Foid writes thesis-long copypasta about how she’s totally not crazy for getting married to a vidya character.

107  2019-09-08 by Ghdust2


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Foid writes thesis-long copypasta a... -,,

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I'm going to start a company that markets itself as a top-of-the-line hardware/software setup for simulating waifu love, but when you unpack the box at home, it's just a treadmill and weight set.

The psychological and emotional damages that rises in the wake of poly is immense. And I used to work as an apprentice to a psychologist so I know a thing or two and have seen the damage first hand, in real people, working with him briefly as a trauma group therapy counselor.


"I used to work as an apprentice to a psychologist" is about as meaningful as "I'm studying pre-law so you better not test me."

"I brought lattes to my own shrink"

Five huh? That's rather easy ;)

1.) He is an OP superhuman cyborg. Phenomenal strength, speed, agility, and endurance, not to mention advanced senses. he can channel and generate lightning when he so desires, as long as his energy isnt depleted.

2.) He hates sports, and considers himself more into arts, cinema, culture and sol performance as a swords-master. "A self affirmed: "Sensitive artsy cyborg type."....and a huge movie buff. he's also a trained hunter, tracker, and self taught with the blade in Kenjutsu.

3.) His name means "Thunder and Lightning" and his other name, Jack, means "Grace of God". Both absolutely appropriate.

4.) He was given the nickname, "Jack the Ripper" due to his exceptional skill a trained killer during childhood, with a knife.

5.) He is the weapon to surpass Metal Gear. Those of you who know Metal Gear Canon know what I am talking about ;)

6.) BONUS: He's not only badass, hes also a deep feeler. Kick ass yet has deep emotions. I fucking love him with all my heart, he's my soulmate in every sense of the word. I have more in common with him than I ever had with anyone, living or dead.

This is like a 14 year old neckbeard's idea of "the ideal man." I love this. This is great.

This has to be a legit mental disorder right

They belong to a sub somehow worse than r/tulpas so yes

It reminds me of a Snallypost from a while ago about some chick who thought they had some spiritual connection with... forgive me for not being a wandshitter and knowing the name... Alan Rickman's character in the Harry Potter movies. There's a whole community of HP tulpa-wielders that are in her menagerie of the most interesting humans.

I'm sure she could explain it way better, but I'd just say that there are a certain few people who just don't understand the difference between fiction and reality, like ChrisChan. This is how the whole UFO bullshit thing got started in the 1950s. These people watched a movie or read a book and then they would turn around and immediately claim that they had actually experienced the same thing.

Some form of underdevelopment sure.

She finds former child soldiers hot huh? Interesting.

Wait until she finds out about Eastern Congo.

Are they white skinned weebs

Is this describing master lols

How crazy does this foid have to be to have an imaginary boyfriend

No only that, she actually got a wedding for his husbando and is discussing the consent of fictional Characters

That sub is legendary lmao

Holy fuck

Yeah I really couldn’t find words for that, either. I don’t think I’ll watch spongebob the same way again.

Thanks for the nightmares

Anatomically correct


both that commented and the OP of that thread have fresh accounts with minuscule karma and a really similar writing style so they’re obviously the same person

Drama op is even more retarded than the lolcows

Polyamory? Jeez. Slow down there, lady, and focus on getting a single non-fictional person to love you romantically.

I love how that garbage post only got made because she got triggered by anti poly shit also how are you anti poly when you're married to a character that has a wife and kid

cracks knuckles

Oh lord have mercy on this foid soul

I came here to dispel myths about poly, not get into a contest into who’s opinion matters more.

Fuck burgers and their unending rape of the spelling of the English language.

Poliamory is more like having more than one cake because you like more than one flavor, and can’t pick a favorite! Instead of wasting time trying to find a cake that satisfies all your tastes [...] you just have more than one!

Why do I feel this user sees eating more than one cake as a solution to many of her problems?

Also, every time she uses an exclamation point I feel like I’m with a mad woman talking too fast with her eyes a little bit too widened. She’s trying to say “why don’t you do what I do? It’s SO EASY!!!” While my mind is thinking about how to get out of the conversation without getting stabbed with a fork.

ooh boy there is a lot to unpack here!

Every time

my heart can be at 200%, 300% and beyond!

That’s not love honey, that’s cardiomegaly. Put down the two or three cakes and it will get better.

Finally, a sub to match the degeneracy of r/MensLib

What are these people talking about? Are they talking about cartoons?


What has to go wrong in your life for you to end up like this?


And sometimes, I'm even sure they're communicating with me somehow, through their sources, or a song that reminds me of them, or anything like that.

Literally a symptom of schizophrenia.

Hmmm. You're not down with poly but you want to fuck somebody who is already married and has a kid. Logic. Not even once.

Leave my man Raiden alone smh. My mans been through enough