Jews discusses the (messianic) Jewish question

29  2019-09-08 by Peetrius


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Jews discusses the (messianic) Jewi... -,,

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Messianic "Judaism" is just cosplay Christianity.



Messianic Jews are just Christians coping with the fact that Jews are better than them.

Actual cope, not meme cope.

jews can't play sports

Ah yes, Sandy Koufax and Mark Spitz are well-known for being bad at sports.

not exactly household names these days.

GOATs don't stop being GOATs just because Zoomers think the world came into existence in 2008.

I bet most, if not many teenagers could recognize babe ruth or wilt chamberlain. Those old kikes? I doubt it.

If we're judging athletic ability based on "Whose name do literal children recognize?", "Macho Man" Randy Savage probably has Ruth and Chamberlain beat by a mile.

And as always, the cream will rise to the top.


they are stealing what isn't theirs. It's cultural appropriation

Listen to (((this))) fucking guy.

Best way to hide is out in the open.