If Germany atoned for the Holocaust, the US can pay reparations for slavery

27  2019-09-08 by jster11


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. If Germany atoned for the Holocaust... - archive.org, archive.today

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I agree.

I would genuinely support reparations if it came in the form of social and infrastructure projects for black communities. Creating a black people neetbux system would literally do shit all and it would probably amount to like, 200 dollars per black person and a few random odd "whites".

Oh I don’t have any idea how to implement reparations but it makes me feel good inside discussing what is best for others.

Same dude. :)

Two tickets to black panther on the IMAX and a week of free diabities medicine.

The neetbux solution would create a far larger shitshow. The hype around reparations getting deflated by the reality of a $50-200 check would be legendary.

should just build infrastructure in general really shits falling apart over there

Infrastructure projects require funds which requires taxes which is commie shit, fucking libtard.

White people already created social and infrastructure projects for black communities. They're called cities, and every single one of them has been ruined once handed over.

Imagine not being a good investor and remaking your (((white))) share of reparations back 100-fold by strategically placed weed, rims, chicken, koolaid, and hi-point investments. Mayos and their money are soon parted, as always.

(((reiter))) this has to be just another coincidence and isn't at all a pattern of behavior

Cut the check white boi

You think burgers have money that shits for the military

I support a free plane ticket to Africa for every descendant of slaves in America

It's inhumane to subject them to the evil of white people.

Didn’t the US give them an entire country in Africa? And those that went there promptly enslaved the local population.

monkey see monkey do

That’s pretty racist.

And that's a good thing.

racism implies I was talking about people?


ah liberia, home of naked cannibal warlords

tbf it seems pretty american

just to be safe I would extend this to all african americans high yellow or darker

Contrary to the headline, This article literally offered 0 solutions. It feels good to be pro reparations, but literally no one has any solid policy that will fix anything.

I say we do a lottery and pick 10 random black people and give them $50 billion each and then make it a reality tv show.

Whether you’re on the left or the right, this is a smart plan we can all support.

Isn't that what the music industry does?

Lol I think jay and Beyoncé may be the only black artists to become billionaires

Diddy is a billionaire as well.

Kanye too

Kanye is def not a billionaire, he's retarded with his money, if it wasn't for Kim's money he'd have declared bankruptcy

Dr Dre too

What white artists became billionaires?

Billy ray

Music and sports are modern day minstrel shows.

This already exists. It's called welfare and government subsidized housing.

And Germany shouldn't have paid a mark.

Shouldn't be England the one paying?

The Dutch owe blacks so much

black americans already got paid reparations like 50 times over through welfare, suck it up blackies

As a german, get ready to pay reparations, italian fucks. Also I got some spanish, so arabs and jews fork that shit up

also my grandpa was shot in korea, so all asians owe me

god I hope the left hitches their wagon to this before the election