

Literally not even pretending they aren't an obese golem.

This is what you're expected to be, dont be as pathetic as this creature.

Lmao youre so stupid you think that history doesnt have any impact on politics. Living history at that. I hope im getting trolled

Your irish seethe is showing

Im a mayo american, and not a st paddies day mayo either. The irish are scum, and the british are worse. But the troubles were a big fucking deal

You thing that a rebel faction in the UK has no bearing on modern history? When fucking the Irish up has been a staple of British (and therefore world) history? Holy shit.

Nobody cares

They weren't an overly big thing as far as a web search tells me

> The IRA weren't an overly big thing.

They're so irrelevant to modern politics.

You comment this in a thread about an article that shows that they are not irrelevant.

They're so irrelevant to modern politics

Both Sinn Fein and DUP sit in Parliament right now, the latter is in the majority government with the Conservatives

OKAY so I do vaguely remember something like this when I was a kid but that's all I know.

Lets sum this up:

You: "I have no idea what IRA is!"

A guy: "You are a retarded zoomer!"

You: "Because I do not know about IRA?"

A guy: "Yes, they are very famous for carbombs in the 90s"

You: "But I am a retarded zoomer, so I was a kid in the 90s and I am also too stupid to just google it."

Look, when I was a fetus the only issue I cared about was abortion

You're surprised when zoomers are people who literally think Chernobyl is just a TV series?

a land of priests and scholars

Hibernian cope has reached new levels

The inherent contradictions of the Anglo are close to bringing their downfall.

How embarrassing

The most baffling part of this is that America is like the one country that supports the IRA more than the actual Irish, and yet you still are clueless.

The Provisional IRA doesn't exist any more. These chants might as well be for the original IRA they're no less defunct.

Are you straight retarded

This is r/drama, what did you expect?

Who live in Scotland.

What are the "paedo" chants referencing?

Grade A C O P E from the Prince Andrew cocksuckers.

i wonder if prince andrew has a prince albert to help him keep his dicklet locked up

Yeah Prince Andrew totally outweighs centuries of fucking choirboys.

Catholic Church scandal since republicans are (almost) all catholics.

Cops confirmed a man had been nicked

Imagine being a mick and stanning for the british

Fucking disgusting.

Are you a mutt or a seething potato cell

A lot of the population of Northern Ireland are British people who colonized the area hundreds of years ago. They still consider themselves British rather than Irish. It all makes sense once you realize the troubles is an ethnonationalist conflict.

So they are literal colonizers? 😠

*imagine being a mick ___________

Let the English have their Brexit, form the Celtic union, then invade England.

Shhh 🦁 🗡 🦄 🐲

The ol' Irish bussystop

They'll never expect it

Then re-establish a Jacobite Monarchy

Jacob Rees-Moggite Monarchy

Yeah because Ireland and Scotland have such a strong record against England.

That was when England was still a country though rather than a memeland where you're not allowed to defend your daughters from Islamic rape gangs nor own a butterknife. It's ripe for the taking!

The knife and firearm laws of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland are all pretty similar.

Only Northern Ireland has firearm laws closer to American style. And the type of people in NI who legally own firearms tend to vocally support the Union.

Sounds a lot like anglo cope to me tbh. Besides, the coming Celtic Union would promise it's new subjects reentry into the EU so it can recruit from within your own country. I wonder how the anglos are gonna feel when Ireland's tiny president gets prima nocta on your women, it's a long time coming.

Loyalists can fucking die

They should be forcibly encouraged to do so

Tranny cope

Terrorwave intensifies

>Supporting ginger ISIS

Pretty cringe tbh.

being a furry


Lmao gottem


Nah, proclaiming your fetish as being related to birds is very relatable.

>Supporting ginger ISIS

>Not even ginger

Imagine being a wannabe ginger...

Chucky are la

Uh huh.

You're pretending this isn't exactly my perspective.

> defending the Irish on reddit


tfw you get to see the troubles happen again

I also base all my political opinions on Wolfetones songs.

Radical centrism= all Belfast murals look like shit

New Republicans are all trannies and chapos

lmao at this cope of any sort of respect for these 3rd world shitholes that couldn't last a day without England's welfare