A furry convention may end their official sponsorship with the Boston Police Department because ACAB, and cartoon animal avatars have a serious political discussion in the replies. Welcome to peak 2019.

112  2019-09-08 by KaaraRaven


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. A furry convention may end their of... - archive.org, archive.today

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ACAB but they’re better than furries

Unless there’s cops that are also furries

Then I hope Allah punishes them for all eternity

stawp. paws in the air. ur under awwest uwu

Why the fuck were they sponsoring them in the first place i thought most furries were LGBTP+

They were sponsoring the police dogs

Oh the things they wanna fuck

i wonder if pupperfuckers have profession based fetishes like normies do? like they specifically like puppers that are cops, nurses etc

I can't answer that at the moment, but I know what I'm researching tonight

Wait what's the P stand for?


Please tell me you're kidding


He is. Furrys are mostly pedos tho.

IDK Furry conventions have a reputation for being disasters I could see them wanting to have a good relations for when the police get called on them.

There are plenty of charities that contribute to the safety and welfare of animals that don't simultaneously support organizations that endanger Boston citizens.

Ironic. Considering must furries I assume abuse and fuck thier pets.

Animals consent by default, it's not abuse.


Please don't spread missinformation like that. People that fuck their pets are called zoophiles and not furries. I am a furry and all i do is graffiti art and crafts.

You realize every single post you've ever made us about how you're a furry?

I don't see how this is relevant for me being blindly accused to be a zoophile.

They said most. Sounds like you're being defensive.. got something to hide? It's not normal to open every comment with an admission of your fetish

That's preposterous, just because you defend something doesn't mean you engage with it. I'm into milf foot stuff by the way, and that's my entire personality.


" So from what I see, this org doesn't support COPS per se, it supports the LIVES of the cop DOGS. All the anti-cop furs that are somehow influencing this piss-poor decision need to go sit down somewhere, and think about why they call themselves a "furry". Poor decision "


True on so many levels just not in the way they meant it.

cops bad, worse than other professions

I work in health insurance, verifying benefits...Do all I can for ma patients

This furry is actually worse than cops and he can’t see it. If you are in healthcare and not patient care, you aren’t too innocent. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, just don’t throw stones.

I mean... Fair enough? something something free market something chooses naturally something.


People whining about the police protecting the parade from heteroqueer dangerhairs who think throwing a molotov is "peaceful protest" make my eyes roll out of my head and scramble away across the floor.

One of those rare instances where it actually would be a first amendment issue if the cops didn't otherwise.

furries reproduce by rapping cats and dogs

Furries reproduce

How horrifying


All furries are bastards

I prefer my sissy twinks to be of legal age.

Do you count as a furry? I thought birds don't have fur

Idk honestly. Most people seem to think so. :<

I wonder why 🤔

Techically a feather is just a bunch of hair stick on one massive one.

They added their pronouns in their signature at the bottom

I'm out of reactions at this point

Bazil Remblai is the exact kind of name I'd expect to find next to listed pronouns.

the cops enslave the furries wives, husbands, and loved ones. and those are the ones lucky enough to be part of the force, cops usually shoot dogs for a paid vacation. why would any furry want to support the people that kill their soulmates?

I can't take anybody seriously with a cartoon dog as their avatar.

Furries deserve oppression

What is ACAB and also while i know people are against the straight pride parade why are people mad at the police for doing there job and protecting the parade against counter protest , were the police supposed to just let a riot happen or something?

Every day I lose more hope in humanity. Thanks OP. Modernity is a plague.

Holy shit

Every single one in that thread if a fucking furry.

Every 👏 Single 👏 One has a furry avatar.

There's not even a single fucking weeb in sight

Someone needs to call animal control on that thread